Hive Naija Weekly Prompt | Edition 81
WaZoBia! Welcome to a new edition of the Hive Naija Weekly Prompts. This initiative is one of our activities to explore our creativity and foster connections amongst ourselves.…
Am a | Blogger | Trader | Business man | Influencer | content creator | programmer | More
WaZoBia! Welcome to a new edition of the Hive Naija Weekly Prompts. This initiative is one of our activities to explore our creativity and foster connections amongst ourselves.…
In a world where everything feels like a race - the hustle and bustle of life, emails demanding immediate replies, social media saga buzzing with updates that seem not to end and…
As March approaches, I can't help but reflect on my journey on Hive and how far I have come with lots of changes that came with it. By the end of March, precisely on the 30th, I…
Hello CineTV Children help us to see the best or worst in humanity. The beauty and innocence of children give us a glimpse of something that we can grow out of or become…
Recently we've seen some extremely questionable postings within our community and I wanted to take a little bit of time and lay out…
It's exciting to see the community come alive. Many relate to the community's scope to somehow be inclusive in their lives, and so they're sharing content in their own unique…
About two days ago, I did something on a friend’s phone and after I left her place, she called me asking “how I did that thing and which app I used”. Honestly, I thought people…
About some weeks ago, I had a presentation in a room on GoBrunch and since then, I’ve had people come to ask how they could also access GoBrunch and even create rooms.…