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RE: The Bundle Of Beans Diaries - Day 12 - Guisante Leaving For Her Family

Oh, that must have left a mark on your soul!

It really did. Not a very good one, either. and no, I don't have a cat anymore... I did, but the neighbors dog got hold of it :( that was the last kitty I had. Now I have a doggo!

We had a talkative kittie last year, and rescued her from the street near our home.

That is so beautiful and simultaneously SAD!!!! Funny isn't it, how sometimes, the 'persons' (human or not) which can even annoy us to a point of crazy when THERE, somehow leave this horrible VOID when they are gone... :( like their presence, their energy - added a special magic to our world!

I have now managed to gain enough trust that at some moments I can do it with him not being scared or annoyed and then swooshing his tail as he enjoys it (his tail knows best so it seems haha).

Aaaaah That is PRICELESSSSSS!!!!!! Very precious indeed!

I just saw you're new here, gonna be back at your profile later!

Yip! Hello :) LOLZ!

0.00000556 BEE

It really did. Not a very good one, either. and no, I don't have a cat anymore... I did, but the neighbors dog got hold of it :( that was the last kitty I had. Now I have a doggo!

OMG :( sorry to read that!

That is so beautiful and simultaneously SAD!!!! Funny isn't it, how sometimes, the 'persons' (human or not) which can even annoy us to a point of crazy when THERE, somehow leave this horrible VOID when they are gone... :( like their presence, their energy - added a special magic to our world!

Beautiful words and so true! I still have a hard time thinking about the fact that she disappeared (I hope that someone took her in, but fear she died as there are cat killers in our town).. she was here just a few months but left a mark on my soul.

I didn't have time yesterday to come back to your profile, will do now :)

0E-8 BEE