It has been really hot for the past couple of months and the temperature is expected to still increase in the coming days. Even tonight as I'm writing this (11:30PM), the current temperature is 29 degrees Celsius. It's so humid, but I can't do anything about it.
Anyway, I finished my classes for today and decided to write something. There are some photos that I want to share on this post. Some were taken during the daytime and the others were at night.
Let's get started!
Due to my busy schedule and the really hot weather, I haven't really taken care of our garden as much as I used to. Well, we didn't plant much since we harvested the last produce from our previous batch of plants like eggplants, okra, bitter gourd and so on.
However, it's just so nice to see that despite the really scorching weather, the vegetables we have left in the garden is somehow surviving. Well, papa waters them every day, so they're still doing well... and just yesterday morning, it rained for the first time in a while. I was so happy to hear the raindrops falling on our roof, but because of the rain, it was extra humid that day... oh well, it made me happy to hear the sound of rain again. :)
There are still a couple months left before the rainy season, but according to some news, there would be La NiƱa this year at the start of the rainy season. I just hope it wouldn't cause too much damage. We have to fix stuff at home before then as preparations.
OK... I know this set of photos is pretty random but I'm trying to try things out on my phone camera. I'm a selenophile, so I really love looking at the moon. It makes me feel at peace. I've always wanted to take really beautiful photos of the moon, but I only have my smartphone with me... so with a few adjustments in the setting, I came up with these photos.
These photos are quite the progress compared to my old photos of the moon. haha
Do you want to see? hahaha
It looks like a light bulb, doesn't it? haha The moon was bigger and brighter during this time, but I didn't really try to experiment on my phone camera's setting. Next time, when the moon appears much bigger, I may be able to get a much better photo using my phone. <3
I'm just rumbling... perhaps I'm tired and sleepy. Anyway, I'm happy to finish my tasks today. I have to recharge and face another busy day tomorrow. See you around! (^^,)/
Thank you very much for presenting this wonderful nature and environment to us. Plants are always a gift from God. Mankind must continue to strive to protect this nature and environment. Your amazing skills always give us a new world.
Hello friend! :)
Plants or nature is indeed a great present, so we have to appreciate and protect it... :) Thank you!!! I hope to improve even more someday. Have a good one!
Nature is really indeed beautiful!š«¶
and it is also very helpful to us, what is given to us should not be misused and you did a great in taking care of the environmentš Letās continue to protect our beloved natureš
For sure... thanks for dropping by! <3
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