Amazing Health Benefits of Quinoa


At present, consuming Quinoa has become a very daily culinary habit. The reason for this consumption is constantly due to the low gluten that it possesses and, in turn, for people who have gluten intolerance is an excellent option.

Quinoa seeds can be obtained in a variety of colors, these being white, red and black. Now, as far as quinoa consumption is concerned, one of the most frequent ways is, in rice. Another presentation that Quinoa has is in leaves and the people who prefer it in this way, mostly use it for salads or prepare tea.

As regards the quinoa composition we can emphasize that, they are complex hydrates and in every 100 grams of seeds, the organism that consumes it receives:

200 calories
39 grams of carbohydrates
16 grams of protein
15 grams of insoluble fiber
4 grams of fat

It is important to highlight that, apart from the aforementioned complexes, when we consume Quinoa, our body receives minerals such as zinc, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, iron and calcium. Omega 3 and 6. Finally but not less important acids, all the vitamins provided by complex B and E.

After all the aforementioned, I share what are the benefits that we would have when consuming quinoa in our balanced diet:

Promote weight loss: Quinoa seeds are a cereal that provides less percentage of calories and thanks to that, metabolism has the power to process them quickly after their consumption. Similarly, Quinoa helps metabolism so that it acts more accelerated at the time of burning all the calories we consume per day.

It is important to highlight that, Quinoa generates the effects subsequently highlighted since, it contains high levels of fibers that accelerate the sensation of fullness or satiety. On the other hand, weight loss is also achieved by consuming these seeds by all the proteins it possesses.

It is antioxidant: quinoa contains large amounts of antioxidant compounds, particularity that when consuming it we help prevent Alzheimer's, arthritis, cancer and aging. It should be noted that, to increase the benefits, consume the seeds and leaf constantly, we help increase antioxidant compounds.

It is high in fiber: each quinoa grain contains great power in fiber for this reason, it is ideal for regulating the problems of constipation, hemorrhoids and, in turn, regulates cardiovascular levels.

Excellent ally for people who do not tolerate gluten: a person's balanced diet with gluten intolerance is complicated, however, quinoa can consume it regularly since, these seeds contain the same properties as potatoes and corn.

Iron rich: By consuming quinoa daily, we help level hemoglobin and the correct distribution of oxygen in the blood.

Provides the appropriate amount of magnesium: by consuming 100 grams of quinoa daily, we help improve our quality of rest thanks to the Magnesio mineral. It is important to note that, when we have this low level, we develop diseases such as osteoporosis, muscle spasms, diabetes, cardiovascular and migraine problems.

Now, to avoid these problems and maintain the proper level of magnesium, it is recommended to consume the amount of grams mentioned above every day for 3 months. Upon arriving this time, the treatment stops for the same amount of months and then returns to resume.


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