When the world feels we are less important and don't have anything to contribute in the development of our community or nation, please I think now is the time for to make it clear to them that you are sun and though the clouds may have hindered others from seeing your bright glowing rays, you'll shine and shine brighter.
Today in our world, there are a lot of things that can confuse us and if time is not taken, they can land us into trouble.
One of the things which seems to be an invisible weapon that people use against fellow humans is negative words and comments. Sometimes you may have gone out and spent some money on a certain commodity, maybe for business or just an apparel that will enhance your looks to make you look more appealing and immediately you showed it to someone their first comment will be something discouraging. To make you regret and to make you feel bad even with your effort to brighten up your mood and the standards of your life.
There are many among us humans who seriously need to change the kind of people they relate with and keep as friends. Some through their negative words and opinions have kept us in bondage and under their mercy and care because each time you try to make a decision of your own without involving them, they will make you feel you have made the worst choice and would mock you and say some terrible things about your choices which will make you feel weak in making another choice tomorrow.
Certain people nowadays confess of the wrong things about them not because they are really bad or because they can't make good choices but it's because someone has somehow manipulated their minds to see the good choices they make for themselves as bad and these type of people can sometimes be manipulated to do away with those of their friends who truly have the potential to make them regain their sanity.
I've heard a girl tell stories of how his boyfriend manipulated her emotionally till she almost committed suicide. She said before the thought of committing suicide crossed her mind, she has already counted her losses, all the friends she had lost, all the good people she has given up on, her unhealthy relationship with her family members, the gifts, the businesses and everything she has given up on just to make sure she pleased her partner who seemed not to be pleased with whatever she does. It came to a point that her boyfriend started inviting other girls to their home in her presence and always speaks positively of them but as for him, he calls her worthless and good for nothing.
She wanted to die, she really thought she was worthless and there was nothing more good that would come her way because she so much believed in the words and confessions of his boyfriend.
She said this continued until one day, she met someone that praised her so much in such a magnificent way which was new to her. Gradually she started meeting up secretly with the person and before her boyfriend got to know about it and wanted to stop her, by that time she was already free from his spell and she took the bold step of leaving him for good.
I feel this year, there are a lot of people we will be needing to leave behind if we must step up to greater heights this year. It's time to rise, it's time to shine.
When your neighbor tells you that you have a short leg, tell them that's why you are special and unique.
If your boyfriend tells you you're good for nothing, tell him to make a poster of you with a little tag of a new boyfriend so he will see the thousands of people that will apply for you.
Always find a reason to counter the words that want to bring you down and don't even try to defend yourself and say no I'm a good cook and the other will say no, you're such a bad cook. No, don't try to defend yourself because when you start defending yourself it will give room for more name callings but when they see how you didn't argue on the first negative word but instead simply spin it as why it makes you special. The one who is hoping for a reaction will be weakened and can't continue for long with such negative words since it doesn't seem to be having any effect. Take each word spoken by another person towards your personality as just mere words and always have this belief that you are the one who truly knows yourself more than anybody else, so whatever anyone speaks about you is lie because they're not you.
To conclude the whole matter, it's good that you examine yourself if two or more people still complain of the same thing or issues. If you discover there is truth in what they said, don't make yourself look weak in their presence but later work on yourself. This year is our year and we will definitely rise to glory and shine.
Thank you.
Beautiful inspirational read. Most people try to make disparaging remarks about us to weigh us down. I guess this is human nature, no matter who you are, you must have people who intentionally try to make us feel less of ourselves. After all, in novels, a protagonist's story is never complete without an antagonists.
The question is how do we handle them?—a question your write up answers effectively.
Great write up.
Yeah, thank you very much for stopping by dear.
The world is not bed of roses, but it all necessary that you do the needful just for you to arise and shine
You're right boss, I've been finding you everywhere since early last year i change my phone.
That's interesting having you back again, I look forward seeing more of you post.
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