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RE: Jay's $1 DIY Softbox

Oh that’s cool, I don’t know which particular bulb you’re using but there’s this bulb that charges whiles being on , connected to electricity and still stays on after there’s no electricity. That’s what we use at home. I don’t know if you know it , if not I’ll ask my brother what brand it is.

That’s what I’ll recommend, hearing the light became dimmer after adding the diffuser.

Wait, unless this bulb doesn’t even use electricity at all.

0E-8 BEE

Oh. I know that one. That's the one I would have liked to use. The only one at home belongs to my Mom. She needs it more, so I couldn't use it.

It's way more convenient. In fact, now that you mention it, I should just get that instead. It's even rechargeable. Help me ask what brand it is from your brother, then, and perhaps even share a photo too.

0E-8 BEE