Creating wealth for myself is something I dread so much. I want to be part of the best not the "BEST" because I know that no matter what I do there is always someone better than me and someone I'm better than. You know, life just keeps demanding from us on a daily basis and sometimes it demands more than we can give but then we don't have any other option most times so we just have to give it what it wants.

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Giving life what it wants from us all the time can be so hard, it hardly ever feels easy but with time if we are lucky, we get use to it that we even become worried when some things go too easy for us. In as much as we all want the best life for ourselves, there are some things that we can never beat and one of them is time. Time is one of the most precious assets to man but funny enough, that's the asset that is most misused.

Most times we easily forget the importance and value of time to us that we just choose to keep procrastinating about so many things because we believe there will be tomorrow to make amends. Sadly not everyone gets lucky to make amends before they loss time forever. If there is one thing that I think is most important to me right now, it will be using my time judiciously daily!.

Every new day is a present given to us and it is left for us to make the most of it. Sometimes we get easily carried away by material things that won't even last us for a week not to mention a lifetime. We keep struggling on a daily basis to make hands meet so we can support not just ourselves but also those who we love and even those we don't know. And in the course of meeting up with so many things, we end up delving into somethings that we shouldn't.

The worst part is, we don't just engage in those things that are not good, we also try to make them the things that are good and then turn the actual good thing to the bad thing. You might be wondering what those things are, well they are so many of them like, deception, dishonesty, defrauding eye service and so much more.

So many people now go into business with the wrong idea. The wrong idea in the sense that they have the mind of not being honest in their dealings, never missing any opportunity to defraud their customers and always looking for ways to be deceptive and all of these is just so they can make more profit for themselves.

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Today we hear of so many cases where business men and women are no longer trusted because it's already something widely seen that they are not genuine. And even when you get to find a genuine business person, you still doubt it if such a person really exists. Now so many business firm even sometimes frown at a worker who does things diligently because they feel if such a person is so diligently in his or her ways, it would be really hard for them to make a lot of profit.

It's such a pity because in all of these pursuit to get a better life for ourselves in such a way, we forget that one day we are going to leave the surface of the earth and it is just our deeds that would be remembered. Now you want to ask yourself if the legacy you are building is something people will be proud to talk about in time to come. We know that the times are hard but then I do know that things will have been a lot better if we stop making some compromises.

You have time today but then the question is what are you using your time for? Are you using it to cause harm to others because you think they are not you? Or are you trying to do the things that would benefit you even after this life? Make wealth for yourself but don't do that at the detriment of another person intentionally. And always remember to value the time you are given and don't hesitate to be thankful when you should be and also don't hesitate to say sorry when you should because life is indeed short.

Until next time, do stay AWESOME and JIGGY!!!

Images was designed using canva


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 184 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!


We should always value our time and be grateful for whatever we are blessed. Very thoughtful post.


That's right, thank you so much for the compliment 🥰 and also for stopping by


And this is why this Time waits for no one. It just keep ticking. Its left for us to start valuing it, doing the right things at the right time and making the most valuable things out of time. Thank you for this thinking of thoughts 💭 Best of the new week.


Thank you so much for your beautiful remark, I'm honored! And thank you so much for your thoughtful contribution too 🤗


i am a bit guilty of wasting so much time. time that i could have spent on more productive ways.


What matters now is you've realized there are many other important things that are worth your time, now give them the attention that is needed.

All the best friend 🥰
