Praha or Prague drink on a beer Saturday

Hello Hello Hivians

Food and beer they go hand in hand

Today is my birthday so I am cheating a wee bit. As is my want!

The actual beer I am having today as I write this post you will see next week!

Today however, I wanted to showcase a tasty beer I had last night, which as the clever clogs amongst you will realise comes from Prague in the Czech republic or Czechia as it seems to know now.

Prague happens to be one of my favourite European cities and one of our best Christmas holidays was in Prague a few years ago. Seeing snow in Wenceslas square was something magical.

It was also the place I had my first self-serve beer years ago!

So the beer today is Staropramen from Praha

I will go arse about tit and say it was damn tasty!

Now we can dig in and have a review ...

The Brewery

Jan Kohout and Vilem Pick had a dream to make a perfect beer by using nothing but the best ingredients, and after a few attempts they managed to create something truly special. Using authentic Saaz hops, special sorts of barley and yeast, they created a beer known today as Staropramen.

The screenshots and quotes today are from the beer website which you can find here Staropramen

If you know me, then you will know that I tolerate lagers or light beers but that I am a dark beer man at heart. Just like my beer, I like my women dark too!

Enough of women it is the beer I am here to talk about ... So let's see it

The observant amongst you will notice the pup on the glass. Funny story there as Mrs T loved it and halfinched it on our Silver Wedding anniversary on a ferry from Newcastle to Amsterdam. The beer it contained was Dutch, and a mystery prize for anyone who knows the answer. Comment below and there will be a clue in a later picture ....

So yes this was a cheeky prebirthday drink last night and I had it whilst we had some awesome Chinese food.

I have been having tests all week or so and was back at the doctors yes getting some news. Results being all normal apart from high inflammation scores which as I have ankylosing spondylitus is not surprising. Although they gave no answer is to what is wrong that made me go do the tests in the first place...

My beer yesterday was to celebrate my normal liver and kidneys and all the rest. Quite an achievement after all the drinks I have put away in my quite a few years!

Maybe I should be having their 0% alcoholic beers, but truth be known I have rarely drunk in the last three years. Only on special occasions!

And birthdays are a special occasion ....

I did actually take a premeditated picture for this post and this is it!

Remember I said about commenting what beer the glass contained....

here is a clue ....

The beer did have quite a malty taste which I like, I dunno it just feels like you are having a beer and not just drinking fluffing water!

It did have that lovely amber colour which is quite inciting there is nothing worse than that insipid pale yellow colour which is reminiscent of dishwater or worse yet pale piss!

It goes equally well whether sipped or chugged, yes there was more than 1 bottle involved!

Talking of bottles .... I love embossed glass which the glass drinking vessel displayed but so did the bottle ...

Since we are on the topic of bottles ... I take my hat off them because did you see the fluffing size ....

Yes it is 660ml! Now we are talking ....

The price ... I can't remember but it was reasonable I know that!


Oh fuff yes ... I will be buying again!


Posting about a beer on a Saturday on the Beer Community ....

It is a whole bunch of fun, so check out The #BeerSaturday Challenge - Week 372

Next to @detlev who was a huge Beer advocate when we were on tsu many years ago, the biggest beer affecianado I know on Hive is none other than @godfish and when I did pick this beer at the supermarket yesterday I did so with him in mind.

My football team Rangers signed a played on load a couple of weeks ago and he scoried his first goal. Actually the first skillful player Rangers have signed for ages...

He gave him a good review ... the player is VÑclav Černý and we signed him on loan from Wolfburg

This is #BeerSaturday week and I would like to invite @godfish to write a post in any language about beer with at least 3 pictures.

Thanks for visiting and enjoy the rest of your day!


All images and ramblings are from me, the mad Scotsman TengoLoTodo Photos taken with Mrs T's smartphone.
@tengolotodo August 17th 2024 (12 Premium 4 VR)


Haste Ye Back!

Posted Using InLeo Alpha

0.46123315 BEE

Happy Birthday, Uncle Teng! Glad you enjoy your beer and congrats for the good test results of your laboratories. Be healthy and take care!!! πŸ€—

0.01427744 BEE

Aww salamat Ayane 😁

0E-8 BEE

And a Happy Birthday to you Ed, may it be that you will get many more.

0.01431840 BEE

Thanks Zac I appreciate that 😁

0E-8 BEE

You are welcome Ed.

0E-8 BEE

Staropramen is a decent beer. Still haven't made it to Prague. Was supposed to have a friends stag there a few years back, but monumental beast from the east snow put a stop to that and had to make do with Dublin for those who could make it to Dublin, even that was challenging!

0.01418075 BEE

Oh god the beast from the east, that was the last time we got snow and what an amount it was too! Ah that's a pity you never got to Prague, mind you I can imagine getting anywhere was challenging we could hardly get out of our street!

0.00000166 BEE

Happy birthday. You share the day with my wife, her sister and a close friend.

Have a great day :-)

0.01325940 BEE

Cheers for that Nathan. Happy birthday to your wife and her sister. Do they have special Thai traditions for birthdays?
Hoping your Leeds have a better season and get backup again!

0E-8 BEE

Happy birthdayβ™₯️😁. Long live the aristocratic nose😌. So sad that I'm not that familiar about beers. I only knew few of them and I don't think it's in your liking.😐.

0.01289683 BEE

Aww salamat Asia, hehe and yes a word a day!

0E-8 BEE

Happy Birthday. I was born in August too. Reading this post of yours reminded me that I haven't gone for my medical checkup yet this year. Let's take care of each other's health.

I looked up Staropramen and found that it is available in Japan via internet mail order. I would like to try it next timeπŸ˜€

0.01276198 BEE

Oh happy birthday to you too! Yes I think it is a good idea to have checkups, I hadn't had one since before Covid!

Oh really you can in Japan. So what Japanese beer do you recommend, it has been quite some time since I drank any!

0E-8 BEE

I'm new to beer and don't know much about the variety, but I did enjoy the β€œYona Yona Ale.β€πŸ˜ I'll post a link to their website. If you can get it, give it a try!
Happy Beer Saturday 🍻

0E-8 BEE

Happy birthday to you boss boss.

That beer's name is too long, I could hardly pronounce it πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

0.01285375 BEE

Hehe it was a long name, honey is much shorter!

0E-8 BEE

Lol, sure

0E-8 BEE

It's strange how everyone praises Czech beers from commercial breweries bought outside the Czech Republic. Here in the Czech Republic, I would not buy Staropramen a second time. We have much better beers brewed in craft breweries.

0.01280764 BEE

I think that is often the case with any country, but you tend not to see the local craft beers commercially available in a local shop overseas. Had there been different Czech beers I would have got them, but there wasn't, we can only buy what is in front of us. When I was in the Czech Republic I did try some that I had never heard of and were recommended to me. Thanks for stopping by 🍻

8E-8 BEE

It is true that the selection of foreign beers in local shops (anywhere in the world) is very limited. Then (perhaps out of curiosity) you buy what you see :-)

0E-8 BEE

Last time in Prague, I was in a hotel 3 streets away from their factory, on Staropramen Street.

Happy birthday man!

0.01279453 BEE

Oh brilliant, I am guessing you could smell it!
Thanks so much man 🍻

0E-8 BEE

How does tasty beer taste? Haha.. am really curious...

0.01263229 BEE

Hehe inquisitive Jane 😁
Tasty beer.. good question, I guess water does not really have a taste, coffee has a coffee flavour and a tasty beer has a flavour that you can taste from the ingredients .. malt and even a hint of chocolate in here... Shall have to have a tasting session with I think 🍻

0E-8 BEE

I believe everyone is got a choice though. As for me I prefer my cold beer after food. It tends to complement the phase.

Happy #beersaturday

0.01270553 BEE

Oh yes you are right we all have choices. For me after food is usually coffee or a liqueur 🍻

0E-8 BEE

Cheers and happy birthday! Staropramen in Prague with dinner is a great combination!

0.01267514 BEE

Thanks so much Seck it was a win win 🍻

0E-8 BEE

Happy Birthday TG, may you celebrate many more years.

0.01247257 BEE

Thanks Edith I'll drink to that 😁

0E-8 BEE

Pre-birthday beer looks flippin good, only try buy in bottles, what a bottle! Size really matters that is enough to sip through a rugby game, talking of rugby did you hear our Springboks did us proud again this mornings news.

Happy Birthday Ed and have a stupendous day! Congrats on results about all the bits and bobs still working, a little oiling every so often does do the trick...., you only live once!


0.01246104 BEE

talking of rugby did you hear our Springboks did us proud again this mornings news.

Oh wow I see you hammered the Aussies! Well done...

Thanks Joan, hehe yes it was a big bottle. Yes I think that little oiling does help now and again!

0E-8 BEE

He he our boxer did it again last night in Perth UFC, we're on a good home run hopefully spills into everyday life via sport.

Big green bottle fill no more.... !LOLZ

0E-8 BEE


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@jane1289(2/5) tipped @tengolotodo

0E-8 BEE

Oh, this one :)) We have literally hundreds of better breweries than Staropramen in the Czech Republic, some 50 of them in the captial :) The good ones don't often get exported, and if so, you'd only buy them in dedicated beer stores. But they are worth sampling. Staropramen is just... well, a shabby industrial brew which is often cheaper than water.

0E-8 BEE

That is the problem, you can only buy what is stocked in your local corner shop. I remember during our Brewing module at university finding out that most good beers should be not drunk more than a few miles from where they are brewed, as that is when they are at their best. One reason why micro breweries have become so popular..

0E-8 BEE

The other is they actually care about the brewing process, don't save on ingedients, and are not afraid to produce batches of same beer with a tad different tastes.

I don't know about the Scottish situation, but the difference among industrial and craft brews here in Czechia is huge.

0E-8 BEE

Happy belated birthday! It is fun to vicariously enjoy a beer. πŸ˜€

0E-8 BEE

Thank you, and yes I agree with you 🍻

8E-8 BEE

Hey @tengolotodo, here is a little bit of BEER from @joanstewart for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

0E-8 BEE

Hey @tengolotodo, here is a little bit of BEER from @papilloncharity for you. Enjoy it!

Do you want to win SOME BEER together with your friends and draw the BEERKING.

0E-8 BEE