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RE: Wednesday (erm... Thursday) Walk Along The Thames - Restoring the Soul

Sometimes people can feel more confident confiding in someone they don't know as such, so I know what you mean, people feel comfortable talking to me as opposed to their off chain besties and family!

0E-8 BEE

It's funny I was chatting to a work colleague today on a call... with working from home, we have not actually met as yet !LOLZ but we get on really well ...and I was telling her about Hive and the friendships that are created and nurtured through the various Hive and Discord communities, because I am meeting up with a fellow Hiver in a just over a week's time myself, and she could totally relate! She said that she has a small group of friends that were formed when they started the Bodycoach programme with Joe Wickes. They found each other in the Bodycoach community and formed a little group of 4-5 of them and they have all been chatting daily for the past year, with no limits of conversation topics as none of them really knew each other and they only knew each other online, so they shared so much about their lives withe each other. Then she had a mini meet up with someone who lives a few hours drive from her and they met at the Bicester Outlet Village. She said it felt awkward for a few minutes as they had never actually met in person before that time, but after the initial ice breakers, they fell straight back into their normal rhythm that they have online and spent hours chatting away in a coffee shop there and never did get to browse the stores haha. She said it is so nice now when they chat online to be able to picture her friend, her mannerisms etc and it has enhanced their friendship from that perspective, having met in person, but that once they both got over their nerves in the coffee shop... she felt there was no difference between the person she knew online and the one she was meeting in person. I guess sometimes you just get lucky.

0E-8 BEE