
At age 17, my mentor, who happened to be a pastor, was talking with me about life. He showed me a vulcanizer (a person who works on car tires on the streets) across the street and asked me if that old vulcanizer planned to do such a job in his old age. My answer was no, he asked me why I thought so and I said shit happens in life, and there's nothing we can do about it. He then smiled and said, do you realize if this old man is 70 years old then it means he had 50 years to make his old age better, but instead, this is the result of his life after 50 years? He further explained that every decision he took in those 50 years of his life led him to the very point he is in now, and he's very sure he has grown-up kids who are trying to get their lives straight and do not have the means to make their father's life better.


These words have snuck into me since then and if there's one thing I try to look out for, it is nothing living my youth in a way that would make me lonely, sad, and poor at old age. This is why I've dedicated my purpose to helping others find their feet and purpose in life and also lead them on a part in building a better life for themselves… Right now this is all it is, but I have a wider vision I hope to unveil in coming years. My hope for this is that I do not want to be rich or poor and lonely at 70, that Is why I would dedicate my youth to building so that when I'm older the younger generations will find me worthy of wisdom and experience they can learn from if they want to succeed in life.


If there's one thing I see life as it is procreation. And by procreation, I do not mean just biologically, but rather multiplying a good part of ourselves into others to help them achieve the heights we have achieved and allow them to surpass it. For example, if I onboard someone into the hive Blockchain and teach them the things I have done so far to be successful, and they do them and become successful, then I have successfully multiplied myself in another person. I see this as one of the greatest forms of investment, even though people tend to forget who made them who they are, there is an undeniable fact that those I've helped will never have a success story if I wasn't in it.


Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Looks like you are very particular about helping people and impacting the lives of other youth.
Wish you all the best with it.



You certainly can't go wrong adopting an attitude of service first! I hope you get to meet many lovely people and build a beautiful network of friends and associates over your life.

I dropped in from Dreemport this evening.



I hope so too... Thanks for stopping by
