Tak jsme si nechali zabít Ferdinanda!
Paní Müllerová to řekla trochu jinak. Mimochodem původní výrok ("Tak nám zabili Ferdinanda!") svědčí o tom, jak se tato dobrá rakouská občanka identifikovala s mocnářstvím.…
Paní Müllerová to řekla trochu jinak. Mimochodem původní výrok ("Tak nám zabili Ferdinanda!") svědčí o tom, jak se tato dobrá rakouská občanka identifikovala s mocnářstvím.…
Today i went to Blesskateshop to do a haircut and get a new griptape paying with HBD. Hoje eu fui na Blesskateshop para fazr um corte e comprar uma nova lixa pagando com HBD.…
Hi lovely family, wish to celebrate everyone that made it to this new beautiful month of August. I must say that August is a blessed month because I can read the…
Greetings everyone, another productive day we did today and as of mine here at our place I was very…
I continue to buy silver. I buy an ounce a week. Or once a month, four or five ounces. Sometimes I'm a little sloppy. Or I think the price of silver needs to come down. (It…
Welcome to the Art & 3D series where I share a cool artwork that I print and talk about every Monday. !last…
It should be about silver and gold. But sometimes I make an exception. I've seen that I'm not the only one who does that. History is indirectly depicted on money. This is an…
Nu, tag #poznejmesto už hooooodně dlouho nikdo nepoužil. Oživíme jej? Nebo ho necháme spát? Už na věky? Tahle soutěž pro cizince nebude. Možná dokonce, že ani ne pro všechny…
Posting error, please do not vote! Thanks Posting error, please do not vote! Thanks Posting error, please do not vote! Thanks China surprises us more and more every day, not…
Hello friends, today we are here to make a short announcement! In fact we are happy to announce that after a long time BTC and DEC are back…