Fotka a řeči okolo

Fotka a řeči okolo

V roce 1990 jsem byl v takové zvláštní situaci. Měl jsem určité životní plány, provedl jsem už i nějaké přípravy, něco jsem si zařídil, domluvil, proběhla jednání, ... Ukončil…

0.28781259 BEE
My Best Series Ever

My Best Series Ever

The end of the season was approaching. I didn't play much. I was floundering in the Bronze I League. There was maybe an hour left in the season. I was fired up. I sat down at the…

0.04825582 BEE
Small Advances

Small Advances

I'm still playing. But not enough. I'm busy in the real world at the moment. I could make time for gaming, but I'm not in the mood. However, I have my little goal. To accumulate…

0.04769645 BEE
Old Buses

Old Buses

Can I find any old bus lovers here? But what's really old? 50 years ago, I used to ride those…

0.08694804 BEE
Small Advances

Small Advances

I'm still continuing to play with two accounts and hoping for luck to smile on me. Sometimes I get lucky, sometimes I don't. I'm running a bit low on Glints, Merits, SPS and…

0.08663085 BEE
Next Season Results

Next Season Results

If I play like it's my life and play almost all my turns, I can get to 30,000 Glints in a season and into the Silver I League. If I play relaxed and let the wheels fall off, it's…

0.04779774 BEE
Good and Bad Experience

Good and Bad Experience

Most of the time these "battle reports" are about successes. Yet failure is just as instructive. Or even more instructive. I'm going to write about failure today. Which I'm going…

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