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RE: Jay's $1 DIY Softbox

An Engineer doing big engineering things. It’s beautiful. I like how you paid attention to the dimensions and measurements. No mediocrity anywhere. I’m just excited I didn’t see anything like I used my mom’s hair pin or I used my brother’s belt… that gives me a sense of relief unlike what they’ve been doing to me over here.
My favourite part was the insertion of the light bulb and it’s wiring. That was so smooth.
Did you add any form of “regulations” to the light? Or it’s just as it is.

Anyway, I need to tell you this
When that soft box gets missing, I’ll buy one.

0.00112104 BEE

Thank you, D. I try my best to not "inconvenience" my Mom. Lol. Sometimes, it can be necessary...😁

Did you add any form of “regulations” to the light? Or it’s just as it is.

That's actually an intelligent thought. I did consider regulation, but I haven't implemented it yet, since the light became dimmer when I added the 'diffuser'. For the regulation, here's what I will to use... 👇🏽


An old fan regulator. It has a resistor to do the light dimming job.

Anyway, I need to tell you this
When that soft box gets missing, I’ll buy one.


0E-8 BEE

Oh that’s cool, I don’t know which particular bulb you’re using but there’s this bulb that charges whiles being on , connected to electricity and still stays on after there’s no electricity. That’s what we use at home. I don’t know if you know it , if not I’ll ask my brother what brand it is.

That’s what I’ll recommend, hearing the light became dimmer after adding the diffuser.

Wait, unless this bulb doesn’t even use electricity at all.

0E-8 BEE