Dear Hive, I have retired on crypto.

Hello Hive people,

Yes, I have done what most of you are trying to do, I have retired on crypto. I did it last year, I sold some Ethereum and Bitcoin during the highs and cashed out.

If I play my cards right, I may never have to work a normal day job ever again (unless something completely crazy or drastic happens). I finally quit my day job as an ordinary Software Engineer, a career I had for about 25 years since graduating from college.

Feels good Man

(meme image found on the internets)

Yes, this is how it feels.

So..Neo...what do you do all day?

Uh yea, that's a great question. I do find that the day passes by, and I haven't done that much, ha ha! If you want to call me lazy, go ahead. Yea sometimes I take a long luxurious nap in the middle of the day, play lots of video games, goof off, write dumb posts like these.

I suppose Hive and Splinterlands, my Tribe and my city chat group keep me busy. I still secretly and quietly give out loans from time to time, so I have a lot of bookkeeping and customer service type stuff to do. I still research and dabble in cryptos.

I did recently purchase a house and have been fixing it up. Painfully close to being able to move in soon, maybe in a few weeks.

I am very frugal and boring

I bet many here imagined that once I cashed out, that I'm living it up, that I purchased a Lambo, and 20 room Mansion. Nope! I drive a very normal and average car. You'd never notice it on the street. Same with the house, very normal, and small, average place.

I am a financial ninja, hiding in plain sight, I wear no fancy jewelry or fancy clothes, just jeans and a hoodie or whatever. No who sees me knows my true powers.

(picture from

So...was I lucky or good?

Both I guess? Certainly I was very lucky to have stumbled onto Bitcoin so early on (see my previous post for some hints on that). I purchased and obtained this bitcoin so very very cheaply and then hung on to it, through thick and thin. Riding the ups and downs, continuing to plug away at my dull day job all the while, wondering if Bitcoin would just die, so many said it would. But they were wrong, Bitcoin is strong, and can never die.

One guy told me "as soon as my Bitcoin doubled, I would have sold it." And..that would have been smart. If I had doubled my money, I would have felt brilliant, afterall, how often can one 100% their investment, that's quite good. But I didn't do that, and here I am.

Sorry, I guess this is another bragging post.

You have any advice for me, oh wise one?

I'm surprised that not more people are banging down my door to advice on how to get rich on crypto. A few former colleagues have contacted me after catching wind of what I have done, to ask me something about crypto. One was even former boss of mine, heh.

But really, hmm. I'm sure everyone wants me to say something like "hey if you just buy XXXX coin and wait for 6 months, it will 1000x and you'll be rich". But of course I'll never say anything like that. That's not how it works.

What I accomplished was a process that started in 2010 and has gone on until now (2022), so that's at least a 12 year process. And honestly I think it started before then, I had to be in a position where I was well off, with a good career and enough savings that I could afford to throw money randomly at things, so this really was a life long process.

My advice is to be PATIENT and BORING. That's how I did it. But people are not going to listen to this advice, because it's boring, sorry. Many will instead aggressively trade poo coins and dog coins hoping for faster results. Well, good luck with that.

Posted using Neoxian City

6.87831218 BEE

Congrats man!

You'd never notice it on the street. Same with the house, very normal, and small, average place.

I am a financial ninja, hiding in plain sight, I wear no fancy jewelry or fancy clothes, just jeans and a hoodie or whatever. No who sees me knows my true powers.

I live by this once I get to the same spot as you, it'd be not just dumb to flash what you owe but also just reckless, there's so much better things one can spend their money on that won't feel like a waste the next week.

Anyway, maybe we should get together and start building some fun things on hive with all that free time you now got :D

0.06587039 BEE

"I did recently purchase a house and have been fixing it up" - famous last words.

Dude, that shit never ends. Congrats on your new full-time job of fixing your house lol. I've been working on mine in perpetuity.

Congrats on everything though.

0.04478824 BEE

Being a gray man in plain sight is not the worst cover for the coming apocalypse, I guess :o).
Congratulations, this is what most of us are trying to do and you did it.

0.05105899 BEE

Boring is good. 12 years really not that long. I’m going to stick with crypto and see where it leads me. Thanks for the post.

0.06377057 BEE

That's a really long time but it paid off after all..

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile

0E-8 BEE

I am very happy to hear this @neoxian, you deserve it. I have been a follower for a long time and you helped me understand why I should take this more seriously. Happy to be a citizen of NeoxianCity !

0.07035093 BEE

As a patient, boring person, quietly working away, I approve this message...

0.07150665 BEE

Congratulations on your retirement 😏
And about the question if your lucky or good?
I think your a good luck man..
Congratulations once again

0.07049107 BEE


I love the boring advice. Boring and steady is the key!

Some !PIZZA and !BEER for the party.

0.06936596 BEE

isnt it too early to retire?
we got so much to build ;)

also be cautious you do not fall prey to hikkimori ^^

0.06945100 BEE

Awesome stuff and gratz!

0.06890139 BEE

Congratulations. Yes, boring is the way to go for ordinary people to retire.

0.06682106 BEE

Congratulations Mr D.
I love your lifestyle 🤩👍

0.06680669 BEE

I think the main lesson people can take from your success story is money doesn't come easy or fast, you need to have a job and play it smart, so eventually, you can live your dream.

btw with so much downtime you could travel a bit or that isn't something you would like? i know that is something i would love to be able to do in the future.

0.06560055 BEE

Congratulations! That's quite an achievement!
Yeah, I guess this is what lots of us are hoping to achieve.
I'm not quite there yet but I'm proud to say that I was able to
fire my boss a few months ago, and am now living the risky
life of living from my crypto earnings.
It's rather a humble life.
Just like you, I'd never buy a fancy car or huge mansion.
A lambo just wouldn't make sense here in Mexico anyway LOL.

Anyway, enjoy your retirement! I'm sure you will.

0.06619769 BEE

Congratulations to you, and thanks for being a guide to me when I first cross path with you on discord. I learnt some virtue of human relation and financial management and investment mentality from you. Even though you are not perfect but your strength is highly appreciated. Thanks for being a shoulder when my cloud was dark.

0.06522504 BEE

i think that is good advice as any

0.06524939 BEE

Congratulations 👏!

0.06506740 BEE

Retiring from Neoxian City?

0.06489823 BEE


0E-8 BEE

Congrats man! Good to see all the progress over the years. I remember when you first started the neoxian bank. Like you, I live a simple financial life and it makes the "retiring" easier to attain.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0.06509845 BEE

Wow - well done, thats fantastic !

0.06429784 BEE

Congrats! I wish only the best for you and your advice is key: "Be patient and boring!".

So true, don't go after shiny stuff.

What are you gonna do with all that free time? New project? Keep the one you have going?

0.06520409 BEE

Yay for achieving financial freedom!

0.06523201 BEE

That's a lot of patience. While I don't like being boring I sure appreciate your patience.

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile

0.06523549 BEE

Enjoy that well deserved retirement, I would do the same, swim all day hehe, but I'm not you and I have to keep striving until I get to where you are, greetings 🤗.

0.06491913 BEE

Congratulations!!!!!!! Thank you for share stories

0.06501629 BEE

so are you still going to be around oh wise one?! I'm pretty boring as well.. just holdling zeee gold and silver and little bit of crypto.. almost near 1 BTC... should I damp it now or stay boring ok I'll be boring.

0.06500248 BEE

I'm not going anywhere.

0.00122325 BEE

Congratulations sir to retiring in a fantastic way. Patience is something we all lack. Patience is needed in every aspect of our lives. Boring Hahah is a good characteristic 😂 people bother you less. Well done! Cheers to being retired 🍻.

0.06500248 BEE

Congrats on the retirement. Living the dream that many of us dream of every single day. Getting rich is a long, (12 years is not even that long compared to 40 years in a job and still being poor), and boring process which requires a lot of hard work BEFORE you can position yourself to do just that. And yes, that's boring. But even with the ever fast moving world of crypto, it's the only way to go. Work hard, live small.

Enjoy what you accomplished and be proud of yourself! A bit of luck, but certainly courage, wisdom, and knowledge made you achieve this. Now time to enjoy the boredom of being 'old and retired'.

0.06439720 BEE

Highly inspirational...lots to take home from this...might just right a article off it

Riding the ups and downs, continuing to plug away at my dull day job all the while

This is my own unique take. Some people abandoned their day jobs to do Hive (then steem) full time during the hey days of early 2018. I felt it was a mistake and was proven right. Don't quit your day job folks, if you really want to retire early that is

0.06484477 BEE

Congratulations in this achievement bud! I'm also working on this crypto grind to retire. Wishing you and me both good luck.

0.06634879 BEE

I think you're the wise one here.

Any advice for a novice like me?🥺

0.06523554 BEE

It's a patience and consistency game. you definitely did well and overcame it. Thanks for motivation.

0.06498082 BEE

You sound chilled and that's what it should feel like after 25 years of "jobbing" and a stressful crypto journey.

I'm in my 15th year on my job and 5 years in crypto. I think I have 10 years more to accomplish what you've done if I'm lucky, smart, and boring enough.

Have fun and thanks for sharing it!

0.06427212 BEE

This just great, amazing you pulled off by doing all the things you did looking at the bigger picture.

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile

0.06517801 BEE

Congratulations on having achieved the goal of so many people. As you wrote, we must have patience.

0.06520939 BEE

Congrats! This is inspiring.

0.06520939 BEE

Congratulations! I hope you don't retire on hive.

0.06489316 BEE

I'm very happy for your achievements. Congratulations!
For me your journey is a great inspiration!

0.06497647 BEE

Wishing you all the best. Hugs. Boring is smart.

0.06440852 BEE

always good to read success stories

0.06436383 BEE

This is so inspiring and truly motivational for many of us. Congratulations on your achieved retired and restful life. My husband and I have been on this crypto path for 5 years now. Unfortunately we don’t have Bitcoin but have landed on some other valuable projects. We have been researching ways to get out of debt much faster (like 20 years faster) and think we may have found it with private banking and trusts.

Patient and Boring is definitely what we’ve been. Our family wonders when we’re going to buy a house (yep, we’re in our 40’s and haven’t done so yet) but we already know that the house we get will be one that’s built on the land we plan to retire and rest on. We don’t want to just buy a house because that’s supposed to be the “way” or the “dream”. Our way is to build the house we customize (on the land we own) with all the things our family needs to live independently and off the grid. To me, that’s worth being patient and boring (paying rent for a lot longer than most would do) in order to settle how we see best for us.

Thanks for sharing your journey and the key things you did to see it through :)

Enjoy what’s ahead ~

0.06499539 BEE

You are an inspiration, motivation and aspiration. Thanks for showing us this is possible.

Cheers to an awesome future for you

0.06669156 BEE

Wow, congratulations! That is an achievement from being boring and having patience, lol! Now, you are rewarded for your guts! Cheers!

0.06501535 BEE

"hey if you just buy XXXX coin and wait for 6 months, it will 1000x and you'll be rich".

Hahahaha that's really not how it works.

Congratulations on your retirement.

Thanks for sharing.

0.06424640 BEE

Congrats fren

0.06515342 BEE

Yup, be patient, be boring keep grinding sats for 10 years, and then look back at the pile you 've build up and sell. That sounds like what I got planned, let´s see if I can follow in your footsteps. !CTP

0.06445969 BEE

Sweet. No idea when or if such a thing will happen for me, to be fair I'd be happy settling with enough to buy a house for that rent free living.

Communities I run: Gridcoin (GRC)(PeakD) / Gridcoin (GRC) (| Fish Keepers (PeakD) / Fish Keepers (
Check out my gaming stream on VIMM.TV | Vote for me as a Hive witness!

0.06496938 BEE

It is nice to read from you. I appreciate your writeup, it is motivational!

0.06667684 BEE

How to get rich on Crypto Sir? :P XD I am also lazy and boring so this advice will help me i guess :P

Posted using Neoxian City

0.06422068 BEE

You are already rich in Crypto...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0.06477678 BEE

Xawi you are already rich enough to buy a private island for yourself. :)

0E-8 BEE

I was boring before it was cool 😀

0.06512734 BEE

This is just amazing.
You are such a nice person.
Good to know that you are retired and enjoying your crypto wealth. Its all about patience, which worked out very well.

Posted using Neoxian City

0.06444147 BEE

My advice is to be PATIENT and BORING.

Dumb post? Hahaha, this is no dumb and coincidentally I was thinking along this line when I came across your post on Listnerds.

If a person retires with so much money, does it means he/she should starts living large? I believe in the minimalist lifestyle -getting what you absolutely need per time and living slowly!

I think you are doing great and should keep going at your pace. Thanks for sharing! 🙂

0.06509258 BEE

Fuck yeah. Congratulations.

I love reading these stories.

0.06520293 BEE

Welcome to the retired life. One thing I have done since I was able to retire was get back into shape. After years of doing the work scene and working crazy hours, my health had really taken a turn. But now, I have all the time I could ever want to focus on getting healthy and now I am healthier and stronger than I have ever been in my life. I am able to catch up on a lot of the really cool video games I have missed out on. And that long afternoon naps are the best.

0.06510593 BEE


0.07083396 BEE

Awesome. you have reached LEGEND status.

0.06650694 BEE

Wow, it wasn't boring for me, Love to read things from You and this time you shared your own real life (little personal) hehe
Thanks Mr. Dragon, hope to see your blogs more often 😅

Posted using Neoxian City

0.06427362 BEE

I also love the lay low kind of lifestyle. I practice it over here too.

I also used the boring and patient tactics to cling unto a coin that crashed from it's first ATH to ATL. Only for that said coin to pump from over 0.09 or there about to 140 usd. Same with some other coins I held during the bull market and that has changed my life financially.

I remember I was mocked and called greedy by some of my friends for not selling during the first ATH. But something in me was optimistic that the ATL was just a dust to smokescreen the eyes of myopic people and short term holders. At the end crypto knows how to reward the patient and boring. It never forsakes them.

Also Congrats on your retirement from software engineering and purchase of new house. It feels good to be a master financial shinobi/ninja.

0.06451416 BEE

Congrats. I love to hear or read such success stories. Make the best out of it. 😀

0.06517681 BEE

(meme image found on the internets)


Jokes aside, congratulations !

0.06514566 BEE

Wow. Congratulations @neoxian.
That's awesome and it must feel amazing.
Being patient and borring is what I and my husband are.
We are investing in cryptos but unfortunately we don't have bitcoin and my husband has been in stock market since 2008 so we have done pretty good too but also lost a lot too.
We are working hard and waiting patiently to make some money again and retire in El Salvador, which we also have been working on since 2009.
Our plan and dream is to buy farm land.

Thank you for sharing your success story with us.

0.06508490 BEE

Congratulations 😍

Good to know the time it actually took for your journey, people can use that to set their expectations.

Nice to have leisurely days, too.

0.06465757 BEE

Right. 12 years, plus the acknowledgement that he had to be financially stable to weather the bitcoin drama.

0E-8 BEE

never imagined that being boring leads to early retirement, I guess all those people that write infinitely long and sleep inducing posts on Hive are well on their way to financial independence :)

0.06507984 BEE

I can only say congratulations and enjoy living off crypto :)

0.06640122 BEE

First time seeing someone retire from Crypto though. Perhaps you are taking a break though 🙂

0.06424787 BEE

There's a first time for everything 😂

0E-8 BEE

It's not boring at all, I have been associated with crypto for 5 years and now another 7 years let's I can retire or not.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0.06464075 BEE

My advice is to be PATIENT and BORING. That's how I did it.

I love this. I might add "forgetful" also. Not forgetting about your keys (no those are kept safe), forgetting about the hype... until one day you find yourself saying "huh, I have a bunch of those" and next thing you know you're buying an island or two.

I am a financial ninja, hiding in plain sight, I wear no fancy jewelry or fancy clothes, just jeans and a hoodie or whatever. No who sees me knows my true powers.

I suppose financial ninja don't buy islands. Unless it's an investment island you could flip right quick.
Congrats on your big sell, I'm glad to hear not everyone looses in this game!

0.06520677 BEE

What's good Boss. You pretty much deserve this retirement. Not surprised at all by you being frugal and "boring". I would say very committed at your goals, and yeah, discipline tends to be boring but that's what it takes. I've learned many lessons from you and hopefully I'll get to a point to retire as well and do boring stuff. Kudos Boss.

0.04309827 BEE

My advice is to be PATIENT and BORING.

Good advice Sir. I need to patient. I should just hold some coins I believed.

Posted using Neoxian City

0.06482630 BEE

Congratulations sir. Your story is an inspiration to me.

Patience and boring



Posted using Neoxian City

0.06471774 BEE

That is absolutely brilliant. More than the monetary worth is the bottle needed to actually do it. I suspect a fairly large number of people on Hive could retire now but are too afraid to or think they need more hard cash or set sights on too high a lifestyle as they constantly find excuses not too.

A happy retirement to you living as you choose to live. Choice is what matters.

Best wishes :-)

0.06480030 BEE

Congratulations on your new house and your retirement Big D 🐲🐉,

That is best way to live life, going without attracting crowds and attention and just going among the average people even when you are a DRAGON 🐲, it is a dragon's way💯💯..

This is not a boring story, from whayy I understand,this are the first step to becoming a DRAGON 🐲🐲 and you have to listen a dragon to become a dragon....

Patience and boring comes quite handy sometimes expecially in the crypto world...

What you achieved in Over 12years of your life, others and more will pay heavy money to achieve that in days which is not possible and wise enough....

Well done sir,this is another celebration indeed ❤️❤️❤️..
For keeping yourself and staying true..

Respect Big D 🐲🐉🐲🐉

Posted using Neoxian City

0.06394022 BEE

Living life!

My advice is to be PATIENT and BORING

Got it.


0.06489436 BEE

This is so enviable!
Hope one day I can retire on crypto too😀

0.06479117 BEE

Well done love the bit when you say

QuoteOne guy told me "as soon as my Bitcoin doubled, I would have sold it." And..that would have been smart. If I had doubled my money, I would have felt brilliant, afterall, how often can one 100% their investment, that's quite good. But I didn't do that, and here I am.

Sorry, I guess this is another bragging post.> Quote

but well done and good luck in your future, hope you find some enjoyment with financial security :D

0.06507094 BEE

Indeed you have a great story to share.. what helped was the determination and the aggression you had towards the future. Most at times we want to be rich but we fear of taking risk which of course does not work with crypto.. surely your story line have really motivated me and thank you for that

0.06444070 BEE

Good luck and use this time to recharge your batteries. Perhaps after some time you will miss your old and 'ordinary' life.

0.06486832 BEE

Congratulations, I think that feels so good, being in a crypto world is not easy. especially in analyzing those charts. Glad you had your retirement. Hoping to feel the moment you had soon. Congratulations again.

0.06470562 BEE

Congrats!!! And, thank-you for what you do on the Hive platform now that you are here!! I hope your holdings here do even better for you than your BTC did!! You're a champion. :)

0.06446661 BEE

I do find that the day passes by, and I haven't done that much

Having been retired three years now, I found that not doing much loses some of its appeal over time. So I read a lot, putter in the garden, learn new skills…

0.06483156 BEE

This is sweet, the life some of us here want to live, eventually live off crypto. Patient and boring is the advice? I will take it with appreciation will working on mine retire on crypto goal.

Well done on your achievement!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0.06473530 BEE

12 years.. such great amount of patience you have and you're the best example that patience pays off. Congratulations. You're surely an inspiration for many.

0.06449171 BEE

I am a financial ninja, hiding in plain sight, I wear no fancy jewelry or fancy clothes, just jeans and a hoodie or whatever. No who sees me knows my true powers.

No crazy or drastic thing will happen to a person who lives such a simple life - you definitely have a good heart - these words sense that.

0.06480552 BEE

So the BIG question is, after cashing out, what did you do with the proceeds? Top secret I imagine (or not?).

0.06499380 BEE

Yes, that's going to be top secret for now.

0E-8 BEE

Good question!! Lol :)

0E-8 BEE


I'm trying to do the same.

0.06477843 BEE

The only thing I have to say about that is congrats and good for you! Enjoy it.

0.06497952 BEE

This is what we all want, retire early and enjoy life, like you did.I love the way you write Neo sir. You should post more often sir.

0.06491313 BEE

Not sure you need advice, the patience boring and waiting 12 years seems to be key! I have a few years left yet feel confident by 2028 I might be writing dragon retirement articles also! !1UP !PGM !CTP !PIMP

0.06490661 BEE

You must be killin' it out here!
@dynamicrypto just slapped you with 5.000 PIMP, @neoxian.
You earned 5.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 2/2 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

0E-8 BEE

Sent 0.1 PGM - 0.1 LVL- 1 STARBITS - 0.01 MOTA - 0.05 DEC - 15 SBT tokens to @dynamicrypto, @neoxian

remaining commands 9


The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-2.5 BUDS-0.01 MOTA-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-0.00000001 BTC (SWWAP.BTC)

Discord image.png

Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP

Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide

I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444

0E-8 BEE

Congrats on a well-earned achievement! I'm in year 5 and hopefully in another 7 years, I can write the same kind of post. I truly believe I will get there with what I have accumulated so far. Hopefully I can continue to add in the down times so when the good times come, I'll be in a position to take advantage.

I miss hanging out in the City but this is my busy season for real-life and I've got to make enough fiat to support my crypto habit over the winter. lol

Incidentally, if you could figure out a way to get NEOXAG to a few dollars you could shorten my time frame... :-)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0.06486474 BEE

Congratulations! I am sure you worked hard at managing your crypto to get to the point of retiring. You are my idol.

0.06463780 BEE

12 years sounds about the right length of time as this doesn't happen overnight. Staying normal and not blowing it is what will make you stay retired and good luck to you. I am sure you will still make money from crypto as that is what you have done and things are still early.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0.06481053 BEE

mmm you are a good example to follow, I hope to achieve something similar in the future, congratulations!

0.06612504 BEE

Everyone is always trying to keep up with the Jones’… “Look what I got… Well mine has this or that…”. It’s just stuff.

Big Congratulations and with you the best of luck in the future.

0.06617819 BEE

Congratulations! I thought you were retired on crypto years ago. Well played. You deserve it.

0.06332443 BEE

Congrats man, 12 years is indeed a long time waiting and if you are holded all that time you truly deserve your earnings! Maybe some day I will write the same post as well! 😉

0.06622606 BEE

Took you long enough...

0.06329891 BEE


Posted using LeoFinance Mobile

0.00000171 BEE

I wouldn't consider it boring but peaceful life. It is also inspiring for others.

0.06334619 BEE

You've got the words right.

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile

0E-8 BEE

The life that everybody seeks for! Great to see you are enjoying the life and having it your way.

12 years of tolerance and being boring, working on that. Probably one day in the future the day will come I'll retire in crypto as well.

0.06332065 BEE

Well, congratz! :D

What about Crypto tax? Or do you live a in crypto heaven? :P

0.06334713 BEE

You can rest assured I paid my taxes.

3.7E-7 BEE

I wasn't saying you werent xD

Just wondered if you lived in a place where wasn't any crypto tax yet :D

0E-8 BEE


But your story isn't over yet! There is much to do in life, although I'm happy to know you've become truly secure. Just watch out for high taxes.

Have you considered the arts or sciences? Becoming an old-time artisan, and selling homemade furniture or something? Not as labor, but as an act of passion, of course.

Heh, don't listen to me though. You're free now. Nice work.

0.06332795 BEE

Congratulatons on your retirement!! Thanks for sharing your amazing story. It is not bragging - it is your truth. Like you mentioned - you needed to have some financial means to be able to invest substantially to reap these rewards. I like that you were patient and boring and now frugal and boring. Clearly it pays off - patience wins the earlier retirement game - however you made the right choices as well.

Posted using Neoxian City

0.06381984 BEE


Hmm this is the secret..

congrats big boss and hopefully someday i wish i can retire on crypto too...

0.06289699 BEE

Congratulations on your retirement. Very soon, you will find that time passes so quickly, you don't understand how people can have time for a job. 😂 Time is all yours. Do what makes you happy. Cheers!

0.06268906 BEE

Congratulations MD.

I am also patiently building my stake now , I know it will not be as "good" as your but atleast it will give me freedom to decide to go to work or not.

Posted using Neoxian City

0.06271552 BEE

Love the advice to be boring and patient. Smart words. I’m feeling the same way. I have a decent career and a marketing director and and slowly accumulating bitcoin, eth, solana, and all the hive worlds games/tribe tokens. It will take me a few more cycles.


0.06269641 BEE


0.06269641 BEE

What an awesome combination. Patient and boring.
Love it. Lol 😂

0.07105148 BEE

Congrats dude.

Same with the house, very normal, and small, average place.

I have never believed that living in luxurious places is feasible. If you're supposed to be retired, why would you want to spend so much of your money on keeping a house? lol.

I wish you the best for your life from now on :)

Btw, you helped me a lot in the past. My nick was @flaws so thanks for all the help before :)

0.07158587 BEE

Enjoy your life!
I hope to cash out big also one day!

0.06599717 BEE

How about investing some in real estate with rental properties?

0.06245953 BEE

Yea, and then the government can decide that my tenants don't have to pay for 1.5 years. No thanks.

0.00000451 BEE

Just a thought.

0E-8 BEE

Hahaha, that Bullock's.

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile

0E-8 BEE

You are doing well, how poleople tend to live off their income is a personal decision which is to be respected. In all just work and earn something

Posted using Neoxian City

0.06247130 BEE

It's a process to getting it at the end.

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile

0E-8 BEE

I will gladly take the word "patient and boring" because only with these two can one make less expenses.

Expenses is the thing that makes some people not to be able to hold up their investments.

Thank you for this tip🥰

0.06575172 BEE

Pretty intelligent and brave of you to have started investing in crypto when it just started admist the doubt around it. Now those who tried to discourage you are coming to your for crypto lessons. I love this kind of success story ❤

Be patient and boring.

I take the patient part but the boring 😫

0.07130232 BEE

Im glad you make it! And thankfully for your help too! We are all gonna make it if we stick around enough time and play the boring game hehe! In the meantime we can play hive games hehe!

Posted using Neoxian City

0.06242771 BEE

Hello @neoxian, you are never boring at all. But jokes apart. Are you for real? Don't tell me Yes at all.

0.07065219 BEE

I am real.

0.00000161 BEE

Hahahaha. That should be April fool right? And we are in June. So. Stop that expensive JOKE😡😡

0E-8 BEE

What's more boring is working in a place where a person gets the same salary and have it eaten it up by inflation again and again. I might have to dayt congratulations to you.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0.06228281 BEE

That is not boring, but rather upsetting. No should not work in such a place. I received a 20% salary raise in the beginning of this year in one of my part time jobs. Approximately the half of that raise is indeed eaten up by inflation, so the actual raise is around 10%.

0.00006597 BEE

A big congratulations on your retirement sir. 12 years is really a long time to be boring and holding as Diamond hands. Thanks for creating the city and helping us grow Dragon sir.

Posted using Neoxian City

0.06359162 BEE

Just perfekt, great Job! Those stories are just the best, ordinary people getting their hands on high value investment assets and making the gains that for decades only Wall Street made. Love it.

0.06365928 BEE

Congrats and enjoy. Glad you hung onto it till what you thought was the right time. Enjoy every moment, 25 years of working is long enough. Wish I could say the same but divorce killed me.

0.06222929 BEE

Ouch, hope you finding your way.
That thing is hell.

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile

0E-8 BEE

Thats fantastic news! Given that you've got a lot of free time I'm looking for some help on something I'm trying to build on Hive. Would you be keen on having a look?

Been hard to find devs on Hive 😞

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0.06219749 BEE

I don't have any hive dev experience.

0.00018141 BEE

Ah bugger

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

0E-8 BEE

No advice to give. You are already doing good job. I'm also frugal and boring so same pinch

0.06214149 BEE

Aha intresting post sir thanks for sharing your life experience here sir. I needed making money is not a night process at all. patience is Worth it some times and sometimes not, keep an eye on the projects you are investing in is a a good things rather than investing your money anywhere. Thank you so much for sharing that sir.

He hee if i will retired on crypto i will move to village and start framing 😊🙏

!giphy great


0.06214013 BEE
0E-8 BEE

if i will retired on crypto i will move to village and start framing

Framing? Probably you mean farming. Right?

0E-8 BEE

Maybe he's a cop.

0.00492219 BEE

Definitely farming

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile

0E-8 BEE


0E-8 BEE

he hee yes I will start farming, it was a typing mistake 😅

0E-8 BEE

He hee if i will retired on crypto i will move to village and start framing 😊🙏

😂😂 Bhattg the farmer 😁

Posted using Neoxian City

0E-8 BEE

he hee yes Mr Bos you guess that right 😁

0E-8 BEE

It's a conscious process to investment.

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile

0E-8 BEE

I appreciate every effort you have taking in achieving success and making the right decision which is awesome and pretty cool. We are all entitled to our own opinion on how things might work for us but patience especially in Crypto is the key to achieve more beneficial rewards or gains in the nearest future if one is not in a hurry.

0.06211603 BEE

It just did work and it's real.

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile

0E-8 BEE

So no more loans?

0.06209057 BEE

I still sometimes give them.

0E-8 BEE

Hmm .. how small?

0E-8 BEE


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0E-8 BEE

By the way, you have not entirely retired - isn't it ? HIVE is just another home ?

0E-8 BEE

Been boring is what I will like to be, maybe is going to be better..

0E-8 BEE

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0E-8 BEE

congrats. They say eat little and live longer. Not many people can do that.

I thinks it's amazing the opportunity Crypto has for retirement income like staking HBD for 20% APR.

0E-8 BEE

Congratulations nice meeting you , But don't you get the feelings for cryptocurrencies any more

0E-8 BEE

I retired using crypto, not from crypto.

0E-8 BEE

Oh am glad you still got access to it , thanks for replying

0E-8 BEE

Thank you @neoxian for the upvote on my Elden Ring post about the lion fight at Stormveil Castle! Very much appreciated :)

0E-8 BEE