The Adoption.

The topic of discussion for today got me smiling at one end thinking back at the same time, and then getting to ask myself a couple of questions popping up in my mind. What if? What if?

What if I was truly adopted and not even the biological child of my parents? I will smile again, nod my head, and then say that’s not possible. 😂. But what if it's truly possible? I never heard anything related to that from either of them before and I even got to see my birth certificate.

But what if my birth certificate was a fake? Would I get to know?

Haaa. Then I guess someday somehow I will get to know the truth, or maybe some kind of self-discovery will happen or even the truth will unveil itself one day. What would be my reaction then?

Will I run far away from them, or just cry out my heart and have hatred towards them for hiding the truth from me, or I should rather transfer the hatred to my biological parents for not taking me in their custody?

Will it be the other way round, in the sense that I will have to love my guardians for taking good care of me, then anticipate and long wish to see my biological parents and have a warm hug from them?

There were times when I was younger that those thoughts of being an adopted child did come to my mind. I felt I was different in some ways from my siblings.

There were times when I would find myself odd among them, some kind of food I didn't like taking but my siblings loved taking them. I would look at my complexion and question myself why I am not like the rest. Sometimes I feel I am way too different in my character and thinking compared to my siblings. But with time I later came to realize that it’s just the norms of humanity.

Even though we are siblings, that doesn’t guarantee we have the same character, and that we were loved the same way. But not until I got to experience an adopted child's treatment. Some of them are loved so much, but only a few. Most of them are being treated harshly by their guardians. So that would even get to tell the difference between being adopted and a biological child.

There is always a tight bond between parents and their biological children, especially in cases where the adopted child is being brought up with the parent’s biological children. Some can be so wicked and brutal in treating adopted kids. And some treat adopted kids like their own no matter what the condition may be.

That's life, with my present condition, age, level of maturity, and understanding of life. If I find out that I am being adopted then I would feel disappointed a little as a human but rather appreciate the love and kindness they have showered over me over the years.

I will continue to take them as my real parents, and respect and love them more. But on one end of my mind, I would love to know who my biological parents are, know what they look like, if they are alive or not, and the reason why I was adopted.

This is my response to the HIVE LEARNERS weekly prompt in hive learners community for the Week 135 Edition 1 and the topic to be discussed is AM I ADOPTED?

Header is from Pixabay


1.50454876 BEE

I think that in the long term we all ask ourselves the same questions that you ultimately ask yourself. I suppose that in each society or culture, being adopted has different sociocultural nuances, and it is a very interesting topic because for example an adopted Muslim child will not have the same treatment as a Latin American child, basically because the cultures, societies and education are different. .

A topic to really think about.

0E-8 BEE

My dear at a time when I was growing up I also thought that I was adopted because of the way I was been treated. But when I grow up I discovered that it was my foolishness that was been corrected.
Thanks for sharing

0E-8 BEE

0E-8 BEE

There is always that bond that exist between parents and their biological kids, it is difficult to build with another person's child.

0E-8 BEE