Somehow, the Travel-light Tuesday turned out to be my favorite minimalist daily prompt because it just hit differently, and yet, I feel quite comfortable sharing stuff about myself. A few weeks have passed in 2025, and I think it's too early to start evaluating my progress about my decision to travel lighter this year but it's fine writing about it.
At the moment, I am journeying with less because there are so many things I have let go of since I learned about minimalism, but the more I look deeply into my journey, the more I see things that are negatively affecting my well-being. All it takes is a deep reflection, and boom, there is another thing I need to trash.
Life wasn't like this for me until I understood the importance of traveling light, and this prompt always reminds me of how I navigated through life with so much hate that started with not being able to forget how bad people hurt me. I hid behind the forgive but don't forget tradition despite the fact that it was hurting me more, but immediately I was able to trash that ingrained habit of mine, nothing felt too much for me to discard as long as it didn't align with my minimalist belief.
I have enjoyed the benefits of journeying with less through life, and I feel very comfortable trimming down anything, not physically but mentally and emotionally as well. That way, it's easier to navigate through life even when the unexpected happens. You don't have much or even anything pulling back, and that's a priceless feeling anyone can have.
I had a chat with my immediate younger brother sometime in December, and it was kind of a reflective discussion.
We talked about so many things, including how to grow in 2025, and I had to express how I feel about not being able to accomplish some things that had to do with him, my other siblings, and even Mom. After saying everything I had in mind, he paused to look at me and just smiled.
I thought he didn't understand anything I said, but that wasn't the case because his response forced me to drop another baggage that was affecting me emotionally and mentally.
He said, "Do you even think about yourself at all? We are not kids anymore, and every struggle we had to face in life wasn't your fault. You are the closest to a father figure in our lives, and even many dads wouldn't have done more than this for us."
I actually took that as a compliment, but after settling back in my room, I thought about everything he said again.
My background isn't something new to a few people on the blockchain, and even though I feel happy about how much I have grown in life, there is always this guilt lingering in my heart.
Many times, I always think that there is more I could have done for my family. Of course, there is but everything I have done and will still do is my best yet, I blame myself for not taking some opportunity or making decisions that could have made life a lot easier for them.
My shortcomings with my family all boil down to my imperfection as a human, but being the first child of the family, I overthink things and it can be really overwhelming.
I feel terrible when I can't do some things because I believe it's my responsibility. I tell myself there is a need to shoulder more things for the family, which most times ends with anxiety & guilt.
Actually, these thoughts don't cross my mind always, but whenever they do, my day is always messed up. I find it difficult to concentrate on anything, and sometimes it extends into a whole week of unproductivity for me but that discussion with my sibling changed everything, and I saw the need to cut down that guilt I was harboring.
In fact, it was part of my New Year's resolution, and I really hope to stay on track with my decision. Whenever these thoughts cross my mind again, I will definitely remind myself of the good & sacrifices I have made for the family, plus my imperfection as a human. It's actually terrible exhausting myself over things I can't change, so I didn't make the wrong decision.
I shared this resolution with someone who was in my shoes and realized it wasn't just me harboring guilt. I feel bad many youth today have to go about with this guilt as well, and if you come across this post, I want you to know that you are doing your best, and you don't have to feel bad about what you can't accomplish for your family.
You are part of that family for a reason and life knew you were the best person for the task that's why you are where you are so just do the best you can and let life handle the rest.
All Image Are Captured By Me.
This was really moving, George. Though I would say be careful, this going about life like you're responsible for everything, especially everyone else's happiness and wellbeing can end up costing you your precious health. It's not all on you ;) (I'm like that too, though)
I also really liked this closing thought ~
My own family's baggage has been on my mind a fair bit lately, so this was very resonant. Thank you for that :)
You are right mama, the effect of this habit on my physical and mental health wasn't a good one. Making the decision would change so many things for me and I am glad you could relate to the post.
Sending a 🤗 and cheers to a beautiful day.
This image belongs to millycf1976 and was manipulated using Canva.
This use to be my hubby. He could spend hours/days worrying on lost opportunities that would not come back. Life is a journey just do your best and leave the rest.
Blames are dangerous especially when you do it to yourself, you might not be able to function well. Quit blaming better still give credit to yourself for the much you were able to do.
Thanks mama and I really appreciate this. It's really pointless contemplating on things that we can't change so it's better to move on.
However, it can be very challenging but for the sake of our well-being, that's just the right thing to do.
You sound better which shows you are in charge of your emotions.
Letting go of emotional baggage is one of the hardest yet most rewarding parts of minimalism. Your journey is inspiring, and your sibling's words are a powerful reminder to give ourselves grace. Thank you for sharing this!
That's right, it's rewarding even though it's challenging as well. Trashing those weights would make life a lot easier for us so it's a wise thing to do.
there is always room for improvement
Awww Cheffie 🥹
Remind me to never read you in my mascara. 🥲
I have one thing to say: nothing is on you in anyway. You have many years ahead and I know the best is yet to come so don’t burry yourself in what went wrong. As you said, do your best and let rest happen.