I upgraded the Hive Minecraft server to the latest version of All the Mods 6.
This will require you to update your client to the latest version as well.
There have been two updates to All the Mods 6 since the launch of Hive Minecraft. This is a list of changes from the Release Notes.
Mod Additions:
Lots of mods were upgraded to newer versions, but I won't list them all here.
There is no easy way to just upgrade your client, you have to make a new instance in MultiMC running the latest version, then copy over a few files. I will walk you through the process.
Before doing anything, I recommend you rename your old instance so you know which is which. I recommend just calling it ATM6 - .17 or something similar.
You will need to add a new instance.
Select CurseForge, ATM6 (Don't pick Spellbound) and then make sure you see 1.8.19 in the bottom right. Click OK. Do not run this install until you completed the steps below to copy over your settings, maps, and server config.
You should now see both installs in MultiMC.
You will need to open the instance folder for both the old and new instance. You can use the "Minecraft Folder" button on the right side for each install.
From here you want to copy over three things.
Copy each of these from the old minecraft folder to your new one.
Once you have done all these steps, you can launch the new install. I recommend calling the new install something like ATM6 - Latest or something that will allow you to remember which is which. You can remove the old instance once you have started Minecraft and are sure you have everything right. Make sure to check your settings, journey map waypoints, and server list.
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Great work @themarkymark. Thanks for the updates 🤝.
Keep the updates coming
When a new base show off? I wanna see what cool stuff you have created (and see how the server looks like atm)