Weekly Writing Prompts By CineTV - #22

Authored by @thisismylife

Weekly Writing Prompts Template.png


Did you have a good week? Mine was very busy but also rewarding as we took in five foster kitties on Sunday. These poor babies have been dumped in the trash when they were a week old and thankfully they had a guardian angel that found them. I'm happy to help them in their transition to their new families. You are probably not surprised that I'm inspired by these events to create writing prompts.


Day 1 - Haba (3).jpg
One of my foster babies called Haba

If you ever had puppies or kittens, you will know how much work it is to keep the little ones fed and clean up after them. On top of that, they need loads of attention and socializing and this is the part where we came in handy as we are both at home instead of at an office. We also had a few litters in the past many years back, delivering very sociable and healthy kittens to the new families. It's also always great to have a child playing with them so they have learned to deal with children, who obviously can be a bit less careful sometimes.

Our daughter is still new to this and we actually have 6 babies to look after now because I have to make sure that she's gentle with them as she has no previous experience handling kittens. Thankfully, she loves them a lot and can't wait to help and play with them.

The first prompt this week is about cats. It doesn't have to be about kittens, maybe you have a cat story of your own you wish to share in a comment, please do! I personally will never get bored of cats, they are great animals and a lot of fun to play with. You read about my cat stories, it's time to share yours!



After reading that these little babies were dumped in the garbage when they were found, you are probably not surprised that I brought up responsibility. In my opinion, people dumping any animal in the dumpster should be sued for murder, in reality, these people often don't get caught. I think it's horrible and I don't even want to think about how many of these kittens will not be found in time. Let's just move on to the responsibility part I want to use to inspire you.

A pet is for life, not for the short period that they're tiny and easy to take care of. They will love you unconditionally and deserve the same in return. You made a choice to get a pet, but they never asked for it. I can't even believe that people would have a cat and then not castrate it, when an accident happens, just dump them in the garbage as if they're nothing. They're beings with a heartbeat. Lack of responsibility is a big thing apparently.

This also goes for people that leave for a holiday and dump their dog in the woods tied to a tree. How can you do such a thing? But I remember this happening even when I was a child, the dogs being abandoned for the owners to go on a holiday. Let's use the word responsibility for a prompt. Anything to share?



The last one is my choice for this week because seeing the horrible things people do with animals from up close is causing me to lose faith in humanity again. I wonder how people can become such monsters to treat animals this way and still sleep at night.

On the other hand, I have now witnessed up close how there are so many people caring for these abandoned souls and doing everything in their power to help them even if they are overloaded with cats themselves. They can not let these tiny ones die and will skip sleep over and over again simply to make sure these tiny ones survive. I have great respect for those doing this, especially the one that does it alone, while I have two more hands to help me (officially 4 lol), some don't and still make it work.

I always knew there are good and bad people, thankfully the love from seeing the good still overpowers the bad but gosh, it's very hard to not feel bad about the bad things when living creatures are being left for dead.

That's all for this week

I'm sorry that the prompts were all inspired by my own cat-ventures but this is how inspiration comes to life. If you used any of the prompts, I'd love to see the link in a comment so I won't miss any of them!

See you next week!

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All images above are created using Canva Pro unless stated otherwise

Posted using CineTV


I did have a good week and I am willing to take part in these interesting prompts


great! you can also leave a comment about the prompts as sometimes it's not movie related .. engagement is always nice :)


Your daughter is a wonderful soul for taking good care of those kittens. It's saddening when people do not take responsibility for their own pets like those who dumped the kittens.

This is a very interesting topic. Hope to be able to share something for this.😉


You already did your part and engaged here, so that's already putting a smile on my face!
I understand not everything is suitable for blogs about movies, but engaging can be done in many ways.

It's horrible but reality, especially during this season.. glad I can help in a way..

Thank you for stopping by and have a great day!


Oh, glad it did. I do need to engage more :)

It's horrible but reality, especially during this season.. glad I can help in a way..

You are awesome for helping. I have not observed anyone here in our place dumping their pets so I think most are responsible so far.
