Everyday Objects | 6 | Brushes



Why do I make it so difficult for myself with these everyday objects?

This time the shooting was not too bad, but what the hell are you going to write about brushes? And then also write something that is interesting? Not everyone will be interested in the differences that can be found in brushes. It's a simple fact, each brush consists of bristles, a bush that holds the bristles and a handle to hold it.

Most people will be aware that there are differences in the hairs that are used, in the shape of the brush, and in the applications for which you can use them. But I actually assume that a very select group of people are interested in it. Maybe I'm wrong, and I'm thinking too much for other people here again. I do not know.

But the fact is that I'm seriously starting to think that I'm making it way too difficult for myself. LOL.

So just one question. How often do you actually use brushes?

If you answer very fast “NEVER” to this, then I would say think again. Some things that you don't think about when you think of a brush, do use a brush. Many women use one or more make-up brushes every day, nails are painted with a brush ... and there are perhaps more examples to think of.

The biggest differences between the brushes are in the type of hair that is used. Two major differences stand out. You have brushes made of animal hair and synthetic fibers. It is important to know that there is no right or wrong to choose if you want to paint. It is also important to know that no animals are killed for the production of brushes, but the brushes made from animal hair usually come from the food or fur industry. And to be honest ... a brush made from hair from an animal from the fur industry is not possible for me. That just doesn't feel good. That's why I always buy brushes made of synthetic fibers. And hey, because I'm also a professional painter, I certainly don't have to have the most expensive brushes.

Animal hairs or synthetic fibers

Which animal hairs are used to make brushes? Hold on, there are many more than you would have expected. At least I think so! I knew a few of them, but I too was reading with my mouth open and had no idea that camel hair, for example, is also used in brushes. Did you know?

Below is a list of animals whose hair is used to make brushes:

  • Kolinsky, (a species of marten from Siberia)
  • Red Marten (Weasel)
  • Squirrel
  • Badger
  • Polecat
  • Camel
  • Pony
  • Goat
  • Beef
  • Pig

The Kolinsky brush is the most expensive brush on the list. I have seen prices of over 200 euros for a single brush of Kolinsky bristles. And for me that is really more than a step too far.

Food- or Fur Industry

I haven't researched it further, but I suspect that only the brushes that are made from the hair of a Pony, Goat, Cow or Pig come from animals intended for the food industry. Of all the other animals, I suspect they come from hairs of animals destined for the fur industry. And I don't want to use that.

Synthetic fibers for me

To avoid that completely, and not even have to think about it, I choose the brushes that are made with synthetic fibers. And for the latter it works fine. It gives me peace of mind that I don't have to think about it, and that in turn means that I can paint relaxed. That is ultimately the most important thing … that I have a hobby that I enjoy and that I can do in a relaxed way.

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So many brushes out there indeed, I never paid attention to it. Last time I bought brushes was from LIDL, a set of oil and acrylic brushes, even though I only use acrylic now they seemed like decent brushes and it was delivered in a case therefore I decided to get them. I bet there are a lot better quality brushes out there but I assume it's also a bit personal...


I do know that there a lot of quality brushes, and that it can really make a difference. Recently I bought my very first quality brush set for detail work. But the majority of my paintings I have done with cheap brushes from Action. And I honestly feel that it's a fabulous thing to do. Play around with cheap materials while you are learning.

Soon I think I will hunt for filbert brushes on Aliexpress because I want to try those so badly. But because I don't know if I really NEED them, I will go for cheap ones first. Lol


So simple objects, yet so useful for many things, like me that I love to paint.


Ah, the beauty of simple everyday objects ... and yeah, I find them very useful too. I wouldn't be too happy if I needed to paint with my fingers. Although I sometimes do use my fingers too. Lol
