12 Days of Christmas | Daily Dose of Luck


Oh boy, my blogging schedule went completely to shit yesterday. Well, I can't have everything, right? My apologies to my blonde brain, and let's put the blame on my three fussy doggies as well. Seriously, those rascals just wouldn't leave me alone during my blogging adventures. But hey, no worries! Today I'm back in the game, and the silver coin I'm going to share today fits my vibe perfectly. I could use some "Luck". And who wouldn't actually?

Happiness, of course, you make that yourself. Sitting around waiting for happiness to come your way is a recipe for endless Netflix marathons without a moment of happiness. Now we may have Netflix recently, but I'm not really concerned with those endless marathons anyway. And let's be honest, what do I mean by HAPPINESS? Happiness is such a mysterious thing, and it means something different to everyone. Little things can mean happiness, and you can put a smile on your face and feel happy in many ways. But let's not beat around the bush. For many people, the real deal is, and remains, a large supply of money, gold, silver. Financial freedom! The lack of this can hang over your happiness parade like a gigantic rain cloud. And we all understand that. Not having money can hold you back from your wildest dreams. Well, it's better to say that a lack of financial freedom will hold you back in your entire life. Just think about:

Material Needs and Comforts: Money means you don't have to eat dry bread or live in a cardboard box.

Access to Experiences and Opportunities: With a well-stocked wallet you can enjoy travel, learning and all the cool things life has to offer. No money, no fun.

Security and Self-Confidence: Financial independence gives you a good dose of self-confidence and the certainty that you will not fall into the money abyss. No stress, just chill.

Social Comparison: Success with a fat wallet is often the benchmark. People compare themselves and their bank account. Rich = successful = happy. At least kind of.

Autonomy and Freedom of Choice: Money gives you the superpower to make your own choices. Isn't being the hero of your own story the ultimate happiness?

Relief from Stress and Worries: Bye-bye money stress! Financial peace is like a spa day for your brain. Zen vibes all the way.

Okay, enough serious talk. Let's talk about the real deal. You can of course find Ultimate Happiness at:

The Leprechaun.

You know, that little guy from Ireland who is obsessed with making shoes. But here's the thing: he's guarding a pot of gold, buried somewhere at the end of the rainbow. And the best part, when you catch such a Leprechaun, he will reveal the treasure location. Yes really!

But just catch a Leprechaun like that. He likes his four-leaf clover as a kind of lucky charm. It protects him from evil spirits and makes him invisible. Invisible! Then try catching someone you can't even see. The trick? Get caught, steal his four-leaf clover before he becomes invisible, and then he leads you to the pot of gold. Piece of cake, right?

I'm seriously starting to wonder if this is the golden ticket to my fortune. But wait a minute! I'm such a bitch, I'd feel sorry for such a cute Leprechaun. Stealing doesn't feel good, right? I can not do that! Fortunately for myself, I don't expect to ever encounter such a naughty guy, let alone catch him. That brings me to the conclusion that I have to find my "happiness" elsewhere.

Now I always find those legends and things like that super interesting, and a Leprechaun is just cute. That was the reason that my eye fell on this coin. And maybe, just maybe, this coin could give me a push towards financial freedom.

Now I just need to make the financial start before I could say "A new Silverstacker in town".

Okay, the details about the coin:


**Images and coin from The Coin Shoppe


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 186 of my contest just started...you can now check the winners of the previous week!


it's amazing how many different coins exist out there, this one is pretty cool and quirky


It really is amazing to see what you can find if you start looking. There are so many gems! And yeah, honestly, I thought this is one of those gems. If I could, I would ... Thanks for your visit and comment!


That is really cool! The leprechaun looks a lot nicer in this coin that the one in the Leprechaun movies, man he was ugly! Great coin, I would love one of those too!


Yeah, the movie Leprechaun was not cute at all. Lol. I would run if I saw that Leprechaun. But this coin, it´s a cute Leprechaun. Let us know if you buy the coin! I´d love to see real photos from this one, or even better ... I´d love to own this one. If only ..........



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I was thinking more like this guy.
I must be getting hungry, it's past my dinner time, lol!


Lol, I hope you had a great dinner and are not hungry anymore now!


Wow... it is 50mm in size. I only have one coin of that size, which is pretty ample! I like your choices, @hetty-rowan!


What can I say? Yup it´s 50mm in size, pretty awesome. And I don´t have such a coin, but that is no surprise. Lol. Thank you @silversaver888, glad you like my choices. Let´s see if I can keep it up, and even make you buy one of my choices for your own collection.
