Wednesday (erm... Thursday) Walk Along The Thames - Restoring the Soul



So, I had originally intended to post this the day I did the walk on 27th January... but life...and it was a Thursday that I did the walk, not a Wednesday, so I thought I would wait for the following week, but... life... and then covid... and so now...

Finally, it is another Wednesday, a month later, and I need to write lol and so I thought it was time to dig out the pics from my spur-of-the-moment walk along the Thames with my Jack after school. We had an hour and a bit to kill whilst my eldest, Oliver, was playing rugby, and we both love exploring the riverside. He was up for it immediately; no arm twisting required 😎

We are actually very fortunate because my sons' Primary School backs onto the Thames River. There is a short walk across a piece of open field and then there it is! Of course, it makes for a parent's nightmare when the kids are little and all out in the park playing in the afternoon... and so you dare not take your eyes off of them, but the older ones... well they just know not to go near the river without adult supervision ... or else lols.

That week in January I was feeling quite low and I actually wrote something the day after my walk about how I was feeling, on this post by @dreemsteem.

Newbie tip: take A break before YOU break!

I have copied it below to give you some insight into how important that walk was for me in contributing to restore my sense of wellbeing and joy:

I read this the other day but didn't even have the energy to comment at the time. I felt done. Completely drained. The joy I always talk about that drives me; gone. So, this post resonated with me more than most might appreciate. When I am driven back deep inside myself to seek refuge and rebirth, for whatever reason, my heart and head go to poetry. I read it...consume it. I write it. I tend to go quiet whilst I figure things out; how to move forward. I withdraw. I lack the energy to engage; even picking up the phone to speak to my family is a struggle I don't. I just ride it out. And when I do engage under these circumstances, I oftentimes feel like I am a fly on the wall watching myself engage. In these times, I find poetry a cathartic response to my own sense of being in limbo. I had just come off a high of writing my didactic tale about the little leprechaun, Chasing Rainbows, a story I loved writing and which doubled up to cover two challenges from last week, but mostly for my Jack and me. I had also come off an intensive week of engagement for an on-chain challenge, and then suddenly I felt like one does when that wave in the sea lifts you up unexpectedly and dumps you down so hard into its bubbling, swirling torrent of water that you find yourself swept off your feet, tumbling, twisting, trying to regain solid ground, finding it momentarily, but feeling the grains slipping beneath your soles...and then you surrender ...and choose to ride it out, knowing that it has an end because there is no other way. Learning to manage the ride is so important. Unfortunately, many will learn the hard way. The dump was a result of a mix of things occurring simultaneously to impact my sense of joy and peace, both on and off-chain. With energy sapped, the melancholy set in and I have been surfing some of my favourite go-to music on youtube this week. Ironically I also always seem to find joy in Discord (the platform😜). I guess because it's the connection: real people having real conversations. A few people this week have met me in the right place this week in this space 😉 and those little conversations were each really helpful in helping to shift the mood a bit, although they may not have even realised I was in this headspace at the time. I wasn't really aware of it, but looking back now, I sought out the right people on that day and I gained insights that made me smile. A relatively new Hiver also reached out to me on Hive re the poem that I wrote this week called The Wave. He gave me such simple good advice and an ear, and it really brought some joy back yesterday. I took a lovely walk along the Thames river with my Jack and we took delight in cheering on the Eton boys doing their rowing drills up and down the river. I have resolved to go back to basics. I do what I do for joy. No stress or time constraints. When my energies are being sapped and the joy dissipates, the reason for being in a place disappears with it. So I am going to focus on the things that bring me joy, and 'write in' the breaks, and thereby avoid the subliminal stress points that can arise when you overcommit your energy. I !LUV your message. This approach feels like the right one for me. It will enable me to spend my time doing what I love and bring me back to joy on the blockchain. I am going to be more mindful about how and where I expend my energy. I think these are the important messages in your post. And I will learn to ride that wave magnificently over time, my friend, both on and off the chain, because I am here to stay💗

I am in a really good space now on Hive. I feel motivated and energised again. I have rediscovered the joy... and that walk did me the world of good. Of course we couldn't get very far in just an hour and we had to stop and explore and climb trees and cheer on Eton Rowers and run up bridges and just generally hang out too... because it's what we do❣️

The Thames Path can be walked all the way from it's source in Gloucestershire to South East London, some 184 miles. We have cycled a lot around the Windsor/Eton part of the river. It is very pretty there and Windsor itself is an awesome little town, the Queen happens to think so too as it is the place she calls home. Eton has a high street and then pretty much everything else is based around Eton College.

Anyway, Jack and I walked across the field and decided to walk upstream.

Here are a few pics from our walk


There are some really big houses that grace the riverside and they effectively own the land right up to the river, although there is a public right of way along the Thames Path that they have to honour. So a lot of the residents have their own private moorings in front of their homes.


If there is a tree to be climbed, Jack will find it❣️


The underside of one of the bridges we passed


The winding footpath up to the bridge - Jack was full of beans and kept running up to the bridge and back down again to meet me as I walked up taking photos


We didn't cross the bridge completely, just walked along it and took some photos before tracking back and continuing


The view downstream from the bridge


We were both kinda taken with his ornamental private gate onto the rivers edge


A little narrow boat moored up at a private dock


Taking a moment to pause and absorb the peace and quiet


We watched the Eton rowers track back and forth along the river. There were 3-4 sets of rowboats and each was accompanied by a motor boat with a person on board calling the odds over a loudspeaker.


A stretch of the Thames Path on the way back to the school


Finally back at the field and ready to fetch my eldest

That walk truly was the icing on the cake to restoring my soul that week. Jack and I had so much fun. We laughed, we raced each other, we cheered on rowers, we chilled. If you are ever feeling low, do yourself a favour and head out into nature... and take yourself for a walk💗🙏💗

All photos are my own taken on my phone

Dreemport banner used with permission from @dreemport and @dreemsteem and designed by @jimramones

2.68174542 BEE

Great photos, you made me want to be there. You are privileged to be able to constantly enjoy so much beauty, besides having an excellent adventure partner, these are good and great things to be thankful for. I understand how you feel, at times and more than I would like I have felt that way. But remembering the good things we have and surrounding ourselves with people who even without knowing it, as has happened to you, give us that encouragement and helping hand we need to regain momentum is very important. Many successes, you are doing great. I loved your post 😉!

0.00443812 BEE

Thank you @marbrym💗 It is so important to have people around you who understand what you are going through when things like this happen. and just to keep getting up and reaching out... because the right people will reach back, even if they don't know it. !LUV !PIZZA !ALIVE

1.0E-7 BEE

@marbrym! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @samsmith1971. (6/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

1.0E-7 BEE

I am totally convinced that this is so, even for that we should be grateful. I loved reading you today, it helped me to reflect as well.

1.0E-7 BEE

Walks in nature are good for the soul Sam.
Fresh air cures so much and can banish the blues, at least for me it does.
I am glad that it helped rejuvenate your JOY button.
When the fun goes out of something, is the time I often disappear, so I am glad this worked.
Talking of #dreemport that is where I came from this time😁
YOur discord comments, I agree it is good to have real time chats there, although it is still virtual it is as if a real conversation!

0.00310765 BEE

Thank you @tengolotodo... yeah you are absolutely right! They are real conversations and I find I often confide in people and have deep conversations on discord. Of course I do have some besties off chain that know me really well and with whom I have some very close friendships, but it is just as easy to fall into conversation here online too, especially when we find multiple touchpoints of commonality. !ALIVE

0E-8 BEE

@tengolotodo! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @samsmith1971. (8/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

1.0E-7 BEE

Sometimes people can feel more confident confiding in someone they don't know as such, so I know what you mean, people feel comfortable talking to me as opposed to their off chain besties and family!

0E-8 BEE


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1.0E-7 BEE


1.0E-7 BEE

I've heard of the Thames... it's that big long soggy thing that meanders around town, right? thanks for sharing it, today

I found the post from #PYPT on @dreemport

1.0E-7 BEE

haha yes, all 184 miles of it Blue 😎Thank you for stopping by !PIZZA

0.00017042 BEE

184? Them's some serious meandering.

0E-8 BEE

The people doing V2K with remote neural monitoring want me to believe this lady @battleaxe is an operator. She is involved deeply with her group and @fyrstikken . Her discord is Battleaxe#1003. I cant prove she is the one directly doing the V2K and RNM. Doing it requires more than one person at the least. It cant be done alone. She cant prove she is not one of the ones doing it. I was drugged in my home covertly, it ended badly. They have tried to kill me and are still trying to kill me. I bet nobody does anything at all. Ask @battleaxe to prove it. I bet she wont. They want me to believe the V2K and RNM in me is being broadcast from her location. And what the fuck is "HOMELAND SECURITY" doing about this shit? I think stumbling over their own dicks maybe? Just like they did and are doing with the Havana Syndrome

0E-8 BEE

The people doing V2K with remote neural monitoring want me to believe this lady @battleaxe is an operator. She is involved deeply with her group and @fyrstikken . Her discord is Battleaxe#1003. I cant prove she is the one directly doing the V2K and RNM. Doing it requires more than one person at the least. It cant be done alone. She cant prove she is not one of the ones doing it. I was drugged in my home covertly, it ended badly. They have tried to kill me and are still trying to kill me. I bet nobody does anything at all. Ask @battleaxe to prove it. I bet she wont. They want me to believe the V2K and RNM in me is being broadcast from her location. And what the fuck is "HOMELAND SECURITY" doing about this shit? I think stumbling over their own dicks maybe? Just like they did and are doing with the Havana Syndrome

0E-8 BEE

Such beautiful photos on your walk especially that first one WOW

Glad your in a good place now

Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk :), I truly enjoy exploring the world virtually each Wednesday seeing walks from all around the globe and feeling I am there and experiencing it all myself, such as I did in your post just now :)

0E-8 BEE

I need to make Wednesday walk a regular post...for my own good !LOLZ Yep all good now... thanks Jay❣️ !LUV !PIZZA

1.0E-7 BEE

A man tried to sell me a coffin today.
I told him that's the last thing I need.

Credit: reddit
@tattoodjay, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @samsmith1971
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ. (4/4)

0E-8 BEE

It’s hard to keep up with everything I know
Hang in there

0E-8 BEE

Really lovely pictures. Love the gate and the narrow boat. So glad you’re in a better place. 😀 YaY

0E-8 BEE

It is really so nice down by the river... in the summer the boys and their friends wade in to cool down after school too😎 mind you we have a particular spot we go to which is downstream rather than upstream and there is a nice shallow bit that gently slopes off... literally starts like the beach shallow lol...and yes ...much better place now my lovely, thank you 🤗!LUV !ALIVE

0.00000812 BEE

@itsostylish! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @samsmith1971. (4/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

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@samsmith1971(4/5) gave you LUV. H-E tools | connect | <><

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0E-8 BEE

very nice post, don't blink they grow up too fast! !1UP

Posted via

0E-8 BEE

Isn’t that the truth? 😞 ours is still young-ish but he’s already grown up so much in many ways!

0E-8 BEE

Thank you @dynamicrypto...and don't they just!!! I have no idea where the years have gone already and I am holding on dearly the remaining ones of childhood💗 !ALIVE

0E-8 BEE

@dynamicrypto! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @samsmith1971. (3/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

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0E-8 BEE

Thank you very much, this is much appreciated🤗

0E-8 BEE

Looks beautiful! Got some likeness to one of the major rivers around here as well which is cool. Love spending this time with the little ones! I’m looking forward to some warmer weather for sure, getting out for nice walks with our son along rivers and other things sounds great!

As far as taking a break, I make sure to tell a lot of people and new people on here! Make sure you take a break if you need to, mental space is crucial! This is the internet not real life. Things here can wait and it will be here when you need it to be but take care of physical and mental health first. Also if the platform becomes a chore then it’s also a time for a break. It’s supposed to be fun!
Im glad that you took a break and are now in a better space!

0E-8 BEE

Thank you @cmplxty❣️ Yes balance is definitely required. This stretch of the river is a lot narrower than in London of course... there it opens up a lot more and the sea life swim up the Thames a bit too... occasionally in the Thames Estuary there are sightings of dolphins, porpoises, seals and whales... of course that is some 20 miles from where I live so no such luck for me haha. !LUV !LOLZ

0E-8 BEE

@samsmith1971(2/5) gave you LUV. H-E tools | connect | <><

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Why is a timer like a scale?
They both measure wait.

Credit: reddit
@cmplxty, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @samsmith1971
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ. (2/4)

0E-8 BEE

Those are lovely shots and the walk must have been really fun with all those sights :)

0E-8 BEE

It was great, thank you @ifarmgirl. We had so much fun... It is sooo nice in the summer too...there is a lovely stretch of lawn at one point on the walk and Jack and I decided that in the summer we are going to take picnics with us😎💗 !LUV

0E-8 BEE

@samsmith1971(1/5) gave you LUV. H-E tools | connect | <><

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0E-8 BEE

The pics looks divine to me.
They are clear, the place looks nice..
I love the way view of everything, especially the last picture

0E-8 BEE

thank you Jessica❣️ !PIZZA

1.0E-7 BEE

It is amazing what a walk can do for the mind and body. I often find myself having the best conversations and self-reflection when I'm on a walk taking in the fresh air and not overthinking much just walking and enjoying myself.

What beautiful pictures you shared with us and Jack looks to be an awesome bundle of joy and energy all the best to you @samsmith1971


0E-8 BEE

That's just it! I really wasn't thinking about anything much on that walk... I was just enjoying the walk and being in the moment with everything... not thinking beyond the next turn on the path or bend in the river. It was blissful, sunny and fresh... and I had a great companion. He truly is a bundle of pure energy and joy. Thank you @drabs587 for the visit, I appreciate it !PIZZA

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