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RE: My last post?


For years, people have been free to build suitable solutions to their problems here and then tie their product into Hive’s broader consumer base to enjoy the benefits. However, their product must be self-sustainable in order to succeed. It might be difficult to attract interest in a token that represents only a few superficial variances and personal preferences, stemming from an instance of Hive platform politics.

History somewhat proves that and I shared an example above. People who don't want downvotes had absolutely no interest in a downvote free platform once it came to fruition. And it's not the first time.

A solid tokenized community that wants to be successful tied into Hive would depend on exclusive content attractive to an already well established market combined with a mass of consumers willing to stake tokens in order to support it. It can be bent and shaped into whatever they want but their success is their own responsibility.

0E-8 BEE

Well... that's what freedom and personal sovereignity is all about :)

"I'll do it myself" is my go to these days. I don't have an infinity ring so no need to panic.

I still don't get the tokens tbh. Haven't taken the time to look at that properly.

So I'm understanding a bit more now. Thanks for that.

Perhaps one of the front ends could simply add an option for users to hide earnings and votes. For themsleves. Of course. Wonder how that would pan out.

I just try not to focus on them. But, at times, it's distracting.

As a creative, if you've put days of work into something and it doesn't get much attention or earn it can be disheartening. Better not to know, I think.

Just let that go and keep on making.

Perhaps earnings only showing if a post receives over 50 Hive might be better. Or 100.

Anyway. Lots on my plate here. I'm trying to change the world in other areas and numbers aren't my Forte.

I just wish we weren't so swayed by da money. It seems to cause more trouble than it's worth. Literally :D

0E-8 BEE

People who don't want downvotes had absolutely no interest in a downvote free platform once it came to fruition. And it's not the first time.

Presumably because the majority went on as usual and they didn't stand ground and walk through the fire of the possible shift

Change takes an inordinate amount of time. People resist it like the plague. Even if they hate their current situation. They'd rather avoid the fear of not knowing for a bit and be uncomfortable.

Aren't we humans interesting creatures?

Bring back the Stoics!

Off to sleep now. Brb :)

0E-8 BEE