(DE/EN) Hive.helps March update - Just a short update
Image made with Magic Media from Nichts besonderes passiert Tatsächlich hat sich seit Anfang…
Image made with Magic Media from Nichts besonderes passiert Tatsächlich hat sich seit Anfang…
Image made with Magic Media from Weltkinderkrebstag Jedes Jahr am 15.02. ist der…
Wow! Such was the reaction from me when I saw this week's prompt bearing the two words, "double dating". This is something I believe isn't entirely oblivious to us. The subject…
"Love is blind", they say. Perhaps marriage or "breakfast" will give it sight then. The above statement is a common one. It indicates how much one is into "love" or a…
Before a man became a man and a woman became a woman, the man was a boy and the woman a girl. "Boy" and "girl" here are not indicators of gender or sex, but are connotative of a…
Hello! And Happy March! Designed with PixelLab Yes, it's a new month and that's something to…
Growing my hair was personal, but cutting it was purposeful. Here’s how 13 inches of hair made a difference! Who wouldn’t want long, shiny, black hair? Well, I…
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