Always let it go.

Have you ever felt like you are holding too much in and you really want to let it go?

When Elsa was shouting
Let it go...
Let it go...
Can't hold it back anymore...

I believe she was feeling exactly that way. Because that's exactly how I feel when ever I listen to that song.
When things gets so difficult I just put the song on repeat and within a couple of minutes I'd be in tears and truly I'd really let it all go.

But here is the gist. Do you really know how to let it go? Do you know the importance of really letting it go. There are times when we are so stuck in our own head that we lock our self up. There are times we limit ourselves so much over something that we can control if only we would let it go.

If Elsa had remained locked in the room she really wouldn't have known how powerful she is. She wouldn't have known how far she could go.
Yes, it might be scary at first. You might seem confused and unsure of yourself but the only way for you to be sure is to actually try. So, have you tried?

Just like Elsa many of us hold back ourselves either because we are scared of doing something or because we were told not to do it. But, till when are you going to remain scared. Till when would you keep being unsure of your own abilities. Now, the interesting part is that at the beginning people might depart you because they don't know what you are trying to achieve. People might leave you because they are scared you'd fail. But, should that be the reason for you to stop?
No, you need to keep going, keep pushing until you get to where you want to be. Learn to build your own world. Do not always depend on people to build it for you.

Elsa wouldn't have know that she had the ability to build such a beautiful castle with a twinkle of an eyes if she had remained in her room in the palace. Yes, her parents locked her up there to protect her but at times, while trying to protect yourself, you end up fighting your own self.
Only babies need protection, as an adult what you need is challenges not protection. So when you wake up each day, challenge yourself, if you are not sure of the result go back and watch Frozen 1 and 2 and thank me later.

Not minding what you do, do not forget to let it go at times. Never knew these movies where this inspirational, I'm watching Moana next 😀

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