Empowering the Next Generation
Looking at myself, it still feels strange that I'm already at the age I am. I mean, it seems like a few days ago when I was quite young and looked up to others for most of my…
Undergraduate: counsellor in trainee-tailor-lover of gospel and novels
Looking at myself, it still feels strange that I'm already at the age I am. I mean, it seems like a few days ago when I was quite young and looked up to others for most of my…
Low self-esteem is a condition where one thinks less about themselves, which leads to different things such as self-doubt, worthlessness, lack of confidence, mental health…
All days of the week is unique , some have a particular event or something attached to it. An individual might love a particular day of the week, probably there is something that…
It almost two weeks now that I started my practicum (it's just like an internship course), usually the practicum is observed for six weeks but it…
I am glad I could write on this week topic, seeing the topic I was like can I do this for real because I am exhausted.... It has been a while here though... I started my exams…
My Country! My Pride! My Home! We are blessed with the beauty of nature and surrounded by raw materials which is enough to use and give to other countries. We are a chosen…
The air is fresh and cool, The birds are chirping, The morning sun is slowly rising, as the sun continues to rise, it cast's its light upon the I can sense it from my window.…
I had noticed something in our today society,many youth are wandering about,their action and inability to make right decisions is hunting them,and I'm well assured that you also…
Hello my fellow Hiveian, Trust we are doing good. Last week was so stressful,lovely and kinda annoying. And I will like to share with you. I started my week with a positive…
THE LIGHT AHEAD OF MY FAILURE Good day my fellow hiveian I would like to share with you my opinion about a particular topic which says "Blessings in disguise"…