Win SECRET tokens and TIPS // The legend tells it's secrets N°145

Il y avait une légende, un nom qui circulait à travers les couloirs sombres de la finance et des places boursières sous l’appellation de "L'Ombre". Personne ne savait vraiment qui il ou elle était, ni même si "L'Ombre" existait vraiment. Mais une chose était sûre : depuis plusieurs années, les fluctuations des marchés portaient une trace indiscernable, une signature invisible.

L'Ombre n'était pas un trader ordinaire. Il n'avait pas besoin d'entrer dans les grandes salles de la bourse, ni de se mêler aux voix des analystes criant leurs ordres d'achat et de vente. Non, il opérait autrement, comme un fantôme. Le matin, quand les écrans des investisseurs s'allumaient, les prix des actions semblaient légèrement gonflés, presque imperceptiblement. Le soir, la courbe des indices se courbait doucement, un frémissement que personne ne pouvait expliquer.

Avec une précision mathématique, L'Ombre s'infiltrait dans les micro-transactions : des fractions de pourcentages ajoutées à des milliers de titres, chaque petite hausse passant inaperçue dans l'ouragan quotidien des transactions. Ses mouvements étaient si fins qu'aucune autorité n'aurait pu le déceler. Les algorithmes de surveillance ne détectaient qu'un bruit de fond ordinaire, un simple "hasard" statistique.

En vérité, L'Ombre n'avait pas besoin de grand-chose pour opérer. Une poignée de comptes dormants ici, une série de programmes automatisés là, le tout étalé sur des plateformes disséminées aux quatre coins du monde. Il entrait et sortait de ses positions comme le vent passant dans une forêt, agissant toujours à contre-courant du chaos du marché, ajoutant juste ce qu'il fallait pour que les prix s’élèvent lentement. Et pourtant, personne ne l'apercevait jamais. Il se fondait dans les algorithmes, se glissant sous les radars.

Au fil du temps, les plus curieux commencèrent à noter que certains titres voyaient toujours leur valeur croître de manière étrange, presque comme si le marché lui-même les favorisait. Des analystes renommés tentèrent de comprendre, de percer ce mystère. Des enquêtes secrètes furent lancées. Mais chaque piste s'évaporait, comme un mirage.

Dans les clubs privés des financiers, des rumeurs circulaient à propos de ce mystérieux manipulateur, ce fantôme des marchés qui semblait contrôler la gravité économique sans jamais être vu. On murmurait qu’il possédait un savoir interdit, qu’il avait peut-être même vendu son âme pour obtenir ce pouvoir insaisissable. Mais aucun nom ne sortit jamais.

Et ainsi, jour après jour, le marché montait légèrement, imperceptiblement, sous l’influence de cette légende invisible. L’Ombre, par ses actions calculées, transformait le monde sans que quiconque ne puisse le remarquer. Son œuvre était celle du détail, de l’invisible, un art que seuls les dieux de la finance pouvaient entrevoir, mais jamais comprendre.

There was a legend, a name whispered through the shadowy corridors of finance and stock exchanges, known only as "The Shadow." No one truly knew who they were, or if "The Shadow" even existed at all. But one thing was certain: for years, market fluctuations bore an indistinguishable mark, an invisible signature.

The Shadow was no ordinary trader. He didn’t need to enter the grand halls of the stock exchange, nor blend into the voices of analysts shouting their buy and sell orders. No, he operated differently, like a ghost. In the morning, when investors’ screens lit up, stock prices appeared slightly inflated, almost imperceptibly so. By evening, the indices’ curve bent gently, a subtle tremor no one could explain.

With mathematical precision, The Shadow infiltrated microtransactions: fractions of percentages added to thousands of stocks, each small rise going unnoticed in the daily storm of trading. His moves were so delicate that no authority could ever detect him. Surveillance algorithms only picked up background noise, a simple statistical "coincidence."

In truth, The Shadow didn’t need much to operate. A handful of dormant accounts here, a series of automated programs there, spread across platforms scattered around the world. He slipped in and out of his positions like wind through a forest, always acting counter to the market’s chaos, adding just enough to nudge prices up ever so slowly. And yet, no one ever saw him. He blended into the algorithms, slipping beneath every radar.

Over time, the more curious began to notice that certain stocks always seemed to grow in value in strange ways, as if the market itself favored them. Renowned analysts tried to understand, to unravel the mystery. Secret investigations were launched. But every lead dissolved, like a mirage.

In private financial clubs, rumors swirled about this mysterious manipulator, this market ghost who seemed to control economic gravity without ever being seen. It was whispered that he possessed forbidden knowledge, that he might have even sold his soul to gain this elusive power. But no name ever surfaced.

And so, day after day, the market crept upward, imperceptibly, under the influence of this invisible legend. The Shadow, through his calculated actions, shaped the world without anyone ever noticing. His craft was one of detail, of invisibility, an art that only the gods of finance could glimpse but never truly understand.

Le nombre de tokens Secret en circulation a récemment augmenté, passant de 1 014 à 1 042. Cette hausse montre un léger élargissement de l'offre disponible sur le marché. De plus, le prix a également connu une petite augmentation de 0,001 unité ce matin. Malheureusement, avec cette nouvelle valorisation, il nous sera difficile d'acquérir des tokens via les offres supérieures à celles que nous avions initialement prévues.

Cela dit, ne perdez pas espoir ! Si vous détenez déjà des tokens, c'est peut-être le bon moment de les vendre à des prix avantageux. Pensez aussi à placer des ordres d'achat et de vente, car qui sait, une opportunité pourrait se présenter à tout moment. Soyez toujours prêts à tirer parti des fluctuations du marché !

The number of Secret tokens in circulation has recently increased, rising from 1,014 to 1,042. This rise indicates a slight expansion in the available supply on the market. Additionally, the price has also seen a small increase of 0.001 unit this morning. Unfortunately, with this new valuation, it will be difficult for us to purchase tokens through the offers above our initial expectations.

That said, don't lose hope! If you already hold tokens, this might be a good time to sell them at favorable prices. Also, consider placing buy and sell orders, because you never know when an opportunity might arise. Always be ready to take advantage of market fluctuations !

Winner Secret For Comment Or TIPS

@servelle @adhammer @hatdogsensei @hivecurious @itharagaian @logen9f @lumpiadobo
@manuvert @pepetoken @pepetrader @tokutaro22

2.59055206 BEE


0.00001209 BEE

Can February march?
No, but April may.

Credit: bitpizza
@vote-com, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of benefice-net

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0.00000000 BEE


0.00001184 BEE


0.00001161 BEE

How do you look for Will Smith in the snow?
Just follow the fresh prints.

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@hive-103505, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of benefice-net

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0.00000000 BEE

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0.00000000 BEE

count me in @hatdogsensei

0.00000637 BEE


0.00000000 BEE

If you lose a date because of bad breath
It wasn’t mint to be.

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@hatdogsensei, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of vote-com

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0.00000000 BEE

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0.00000000 BEE

Thank you/Merci!

0.00000624 BEE


0.00000000 BEE

@anonyvoter! @vote-com Totally agrees with your content! so I just sent 1 IDD to your account on behalf of @vote-com.

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0.00000000 BEE


0.00000612 BEE


0.00000000 BEE

I needed to buy a new pan to stir fry a large meal
I decided to go for a wok.

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0.00000000 BEE

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0.00000000 BEE

J'aimerai bien être l'ombre de l'Ombre 😀

0.00000599 BEE


0.00000000 BEE

I wasn’t originally going to get a brain transplant
but then I changed my mind.

Credit: marshmellowman
@servelle, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of vote-com



0.00000000 BEE

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0.00000000 BEE

Mi want be liek da shadow, it sound kewl man. !BBH !DIY !DOOK

0.00000587 BEE

You just got DOOKed!
@pepetoken thinks your content is the shit.
They have 6/400 DOOK left to drop today.

Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩
0.00000000 BEE


0.00000000 BEE

What do you call a mobster who’s buried in cement?
A hardened criminal.

Credit: marshmellowman
@pepetoken, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of vote-com

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0.00000000 BEE

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0.00000000 BEE

Hi, @pepetoken,

This post has been voted on by @darkcloaks because you are an active member of the Darkcloaks gaming community.

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0.00000000 BEE

The Shadow sounds like a SECRET!

0.00000576 BEE


0.00000000 BEE

I can never take my dog to the park because the ducks keep trying to bite him.
I guess that’s what I get for buying a pure bread dog.

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@pepetrader, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of vote-com

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0.00000000 BEE

@pepetrader! @vote-com Totally agrees with your content! so I just sent 1 IDD to your account on behalf of @vote-com.

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0.00000000 BEE

Merci pour le SECRET!
Bonne semaine, !ALIVE

0.00000564 BEE


0.00000000 BEE

What's green and sits in the corner?
A naughty frog.

Credit: fallingforward
@manuvert, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of vote-com

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0.00000000 BEE

@manuvert! @vote-com Totally agrees with your content! so I just sent 1 IDD to your account on behalf of @vote-com.

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0.00000000 BEE

include me @lumpiadobo

0.00000553 BEE


0.00000000 BEE

Why was it so easy for the scientist to learn how to make glass from lizards?
It was clear from the gecko.

Credit: reddit
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0.00000000 BEE

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0.00000000 BEE

The Shadow reimagined.


0.00000542 BEE


0.00000000 BEE

What is a birds favorite thing to watch in tv?
A duckumentary.

Credit: reddit
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0.00000000 BEE

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0.00000000 BEE


0.00000531 BEE

Me and my mates are in a band called Duvet.
We're a cover band.

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@vote-com, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of itharagaian

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0.00000000 BEE


0.00000000 BEE

I was fired from the keyboard factory yesterday.
I wasn't putting in enough shifts.

Credit: reddit
@itharagaian, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of vote-com



0.00000000 BEE


0.00000000 BEE

What do you call a fish wearing a bowtie?

Credit: reddit
@itharagaian, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of benefice-net

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0.00000000 BEE

@itharagaian! @vote-com Totally agrees with your content! so I just sent 1 IDD to your account on behalf of @vote-com.

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0.00000000 BEE

@itharagaian! @benefice-net Totally agrees with your content! so I just sent 1 IDD to your account on behalf of @benefice-net.

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0.00000000 BEE

Always something Interesting happening. What exactly? Can't say, it's a SECRET.

0.00000520 BEE

You just got DOOKed!
@ironshield thinks your content is the shit.
They have 3/20 DOOK left to drop today.

Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩
0.00000000 BEE


0.00000000 BEE

In my past life I was a turtle.
It is slowly coming back to me.

Credit: reddit
@ironshield, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of benefice-net

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0.00000000 BEE

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0.00000000 BEE

Hi, @ironshield,

This post has been voted on by @darkcloaks because you are an active member of the Darkcloaks gaming community.

Get started with Darkcloaks today, and follow us on Inleo for the latest updates.

0.00000000 BEE

The SECRET lives on...

0.00000510 BEE


0.00000000 BEE

Do you know where you can get chicken broth in bulk?
The stock market.

Credit: reddit
@ironshield.pepe, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of benefice-net

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0.00000000 BEE

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0.00000000 BEE


0.00000000 BEE

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0.00000000 BEE


$PIZZA slices delivered:
vote-com tipped anonyvoter
vote-com tipped itharagaian
manuvert tipped vote-com
vote-com tipped servelle
benefice-net tipped itharagaian
benefice-net tipped ironshield
@benefice-net(6/10) tipped @vote-com
vote-com tipped logen9f
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vote-com tipped lumpiadobo
benefice-net tipped ironshield.pepe
vote-com tipped hatdogsensei
benefice-net tipped hivecurious
vote-com tipped tokutaro22
anonyvoter tipped vote-com
vote-com tipped manuvert
benefice-net tipped hive-103505
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0.00000000 BEE

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0.00000000 BEE
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0.00000000 BEE

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0.00000000 BEE

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0.00000000 BEE

!WINE & !PIMP & !BBH 👍

0.00000000 BEE


0.00000000 BEE

I really love video games where you go for an deep sea adventuring.
They're just so immersive.

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0.00000000 BEE

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0.00000000 BEE

How many magicians does it take to pull a rabbit out of a hat?
One. It's a trick question.

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