Welcome to "Crypto Skaters" Issue #4 everyone.
"Crypto Skaters" is a new skatehive.app exclusive series. Each week we're gonna interview one member of Skatehive community, ask a bunch of questions about skateboarding, life and their involvement with crypto and web3.
In this 4th issue we invited @kike.adventure, skateboarder, musician, photographer, traveler, video maker and member of Skatehive since 2022

Hey @kike.adventure, welcome to "Cryptoskaters"
- Hello, it's a pleasure to greet you all, thanks for the invitation.
Can you tell us a few things about you?
- Sure, my full name is Enrique de Jesús, my nickname is kike and I'm from Leon Guanajuato Mexico. I started skating at the age of 12, currently I am 25. In addition to skating, I dedicate my time to digital media publicity, I love playing the guitar and studying music in general as well as traveling and seeing places while collecting moments through my camera. I gotta say my favorite place is the sea, my dream is to live on the beach and surf as much as I can haha.
What's your background with skateboarding?
- So when I was in last grade of elementary school, I think I was like 12 years old approximately, a friend from the neighborhood was gifted a skateboard from Walmart by his parents, from there on the emotion for skateboarding was born. Shortly, after seeing him, all the children in the neighborhood wanted a skateboard, that's how it started. I insisted so much on my parents until they finally bought me mine. We grew up skating in the street with indie, rock, rap, and reggae music. At that time there were not that many skate parks to practice so non-stop practicing on the block and in parking lots was what we did. Later down the road I met talented people from other parts of the city, we started skating together and right after that there was a big increase in the skate scene in the city, they started creating skateparks and events, and by that time I was skating too much, hours and hours every day haha... I suffered many ankle and knee injuries back on those days... I remember I skated and collaborated with some local brands that supported me (sponsorship). Currently, after 12 or 13 years, the skate scene in the city has become a bit more independent, the skaters around are highly regarded and everyone skates very well, very good projects are being cooked up lately, and I'm not the exeption, I feel like I'm in my prime as a skater so I try to take advantage of my youth.
Goofy or Regular? / Grinds or Slides?
-I'm goofy and I prefer slides, although I gotta say you went hard on this one cause grinds feels so dope too.

Flip Bs Lipslide
Favourite Skater and video part?
- I don't really have specific one. I've always been a fan of the Mexican skaters I used to watch when I started skating as Michael Scoot and Pekas Jorge Farah, those dudes did have a really badass level, and still do. About American Skaters I really like how T-Funk and Evan Smith are shreding these days. I am also always a fan of Dylan Rieder, may he rest in peace.
About video parts, I really like a recent one, by Felipe Bartolome call "perro seismico"
How did you get involved with crypto and why?
- I've known Pablo from @keepskating420 for some time, he talked to me about it for the very first time. As soon as @keepskating420 began to have "success" I observed that Jorge (@homelesscrewmx) and Pablo began to get more and more involved with what it was a new soial media for me. By then I had been dealing with social networks for some time and researching the way they operate, so motivated by the idea that most networks profit from our information, the idea of moving to web 3.0 came to me. Just like that one day I decided to try it out, as I said before, Jorge and Pablo had already told me about the block chain of HIVE so I decided to investigate and explore the platform myself, that was my first contact.
How did you find out about Skatehive?
Kickflips or Heelflips?
- Truth is that I like them both, I don't have a favorite one, however, getting into a grind with a flip trick is easier for me, with heelflip I just can't do it, whoever talking about flat-ground tricks I prefer heelflip, in fact it was the first trick I made, even before the ollie.

In your opinion, how can Web3 change skateboarding?
- Not only skateboarding can be changed, I think it can change any field in general by being able to give us the opportunity to generate income from our content, in our case it means a great support to sustain our passion and connect with people from all over the world coming to create a self-sustaining digital economy, I visualize it as the best possible future for humanity and that it has already begun to take off, There is no such support from society towards skateboarding here in Mexico so it's time to empower ourselves. I also agree with the perception of @web-gnar, skateboarding transcends borders and more than web 3.0 will change skateboarding, skateboarding is revolutionizing web 3.0 with Skatehive
Any Web 3 communities other than Skatehive you're part of and wanna mention?
- I´m part of some communities focused on music, photography, travel, nature, among other things that I like, but I don't have much participation. I just like to see the content that is shared in other parts of the world, sometimes I find surprising things. I find very interesting to see how a lot of people are growing web 3.0 with all kinds of content.
What should we expect from @kike.adventure in 2023?
- Skateboarding and fun, tricks and many rad spots, better photographies and production in general. I will also put out a video part of all of 2023 at the end of the year. I also hope more trips around Mexico.
Any last words for those reading or anything you wanna mention?
- Do what you are passionate about and strive to get what you want. Enjoy life, open your mind and skate for fun. All good things come in due time.
Find @kike.adventure on
Kike's Extra clips for the Video Salado 🎥
Thank you all for checking out this week's "Crypto Skaters" issue and big ups to @kike.adventure for doing this interview! Awesome times!
New issue dropping on 2023/03/15 so save the date and ...

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Stoked to have such rad guys in Skatehive. Much skateboarding love Kike ♥️♥️♥️
Thanks for the support skatehive! a pleasure to be part of it! <3
Let´s fuckin' go mexican gang!!!!! 😎🌵
Much respect for you @kike.adventure u the man! 😤
Excellent 👍👏😀
@tipu curate
Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 31/51) Liquid rewards.
skatehive mexico is a strong force within skatehive!
i love seeing your guy's spots and that video part of Felipe Bartolome you shared was super cool that i had not heard of him before.