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RE: My last post?

One guy was excessively self voting his comments and got downvoted. Threw a fit over a few bucks and refused to make money the easy way by using that stake to vote for others instead. Had no interest in playing fair. So he chose to leave to the promised land. A place with no downvotes. Making sure to burn all his bridges.

Took his money with him and lost nearly all of it. Downvoted himself harder than anyone could.

The things that make you go, "Hmmmm."

0E-8 BEE

I like to think that we make our own "fate" / karma and all that.

We really do because our actions have consequences.

You can't blame anything outside of yourself. Really. Especially if your actions are dodgy / not in accordance with the way things work or whatever. It may be that subconsciously one doesn't like themselves if they're behaving like a c*nt and so sabotages themselves. Perhaps its a natural "law" and some kind of intrinsic "balance" that keeps realigning / perhaps there are gods. We will never know.

I have less than R1 in my bank acc today. I got stuck into a creative burst yesterday and forgot to invoice a client and am still living from hand to mouth. I'm chipper as fuck. Listening to DJ Biscuit and it's a beautiful day. I have a roof over my head. Thank f*ck. Food in the fridge. Simple food but it's there. Internet and I managed to patch my dodgy laptop so I can actually work a bit and make stuff again.

The sun is shining and the landscape outside is glorious.

How "blessed" am I, huh? :D

I've seen people with packed fridges who are eating themselves to death. In big homes with fancy cars. Who think they don't have enough.

It's internal. I've done the work. I know this to be a fact! It's all perspective.

To shift a perspective is not an easy thing!

What I have really integrated recently (and this took YEARS of practice now) is non-judgement. And proper detachment. (Both will always be a work in progress, but I've now had days where I'm fine despite all around me without having to "work it". If one can really "get" this understanding... meh... this whole show is as it is.

Now the only question is when to take action at all! :D

Money is an addiction. The end.

0E-8 BEE