Thank you Mother!


When I returned from that place and I got home, your house, I went through the entrance and once inside I stopped precisely in front of the door of your room, your bedroom. When I saw her, she was closed and I kept in silence in silence, while the handle saw and finally when he turned it around and turned it to this place, room that is full of you.

My gaze reached to see your bed, covered with its sheets and two pillows, images began to come to my mind, the objects that surrounded me spoke to me about you. I observed your dresses, your shoes, finally all your ordered clothing. I also found your little table where things placed and a drawer where many others are saved.

I went to bed in your bed I closed my eyes and my head on your pillow, I said inside me I want to feel your presence at this time. I started to feel your aroma between the sheets and pillow and the memories did not stop. I felt listening to your words, with your advice and I could also find your eyes, also with your hands that touched me, with your hugs. I also found the moments of my childhood and my past youth.

The room keeps the heat that I found, all the love that I found that I was speechless, how to thank your attention, all the affection, all the moments that together make up the most valuable treasure of existence.

Then I traveled the whole house, the dining room, the kitchen and the room. In every place of the house there is so much of you. Each memory came one after the other. I felt the smell of the food you prepared and the particular taste you gave him.

Then I went to the garden, I met the plants that you care, with the Roses, with the orchid that they spoke to me and missed you just as I miss you. I met the fern and with the palms, the rain of gold, that is called, that you watched.

In short that day when I returned from that place, I found everything that talks about you, mother. I met your home with our home and you were no longer.

That day we leave you resting in the cemetery, hoping that you return to live through the will of Almighty God in the resurrection. If in a clean land, where there is no longer tears, sadness, or pain, neither oldness, nor death.

Thank you Mother for all your love!

0.04012731 BEE

A beautiful and sad tribute to a mother who has passed on to the next life.

0.00252841 BEE


0E-8 BEE

What a beautiful and bittersweet story that you allowed to unfold so gently, like the memories of your mum.

I especially like this sentence....Then I went to the garden, I met the plants that you care, with the Roses, with the orchid that they spoke to me and missed you just as I miss you. I met the fern and with the palms, the rain of gold, that is called, that you watched. because you're right, you're not the only living being that misses her.

Everything she nurtured, everything she touched and everything she loved, will miss her just as much.

RIP our beautiful mothers...

0.00224757 BEE

Very well said friend. šŸ˜ŠšŸ™ !PIZZA

0E-8 BEE

This text has an undoubtedly literary character, even if the arc of the story is not, at first glance, so sharp, @vikbuddy . It expresses very well the story of a son and his valuable experiences that remain for the memory. Many people can relate to your text. Thank you for writing it for @theinkwell.
We appreciate the relationships you establish with other readers by commenting on other stories.

0.00123560 BEE

Sensitive text that in a nostalgic tone refers to the irreparable sensation of losing a loved one. I hope that the narrator's extraordinary sensitivity makes him realize the need to gradually recover from the pain.

0.00104677 BEE

Yeah dear, moving forward with memorable memories is the way forward in life. !PIZZA

0E-8 BEE

What a beautifully sad tribute to your first great love @vikbuddy!
"they spoke to me and missed you just as I miss you" ..... surely flowers are a special way to celebrate and mourn

0.00099018 BEE

Mother's love is always the best, interesting story

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@silentbot star 3

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