Hi Hive Ghana Community,

I want to extend my sincerest apologies for my inactive and lack of activity over the past few weeks. Unfortunately, I've been facing some health challenges that have made it difficult for me to engage with you all as I normally would.



I used to struggle with self-doubt and low self-esteem. I often find myself getting caught up in negative thoughts and self-doubt, which alwayss leave me feeling drained and unmotivated. But one day, I decided I have had enough. I wanted to learn to love and accept myself, flaws and all.

I started small. I began each day by jotting down the things I was grateful for. At first, it felt somehow, but over time, I started to notice a difference in my mindset. I was focusing on the good things in my life, rather than dwelling on the negative. I did write down things like "a good time out with friends," "study more," or "a supportive friend." It was amazing how much of a difference this simple habit made.

As time goes on I began to reflect on my accomplishments each night before bed. I will think about what I have achieved that day, no matter how littlel it seemed. Maybe I have finished a task I had been putting off, or had a great conversation with a friend. Whatever it was, I acknowledged it and celebrated it. This habit helped me recognize my strengths and capabilities, I started feeling more confident and empowered.

As I continued these habits, I noticed a ripple effect of positive self-awareness in my life. I was kind too myself and more compassionate, and more confident. I began to see myself in a new light, as a capable and worthy person. I realized that I was doing the best I could, and that was enough.

These habits also helped me develop a greater sense of self-awareness. I started to recognize my thoughts and emotions, and could see when I was falling into negative patterns. I could catch myself when I was being too hard on myself, and instead offer kindness and understanding.

Over time, I came to realize that self-love is a journey, not a destination because it has no end. It's the everyday habits and choices we make that shape our relationship with ourselves. By focusing on gratitude and acknowledging our accomplishments, we can cultivate a more loving and accepting mindset.

I'm not perfect, and I still have my struggles in life. But I know that I am worthy of love and respect, and the greatest love of all. I'm grateful for the journey that's brought me here, and I am excited to see where it will continue to take me.

Thanks For Reading

0.00095051 BEE

Wow, self love is really a great thing. Nice entry

0E-8 BEE

Thank you for reading boss🙌

0E-8 BEE

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0E-8 BEE

Thank you

0E-8 BEE

That's great @bmhillel! We're thrilled with your commitment to Hive! Let's go for this new goal!

0E-8 BEE

Self Love is indeed amazing and should always be embraced

0E-8 BEE

You're right ma'am
Before I will be able to love someone out there I have to first of all love myself
Thanks for reading

0E-8 BEE

Indeed it is very important
Welcome 🤗🤗

2.0E-7 BEE

It’s really not a journey and a destination
That’s a lot you’ve said there
I’ve learned alot in that sentence

0E-8 BEE

Am glad you learnt a lot from sentence
Thank you for reading

0E-8 BEE