The Bundle Of Beans Diaries - Day 12 - Guisante Leaving For Her Family


It's time to say goodbye!

Not to all of the kittens, thankfully. We have one little lady leaving on day 12 because she has to travel for 7 hours to arrive at her new family's home. Transport can be an issue if the kittens are traveling this far so when one of the friends of Guisante's new family was traveling back home from the city nearby last Friday, it was clear that it would be best if Guisante would leave for her forever home that day.

I have to say that it was not nice having to say goodbye, especially not to this young lady who is very petite but a leader of all sorts in everything the kittens have done in the past weeks here. She was the first to climb all the way up to the scratching post and decide to sleep there as well as the first to hop on the bed whereas others just ignored that option in the room.

She was also the first one who tried to escape to the living room while in quarantine. We were used to being mindful of the door whenever someone enters or leaves the room, but in the last days of her stay, Guisante became a master of escape and we had several moments where we almost tripped over her as she was super fast.

Guisante was also the loudest of the crew, whenever you looked at her, she meowed, when she wanted food, she meowed. And she wanted that a lot because this lady was a little princess in terms of eating dry food. We had to give her extra wet food while the others were on diarrhea because I was afraid she'd lose weight. With her being so fast and full of energy, it was hard to believe she didn't eat at all but I know for a fact that she surely didn't eat much dry food in front of us. She and Haba were lucky enough to receive some extra wet food every day.

Guisante's last sleep together with her siblings

Saying goodbye

Guisante was being picked up on Friday before school ended so I told my daughter to say goodbye to her before she left for school as this was the last time she'd be able to cuddle her. I took two pictures and both were not sharp, just my luck! That's what you get when being on a time clock before school, haha.


Upon departure, I made sure to prep a bag of dry food as well as a can of wet food with the medication and probiotics. I also added a little ball that they played with so that during her travel she can smell the siblings and hopefully have a bit of a smooth trip.


Again, not sharp and the little one was not looking at me directly, she must have felt something was going to happen. But this is the last picture I took of little Guisante, who is now called Luna. I had to share this one too as it's part of our first journey. The new family has been sharing some pictures and videos after she arrived home and it's great to see that she's doing well. The little girl is so fast that the new family said we should have called her lightning, I can see why, haha.

I wish you a happy life with your new family Luna, it was a pleasure to foster you <3

And then there were 4

While their sister was traveling until midnight more or less, the others were left behind and back to their usual business. At first, I did not notice much about the kittens honestly, besides it being a lot more quiet without their sister's meows! I did notice Haba missing his sister a bit maybe because they were constantly together and now he felt a bit left out with the big siblings. Guisante was the same size and they were a cute match when playing. We made sure to give Haba some extra love, of course!


All went well with the 4 left, it was a lot easier giving medication to four than to 5, how stupid that may sound. One less really is a big difference and noticeable for some odd reason. On Friday I wondered how long the rest would stay, their poop will be tested on Thursday so we know that we will be able to enjoy the remaining four a bit longer.

See you tomorrow!

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2.05063598 BEE

Oh my goodness!!!! How could you NOT be heart broken saying goodbye to a little face as cute as that!!!! I had two kittens when I was a little girl and I eventually had to find other homes for them because they were messing inside the house and my dad was getting really upset about it. It was the saddest thing ever!!!

Talkative kitties are the best!! They always have so much attitude and personality! 😍

0.00000560 BEE

I know right? Oh, that must have left a mark on your soul!
Do you have a cat now that you're an adult?

We had a talkative kittie last year, and rescued her from the street near our home. She was my buddy, she started to be affectionate a few weeks after we rescued her and she was mostly drawn to me. She then escaped and I've been heartbroken, to be honest. We found her near our home in a 10m dumpster hole and tried to rescue her for a week before we could borrow a trap. Then she was gone, never saw her again :( She was always talking to me as soon as she saw me and even though it was a bit annoying at times, I miss every sound she made...

Then we rescued the last kitten in that same place, who now lives with us. A scared big male cat called Mochi. He's cool though, he's definitely getting more relaxed but took months longer than with Mojo (the female I talked about)

It's shit if you can't pet your cat, but I have now managed to gain enough trust that at some moments I can do it with him not being scared or annoyed and then swooshing his tail as he enjoys it (his tail knows best so it seems haha).

I just saw you're new here, gonna be back at your profile later!

0E-8 BEE

Oh, that must have left a mark on your soul!

It really did. Not a very good one, either. and no, I don't have a cat anymore... I did, but the neighbors dog got hold of it :( that was the last kitty I had. Now I have a doggo!

We had a talkative kittie last year, and rescued her from the street near our home.

That is so beautiful and simultaneously SAD!!!! Funny isn't it, how sometimes, the 'persons' (human or not) which can even annoy us to a point of crazy when THERE, somehow leave this horrible VOID when they are gone... :( like their presence, their energy - added a special magic to our world!

I have now managed to gain enough trust that at some moments I can do it with him not being scared or annoyed and then swooshing his tail as he enjoys it (his tail knows best so it seems haha).

Aaaaah That is PRICELESSSSSS!!!!!! Very precious indeed!

I just saw you're new here, gonna be back at your profile later!

Yip! Hello :) LOLZ!

0.00000556 BEE

So cute!

0.00000559 BEE

Yes! Cuteness overload :)

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Manually curated by EwkaW from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

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Thank you @qurator @ewkaw :)

0E-8 BEE