Is music really life?

I have been a long-time fan of listening to music. I don't know why I got so addicted to it. But I knew I was fond of listening to it. There were times when I would have to put my volume to the highest to get the music ringing into my skull and giving me no disturbance with the outer world.

Music is addictive. And once you get addicted to it, you find it difficult to let go of it. Some will say music connects the soul and I agree. When you listen to some type of music, you will feel so energized to get yourself back again.

I have a friend who loves music so much. Whenever he feels depressed, he has songs he listens to and he gets himself up again. Even if he wants to read. He has to play some music for him to understand what he is reading better.

Music has different ways of hitting everyone.

As for me, I found myself so addicted to listening to music with morals and great lyrics. Music that inspires me and motivates me. Music that talks about life and humanity. Not just some random artist singing love or romance songs.

There was a time with this music addict friend when he frequently played a song by an international artist. The song was “Ghost by Justin Bieber”. At first, I was just listening to the music freely without having any connection to it. But at some point after listening to it frequently I found my soul connected with that song.

Another song I found myself so connected to is Good Life by Harris J. I just love the lyrics from the music and the way he sang it. No one doesn’t want a good life, a better way of life, but are we grateful for the life we are living and the one we have lived?

Another African artist I love to listen to is Brymo. He is said to be an underrated artist, and I agree because his songs are not meant for just anyone to listen to. He sings to connect people and touch people’s hearts.

I listened to one of his songs, Heyaa! And I couldn’t stop myself from listening to it. I repeated it several times as I pondered about the song.

Music is life.

I can also agree with this. But only when I listen to good music. Nowadays there are just a lot of artists who are there to sing for the money in the Industry and are not talented or gifted enough to sing.

Coming down to our local musicians. I know their musical upgrades would be limited to the environment where they trend. But when they sing their songs are also great.

I was on a public bus one day and I listened to a popular Yoruba musician sing a song. The song was about our ancient ways of doing things before civilization came and took away everything from us, even our dear culture. Some of which I wonder how people in the past could do such a thing as their way of life.

Image from Pixabay;


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I can totally relate to the good music and lyrics you mentioned, I'm surprised at some people that are only interested in the sound or beat rather than the lyrics of the song, nice write up.


There are a lot of artists who are just there to sing for the money ?🤣🤣🤣

This made me laugh… I think everyone is singing for the money but others do it in a professional way.


So you are an upcoming artist too. I guess I can’t wait to listen to your song. Maybe I will delete my phone because of your song 😂


Throw your phone away🤣🤣


😂. You sing first. Thank goodness you are not an artist here on hive self 😂.


"If I can't still be close to you I will settle for the ghost to you" has incredible lyrics, I also this song by Justin Bieber the first time I heard it.

Music is everything, music relieves us of stress.
