

Jovial and goal oriented

Who Am I To Judge?

Who Am I To Judge?

The social media space is a world on it own, filled with different characters playing their parts to make it a fun place but some times, it could go south because of some…

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Let's Grow

Let's Grow

Growth is constant and as such we ought to grow. I was taught in school decades back and this explanation sticks to my brain freshly till date, my teacher told me and I confirmed…

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A Little Piece To Live

A Little Piece To Live

Life they say " doesn't have a manual" but at the same time we learn from our mistakes as well as other people's. I really do understand that we all have different fate and…

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A Heavy Secret

A Heavy Secret

Hello there, so, I will say I would rather be called a "Secret Keeper" because I respect people's secret as much as I respect my own self. I think being confided on by someone…

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A Perfect Revenge

A Perfect Revenge

Hello there, so somehow, due to how our exs left us hanging, we just need a revenge, maybe that will help make us feel better, yes! I won't lie, somehow I do feel this way…

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