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I know right? Oh, that must have left a mark on your soul!
Do you have a cat now that you're an adult?
We had a talkative kittie last year, and rescued her from the street near our home. She was my buddy, she started to be affectionate a few weeks after we rescued her and she was mostly drawn to me. She then escaped and I've been heartbroken, to be honest. We found her near our home in a 10m dumpster hole and tried to rescue her for a week before we could borrow a trap. Then she was gone, never saw her again :( She was always talking to me as soon as she saw me and even though it was a bit annoying at times, I miss every sound she made...
Then we rescued the last kitten in that same place, who now lives with us. A scared big male cat called Mochi. He's cool though, he's definitely getting more relaxed but took months longer than with Mojo (the female I talked about)
It's shit if you can't pet your cat, but I have now managed to gain enough trust that at some moments I can do it with him not being scared or annoyed and then swooshing his tail as he enjoys it (his tail knows best so it seems haha).
I just saw you're new here, gonna be back at your profile later!
It really did. Not a very good one, either. and no, I don't have a cat anymore... I did, but the neighbors dog got hold of it :( that was the last kitty I had. Now I have a doggo!
That is so beautiful and simultaneously SAD!!!! Funny isn't it, how sometimes, the 'persons' (human or not) which can even annoy us to a point of crazy when THERE, somehow leave this horrible VOID when they are gone... :( like their presence, their energy - added a special magic to our world!
Aaaaah That is PRICELESSSSSS!!!!!! Very precious indeed!
Yip! Hello :) LOLZ!
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