Pruning, the vine

Pruning is an essential task if you have trees or bushes in your garden. Pruning determines both the shape of the tree and the fruit it will bear. It is also important to avoid diseases and attacks by different parasites.

Today I would like to start with the grapevine, which is one of the most cultivated shrubs in the Mediterranean and the source of that elixir called wine.
At this time of year, in many places the harvest has already been carried out and the vine is losing its leaves. This means that it will go into dormancy and the sap will stop circulating.

This is one of the times of the year when we can carry out pruning. We will choose a cold and sunny day that is, if possible, not too windy.
In the vines that we grow for table grapes, we should not leave any twigs, which we will do with those intended for wine.

We should use a very sharp tool and disinfect it with alcohol before starting to prune. We will make bevelled cuts so that water or humidity does not remain stagnant, causing rot. After a week of pruning, it is interesting to do a fungicide treatment to avoid sprout disease and mildew.

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