Preparing Porridge Plantain with Periwinkle and Cow Skin

Hello lovely cooks in the house, today is what I call porridge plantain Tuesday and I will be taking us around my kitchen to show us what I made today.

Well, am a lazy person when it comes to cooking but when I cook, I love to cook delicious and exceptional food that makes those who eat, beg for me.

So today, I decided to cook plantain porridge but in a different way. Although plantain porridge is quite easy to cook and fast as well because it does not take time.



  • Unripe Plantain
  • Periwinkle
  • Fresh Pepper
  • Maggi
  • Salt
  • Crayfish
  • Dry Fish
  • Cow Skin
  • Pumpkin Leaf
  • Palm oil
  • Onions



  • Wash, and peel off your plantain bark
  • Cut into four parts and begin to slice them with your chopping board into a pot.
  • Set your pot aside
  • Get your desired red pepper, wash and pound, and put it into a plate.
  • Filter your crayfish and set them aside too
  • Wash and slice your pumpkin leaves and also set them aside
  • Wash, peel off the inside of your cow skin meat and shred it into tiny pieces.
  • Wash your periwinkle and also set aside.
  • Wash and shred your fish into pieces


  • Set your fire and place your pot full of plantain on it,
  • Pour in some amount of water and make sure, the water covers the plantain
  • Allow the plantain to boil
  • Add your Palm oil, crayfish, and pepper and cover the pot.
  • Allow it to boil for some time so the ingredients can mix properly
  • Pour in your cow skin meat, and Periwinkle
  • Put your salt and Maggie to your desired taste and cover your pot.
  • Allow cooking for some minutes to make sure your ingredients are well mixed in the plantain.
  • Pour in your pumpkin leaf, stir and allow to boil.
  • Your porridge plantain is ready to be served.
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