Starting Out on Dcrops


At the start of this year, as did a lot of people I listed my hive goals for the new year. They say it's best to start your journey early so I'm doing that by working toward all of them. One of the major goals I set was to get serious with blockchain gaming. And I have started to put in the effort.

I've had Dcrops on my mind for a while now, I see a couple of my friends who have been playing, I bought about 10 packs and won 2 alpha and 2 beta packs in the past, and I have been getting drops of hive in my wallet every day for holding these packs. The daily hive has served as a reminder that I'm yet to get serious.


So on Friday, I decided it was time to dive in and I chatted up my hive gaming guru @queenstarr who is somewhat of a veteran in the game to put me through. She gave me a very good and thorough explanation of how to play the game and I think I understand all the basics very well now.



I am a very lucky person, and it seems that luck followed me into Dcrops as my first-ever pull was amazing (In my opinion). I actually made a video, but I'm having trouble uploading it at the moment, so pics will have to do.

Firstly I opened my 2 Alpha packs. Queen already said I needed land and the first packs I opened had 2 lands. As well as 2 rare seeds (pumpkin and watermelon)



I was overjoyed and rushed to open my beta packs. You can only open 5 packs at a stretch, so I opened them in batches. From the first batch, I got a lot of normal cards, and then neatly arranged by the right were rare recipes and one epic recipe.

Then I opened the next 5 packs. This one was amazing. I got 5 rare seeds, 2 furnace plans, 1 epic recipe, and 1 legendary mango seed. What a pull!!


At this point, I was just flabbergasted and overjoyed. I was a bit afraid to open the last 2 packs as I didn't think any other pack I opened could compete with this, but I went for it.

In the last two packs I 4 normal cards (1 recipe, 3 seeds) 1 epic blueprint (toaster), and 1 probably the best Legendary seed, the Eggplant ๐Ÿ˜‰.

I was so happy I went ahead and bought 4 more packs, for a quick opening (trying to put the good luck I was having and see if I could pull more legendary cards).

These ones weren't really as amazing so I guessed the luck was running out and decided to call it a wrap and I planted some seeds. I also went to the Xmas event where I exchanged some of my candy canes for a mystery seed and one chest. Here are the contents of my chest

some nice boosters and materials


So far starting Dcrops seems fun. I put in just approximately 100 hive (At different time intervals) and I checked the value of my cards and it's more than triple the amount (Thanks to some lucky pulls). The game still has new features being launched and I think it has great potential to be a big game in the future.

So far it looks like a game I see myself playing for years to come.



NB:All images are screenshots from

2.71025055 BEE

You lucky gamer๐Ÿ˜‚ Still unbelievable that you casually pulled great cards. I absolutely loved the cards and so in need of them cause I don't own them.
Congrats Man, let's get farming and earning while at it.

0.00963086 BEE

You lucky gamer๐Ÿ˜‚ Still unbelievable that you casually pulled great cards


Thanks for all your help Queen I really appreciate it.

0E-8 BEE
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0.00902766 BEE

To be honest I just also started on dcrops and I bought around one beta pack and a land just to try HAHA, right now Im still in the middle of exploring.... ๐Ÿ˜…

0E-8 BEE

Hehe, I guess we are both at somewhat the same stage. Goodluck with your journey

7E-8 BEE

wow your packs really brought a lot of goodies for you, that is really amazing, dcrops is really a fun farming game and I'm enjoying it here too

0E-8 BEE

Indeed it is amazing. Nice to hear that you're enjoying Dcrops. I am as well.

0E-8 BEE