Precious - An Inspiration That Once Lived

I almost didn't join this collaboration but a reply to my message on the collaboration post made me have a rethink to enter for it and not just that, the topic for this week reminded me of someone who played a part in my life before she was called away to eternity. Writing posts like this isn't easy for me actually as it places me in the mood to think of someone I know I'll never see on earth again.

So here is to Precious, an inspiration that once lived but still living in my memory rent free

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Precious was a very beautiful and simple girl, the eldest daughter and child to her family who acted like a second mother to her four siblings. I can still remember her rare smiles when she compliments me in every little thing I do, her angry face when she isn't happy about something or is pissed by her favourite sibling. Everything Precious did, her actions, her words, her decisions and even what I hear about her served as an inspiration to me.

But most importantly, Precious inspired me more in my singing

She was a lover of music, a good singer and an amazing composer. Precious had to deal with the hard feelings from her dad who was strongly against her studying in the art department. Her father wanted all his kids to be science students and become professionals in the science world but Precious wanted to explore the world of arts. I envied her zeal to seeing that happen for her as she kept going against her dad by trying to show her passion for art to him.

I still remember the first song Precious taught the singing group we all belonged to... Whenever I sing the song, I'm moved to shed tears of both joy and pain as I remember her joy when we all said we loved her song and the time she left the world and I wasn't even around to say I saw her some moments or some days ago before her death time.

Precious died of a sickness that so many take just drugs for and become well again... Malaria, it was funny how such an illness that I do take for granted when faced with it took such a soul away from the face of the earth. And it was sad that I couldn't be with her in her last moments, I only got hear on phone calls that we lost Precious on a Thursday and was buried on Friday.

I can still remember how my heart went cold and my eyes heavy with tears. She didn't just lived, Precious touched my life with her consistent spirit and love for family. She inspired the music in me to thrive for what's better, we didn't know each other for up to four years before she went high up but those few years was full of impact that she wasn't aware was going on in my life. Now, I think of Precious and I'm reminded of an inspiration that I'm grateful for.

Dear Precious,

I won't say I haven't been happy with how far I've come in life and how well I'm doing to make my future better because I'm sure you would want that for anyone as your heart was so pure and kind even towards the ones that think they hate you. You're gone forever but you live in my heart whenever I try to compose a song because you inspired that.

I am grateful and I'm happy you've gone to rest from this too busy world even though it was untimely, well God knows best and I can't question that. May your sweet and gentle soul continue to rest in that perfect peace.


0.31386957 BEE

I was trying to console myself while reading this but I barely could. I really miss Precious but I know everything happens for a reason and I'm happy she is resting now, she deserves better and this world can't obviously give that to her.

May her gentle and sweet soul rest in perfect peace ❤️.

0.00012689 BEE

Even I had a hard writing this as I kept being reminded of her as if it was yesterday she left us 😥

0E-8 BEE

I love the message you left for this special lady in the end! Thank you for sharing this with us!

0.00011682 BEE

May her soul rest in peace 🥺

0E-8 BEE

It's always so sad when rare gems depart from us so abruptly. Precious was a rare gem but at least you have wonderful memories to remember her with. It must have been really hard writing this so thank you so much for sharing.🌸

0.00011599 BEE

Yeah, it was easy writing it as I had thought it would 😥 my mind kept reliving when she was alive

0E-8 BEE

A sweet soul left this earth so early, I feel your pain remembering all the impact she made in Ur life especially the music part. It's a pity that death took her away so early due to malaria that you and I usually ignore.
May her gentle soul continue to rest in peace 🕊️


0.00011184 BEE

It's so sad whenever I think about it, but I want to believe she is in a better place 😥

0E-8 BEE

Ouch... What a world 😢

I don't know this Precious in person but I really hope she is resting on the Bossom of the Lord

Such a sad post 😢

0.00010277 BEE

Yeah, I hope so too 😥

0E-8 BEE

People like Precious? They are rare. The zeal and strong will, it takes a lot of guts to deal with life while fighting for your dreams. I hope she's resting too.

0.00010315 BEE

You're right, she was a rare one
I also hope she's resting in peace

0E-8 BEE

So sorry to hear this and thank God you are remembering her good impact in your life. No one knows the day if death but let's live everyday with happiness, peace and loving one another. Sorry once again. May God remember her in the resurrection

0.00010254 BEE

Yeah, she did left a good impact and I think that is the best thing to live a life and die for... May her soul rest in peace.

0E-8 BEE

From all indication she was more than an inspiration to you, its truly sad. May her soul rest in peace 🕊️

0.00010292 BEE

Yeah, it's sad but I want believe she's in a better place

0E-8 BEE

Life is fickle sometimes. Malaria caused by a mere mosquito can send someone to the afterlife. She was truly an inspiration for you strive to be consistently better.

May her gentle soul continue to rest in eternal peace 🕊️

0.00010153 BEE

It's shocking how an illness that's taken lightly could be actually deadly 🤦‍♀️

Yeah, thanks 🙂

0E-8 BEE

Oh so sorry for your loss but I'm glad her memory lives on please be comforted

0.00008816 BEE

Thanks sis 🙂

0E-8 BEE

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0E-8 BEE

Very impressive writeup

0E-8 BEE