A simple girl trying to break out of limitations 🥰
Hello Wednesday walkers, it's so great to be part of this community. So today I finished preparing for work on time, and decided to take a walk to my bus station instead of…
Image by @hivebuzz Hello guys, Happy New Month; welcome to the month of November; the year is gradually coming to an end; scratch that; it is flying by, and at this time…
You know one thing about life? It has a way of mirroring things we are guilty of through the lens of others and upon seeing it, we can't help but feel a certain way. The older I…
A good name, they say, is better than silver or gold; I totally agree with this saying because you might not really…
To my Lovely friends Dear friends, it’s been one hell of a ride with you all, and a ride I wish to continue with you all. I hope you all are doing great and I hope life has been…
The contest is going great , I am pretty sure this time it is going to be more fun without a doubt (I hope you are enjoying this game feel free to share any suggestions). Some…