Life is a one time journey.
So, I live to please no one but do the necessary things and live happily...

The extraction above is my bio on Facebook

When I was much younger, I really suffered alot from what I thought people thought about me. Yes, what I thought people thought about me.

Sounds crazy right? Like I'm the one imagining what others thought about me, still I only end up imagining negetive things. I was always worried people thought my stomach was too big, I was worried people thought I was boring, I was worried people thought I was too quiet (to mention but few.) Infact I was literally worried about everything, I always few myself from other people's view and it's always negetive.

As a growing girl, I cared alot about pleasing others, I cared so much about the approval of those around me. I didn't do much to my own approval, it was always about what others thought.


Image from unsplash

As a growing girl I had always believed that people's opinion is the best, I always considered other people's opinion over mine, even at my teenage age I struggled to impress everyone. Family, friends, classmates even down to people that live around, my life was always about pleasing others.

Today, I don't completely neglect people's opinion but at least I finally got to understand that in as much as their opinion is important, they are not ultimate.

I got to understand that it is impossible to please everyone, not minding how great you may be, critics are inevitable. I live my life everyday trying to be the best version of me for me and not for anyone, I try my best to get an approval from myself if it comes from others, I genuinely appreciate it but if it doesn't I don't wallow in it. I don't go beating myself up simply because I didn't live up to someone's expectations because my life is mine.

If only I had known this a couple of years back, I really wouldn't have had such a stressful childhood. I really would have been a happier teenager, and who knows, I might have even being a happier adult.

It's not that all those flaws I saw back then has completely disappeared but, I can't allow it weigh me down, because there are also somany things cool about me.
Who knows some people back then might have actually thought I was cool but I was too blinded by my own judgement to even notice.


This is a kinda sad experience, but it's great that you have now realized to live your life and please no one because it is impossible to please everybody.


Sometimes we realize rather too late that what others say or think about us doesn’t really matter to us. If it’s not affecting your peace and you’re okay with it, do it.

You should be proud of how you look because you are unique in your own way and no one can take that from you. Life is a learning process and I’m glad you’ve learnt a lot till date.


I have really learnt alot.

Thanks alot for your comment
