This post has been curated. Result: It is utter 💩 with YT spam.
EDIT: Markinator, not me... You urgently have to downvote YOUR 💩ty crap and not my curation here! I think you misunderstood something there... 🤣 No, seriously mate! Don't be a wuss and put the 50 bucks back in the reward pool!!! Your downvotes fuel my motor... 😉
That was some nice shooting right there. Is it a console game?
PC & Console
Aiit that’s cool.
143 upvotes and $28.91 in five minutes on an authentic shitpost? ¡Holy Shit!

231 upvotes and $41.09 in fifteen minutes in the same authentic shitpost? ¡Holy Shit!

266 upvotes and $43.71 in a whole hour in the same authentic shitpost? ¡Holy Shit!

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Was that you talking? What was the name of that game? Hunt Showdown?
Yes, and Hunt Showdown.
I wasn't the one saying barn metal roof, that was my team mate who was down. I was pretty soft as my mic was low.
Thanks for the reply. That game looked pretty slick. The weapons looked like those available in the early US west.
Oww nice, I love those guns games. As I remember playing COD and CS GO for hours and Hunt Showdown just reminded me of that.
Awesome Marky! You are really good at this game! :)
This post has been curated. Result: It is utter 💩 with YT spam.
EDIT: Markinator, not me... You urgently have to downvote YOUR 💩ty crap and not my curation here! I think you misunderstood something there... 🤣 No, seriously mate! Don't be a wuss and put the 50 bucks back in the reward pool!!! Your downvotes fuel my motor... 😉