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RE: My last post?

People who don't want downvotes had absolutely no interest in a downvote free platform once it came to fruition. And it's not the first time.

Presumably because the majority went on as usual and they didn't stand ground and walk through the fire of the possible shift

Change takes an inordinate amount of time. People resist it like the plague. Even if they hate their current situation. They'd rather avoid the fear of not knowing for a bit and be uncomfortable.

Aren't we humans interesting creatures?

Bring back the Stoics!

Off to sleep now. Brb :)

0E-8 BEE

One guy was excessively self voting his comments and got downvoted. Threw a fit over a few bucks and refused to make money the easy way by using that stake to vote for others instead. Had no interest in playing fair. So he chose to leave to the promised land. A place with no downvotes. Making sure to burn all his bridges.

Took his money with him and lost nearly all of it. Downvoted himself harder than anyone could.

The things that make you go, "Hmmmm."

0E-8 BEE