St. Pölten in Lower Austria much more affected by flooding than Vienna. Black Hawk helicopters were assigned to drop big bags.


Besonders stark betroffen war der Bereich um den Alpenbahnhof, der komplett unter Wasser stand und Pottenbrunn, wo ein Damm der Traisen gebrochen ist.

"Black Hawk"-Hubschrauber haben als Notfallmaßnahme versucht Sandsäcke per Luft auf den reißerischen Fluss zu werfen. Schwer zu beurteilen, ob das wirklich etwas gebracht hat oder mehr eine PR-Aktion war.

Allerdings haben die Helikopter auch Menschen gerettet und aus den Gefahrenzonen transportiert.

Die Flut erreichte sogar fast die Innenstadt, Wasser floss über den Europaplatz bis zum Schießstattring bei der Kaserne.

Hochwasser gab es auch beim Regierungsviertel, das direkt an der Traisen errichtet wurde, aber für Hochwasser-Situationen wie diese ausgelegt wurde. Das Landtags-Gebäude befindet sich auf Stelzen über dem Traisen-Fluss und wurde nicht geflutet.

Wie ist die Lage bei euch? Seid ihr vom Hochwasser betroffen?

Regierungsviertel, St. Pölten

Hochwasser Hotspot St. Pölten

Black Hawk Einsatz in St. Pölten, Pottenbrunn

Alpenbahnhof, St. Pölten

Wassermassen bis zum Promenade Ring

Wetter Online


The area around the Alpenbahnhof in the capital city of Lower Austria, St. Pölten, was particularly badly affected, as it was completely under water, as was Pottenbrunn, where a dam on the Traisen river burst.

As an emergency measure, Black Hawk helicopters tried to drop sandbags by air onto the raging river. It is difficult to say whether this really helped or was more of a PR campaign.

However, helicopters also rescued people and transported them out of the danger zones.

The flood even almost reached the city center, with water flowing across Europaplatz all the way to Schießstattring near the barracks.

There was also flooding in the government district, which was built directly on the Traisen river but was designed for flood situations like this. The regional parliament building is on stilts above the Traisen river and was not flooded.

How is the situation at your place? Are you affected or have you ever been affected by a flooding?

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1.35218570 BEE

Wahnsinn, von St. Pölten hab ich noch gar nicht gehört, ist in den Medien etwas unter repräsentiert.

0.00316733 BEE

geht ja echt ab bei euch, da ist natürlich #HAARP im Speil! Zufälle gibts, die gibt es gar nicht!

0.00316136 BEE

Es war sehr schlimm und so etwas haben wir hier noch nie erlebt

0.00000000 BEE

Die schieben natürlich alles aufs Klinma. Ist aber Quark, guck dir an, wie HAARP funktioniert.

Die können sowas bewusst steuern.

0.00000000 BEE

!invest_vote !LUV !PIZZA !wine !WITZ !LOLZ !Hugh

0.00316098 BEE

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0.00000000 BEE

a typhoon also just passed by in our country. luckily our place did not get affected. but some other areas got affected. take care bro.

0.00315495 BEE

The flood looks very crazy
It’s only the Northern part of my country that is flooded not here

0.00315464 BEE

The images of the force of the water are incredible. We could use a bit of that water here. They say Boris will arrive tomorrow but very weak.

0.00314862 BEE

Oh man, das ist echt heftig.

Das haben wir hier zum Glück nicht.

0.00314228 BEE

It's a little scary to see these images. Nature in its purest form.

0.00313626 BEE

The situation in the Czech Republic is difficult in the north and partly in the south. Especially in the cities of Opava, Ostrava and partly Brno and České Budějovice, also in dozens of smaller towns and villages. As far as I know, so far there are 4 confirmed dead and about a dozen missing. The damage cannot yet be estimated. I estimate that it is about EUR 20 mld.

Tens of thousands of households are without electricity. Trains are not running on some lines, other lines have collapsed, as have roads and bridges. Structural engineers will have to assess hundreds of buildings to decide whether to demolish them or not. These are floods on the level of 1997 and 2002.

This Friday and Saturday we are holding elections for regional councils and some senate districts. Many politicians are trying to take advantage of the floods to make themselves visible and to criticise the politicians in power.

0.00313151 BEE

oh that sounds really bad, wonder whether the flood will have an affect on the election in Czech Republic. Probably it will be bad for the government. We also have elections in Austria at the end of September. Also curious about the outcome.

0.00000000 BEE

I can't predict what this will do to the election. We'll see.

0.00316731 BEE

Heute haben wir wieder herrlixhes wetter mit Sonnenschein

0.00312992 BEE

endlich wieder Sonne :)

0.00000180 BEE

district 1140 Vienna

0.00316730 BEE

The flood inundates the city, causing a lot of damage to the country. The government needs to build flood dams to protect the city

0.00000179 BEE

The government even tried to provide helicopter for the people
This is very sad and I hope they recover

0.00000000 BEE

It's not flooding where I am but I feel sorry for anyone affected by the floods. It sounds terrible and a dam breaking is not good news.

0.00000000 BEE

We do have floods occasionally over here but it's not very regular. And thank goodness because we do not have what it takes to curtail a situation if it does happen.

0.00000000 BEE

This is quite so scarely to see

0.00000000 BEE

Now its calm after weekend, minor cleaning in suburbs, few streets of town Got higher water, but few other cities was hit really Harder, and few last still waits for end of danger.

0.00000000 BEE