Hola querido hiver.
Ayer me fui de excursión con las amigas que conservo de la infancia. Pasamos una jornada estupenda aunque terminé agotada. Estoy acomodada en mis rutinas y cualquier actividad fuera de ellas la disfruto mucho pero me deja sin energías. Pese a que temía no descansar durante la noche, me he levantado bastante mejor de lo esperado por lo que estoy contenta. De lo que hicimos te irás enterando en futuras publicaciones.
Hablando de publicar, durante la última semana he meditado mucho acerca de cómo llevo mi blog. De un tiempo a esta parte vengo cumpliendo con una regularidad tanto en la frecuencia de publicación como en los temas que trato, y te confieso que estoy en un punto donde me causa cierto aburrimiento. No porque no me apasionen los temas de los que escribo, eso jamás lo podría hacer y si llegase el caso se me notaría en el modo de expresarme. Seguro.
Lo que quiero decir es que a veces me apetece más publicar un viernes sobre una película que he visto la tarde anterior, o por ejemplo hoy me saldría mejor compartir fotografías de mi reciente excursión en lugar de este rollo que te estoy metiendo y que no deja de ser un vaciado mental de mis diatribas. Algo que puedo necesitar más cualquier otro día de la semana que no sea los domingos. Supongo que entiendes mi punto.
Reconozco que tener previstos determinados días para cada temática que trato en el blog le aporta una seguridad al lector que se acerca hasta él. Sabe lo que se va a encontrar de antemano y le permite elegir en función de sus apetencias si entrar o no cuando le aparezco en su feed. Pero a mí me sirve de presión añadida. Sí, ya sé que esa presión es irreal, inexistente y solo fruto de mi mente. Que nadie me obliga a nada. Que mi blog es mío y hago con él lo que quiera, etcétera, etcétera, etcétera… ¡lo sé!
Después de todo lo anteriormente expuesto, te comentaré, querido lector, que he decidido que esta es la última entrada de diario que haga un domingo porque es el día que me impuse en su momento. Lo mismo para mis reseñas de películas de los martes y posts de fotografía de los jueves. Asimismo, a partir de ahora es posible que publique varios días seguidos o que deje de hacerlo durante semanas completas.
En pocas palabras, voy a practicar también aquí en el blog el fluir con lo que me apetezca en cada momento. Sé que es lo que necesito en estos momentos y con eso basta, como también sé que quienes se asoman a esta ventana y me aprecian lo sabrán comprender y seguirán ahí. A todos ellos, a ti, gracias. Seguimos leyéndonos.
Hasta la próxima publicación. Mientras tanto, ¡cuídate!
Herramientas: Cámara iPhone 13 Pro, editor de fotos Mac.
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Hi dear hiver.
Yesterday I went hiking with my childhood friends. We had a great day even though I ended up exhausted. I am settled into my routines and any activity outside of them I enjoy very much but it leaves me drained of energy. Although I was afraid I wouldn't rest during the night, I woke up much better than expected so I'm happy. You will find out more about what we did in future posts.
Speaking of posting, over the last week I've been thinking a lot about how I run my blog. For some time now I've been following a regularity both in the frequency of publication and in the topics I deal with, and I confess that I'm at a point where I'm getting a bit bored. Not because I'm not passionate about the topics I write about, I could never do that and if it came to that it would show in the way I express myself. That's for sure.
What I mean is that sometimes I feel more like posting on a Friday about a film I saw the previous evening, or for example today I'd be better off sharing pictures of my recent excursion rather than this rant I'm giving you, which is nothing more than a mental emptying of my diatribes. Something I may need more of any day of the week other than Sundays. I guess you get my point.
I recognise that having certain days set aside for each topic I deal with in the blog gives the reader who comes to it a sense of security. They know what they are going to find beforehand and it allows them to choose whether to enter or not when I appear in their feed. But for me it serves as added pressure. Yes, I know that this pressure is unreal, non-existent and only the fruit of my mind. No one is forcing me to do anything. That my blog is mine and I do with it what I want, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera... I know!
After all of the above, I will tell you, dear reader, that I have decided that this is the last diary entry I will do on a Sunday because it is the day I imposed on myself at the time. The same goes for my film reviews on Tuesdays and photography posts on Thursdays. Also, from now on I may post several days in a row or stop posting for weeks at a time.
In short, I'm also going to practice here on the blog to flow with what I feel like at any given moment. I know that this is what I need at the moment and that's enough, just as I know that those who look out of this window and appreciate me will understand this and will continue to be there. To all of them, to you, thank you. We continue to read each other.
See you next time. In the meantime, take care!
Tools: iPhone 13 Pro camera, Mac photo editor.
Translated with DeepL
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©️Copyright 2024 Paloma Peña Pérez. All rights reserved.
Having a routine helps with organization and could be seen as easier to manage, but with such a creative thing as writing for Hive sometimes the established days need to change, or completely disappear. Yes, like flowing with the feeling in the moment. I like certain days, but because of the topics (Wednesday Walk, Throwback Thursday and similar), but I have no established days of posting or not. There are times I feel a lot of pressure as I run here and there and then to post I am left with so little time that I get just frustrated and sad when I can't visit other people's posts or even reread my written text and check it. Then I let myself time, just to live, and then later feel the happiness while preparing something and satisfaction when pressing that publish button. 😉
Yesterday I wanted to post a short video, but I found out that 3speak was having trouble so I didn't even start hahaha but I wrote a completely different post; later I couldn't sleep well. 🤦♀ That friend will come today to our home, and later I will try to prepare the post with the video 🎶 and pray it uploads well. 😁
That's it, creativity is not a linear process and sometimes we need ideas to cook over low heat, in the background while we do other things.
The point is that it seems that we have to take advantage of every moment by doing something productive, and doing nothing is also because it means rest to be able to continue.
I cross my fingers and invoke San 3Speak blessed so that it works well. 😁
Doing nothing is never "nothing" - even resting, our mind recovers from worries and it is good for our emotional stability! :))
Thank you. 😇 🙏 We need to cross many fingers, right now it says my video is queued... position 61
no, edit, position 98 now 😬
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Hello dear friend @palomap3
How great that you got out of your routine and shared those good times with your friends, there is nothing more rewarding than spending time with people we appreciate
Although it is good to have a certain schedule in our posts, the important thing is that you do what makes you feel good, and I think it is good that you publish with flexibility, when and how many times you want
Have a wonderful Sunday
I can’t agree more! People cannot be replaced, the more we love them, the more important the time we spend with them.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts about my doubts with the publication schedule. I tend to stiffness and I know it's good to be flexible to adapt without breaking. Happy week ahead, dear!
!discovery 30
Thank you so much! 😊
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Yes! Haha. For me, I have a mix of topics with a fixed frequency, and also a mix of posts where I just post when I have random thoughts. :)
When you need to change, the best thing is to let yourself go and do it. Leaving the comfort zone helps to see beyond. 😁
El ser imprevisible añade "cierta" emoción. 😆
¡Un abrazo! Me parece que todo lo que hagas en función de tu bienestar estará bien.
Ahora es lo que me piden el cuerpo y la mente, así que me dejo llevar. Respetando los ritmos, y saboreando esa nueva “libertad”. 😘
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Thank you!!
Thank you so much!
Many thanks dear soul.
Good morning Paloma, how different we are. This year I bought the second planner of my life. I try to put order in it. I got bored of flowing so much. The truth is that organizing routines has its advantages, although breaking them too.
From now on I am looking forward to the surprises that are yet to come.
I hope you have a good start of the week.
In the planning issue we are in the antipodes, I am a geek of the agendas, hahaha. I have tried them in all possible formats and none has convinced me completely because the problem is in my attempt to keep everything under control, which is impossible. Now I use an app on my phone because it's what I always carry with me and I'm delighted with it. And, I must also say, my tasks are now almost always the same and it was very boring to write the same thing over and over again. 🤣
I don't prepare surprises, in fact my goal is not to prepare so much and do more. The rest will arrive when it has to arrive.
A big hug. 🤗
Good evening Paloma, we could not be so alike. 🤣 About your blog, whatever you do I'm sure I'll be stopping by.
A big hug.
Los cambios a veces son buenos, nos permiten apreciar las maravillas de la vida y las cosas buenas que nos ofrece.
Mantener motivados a nuestros lectores ofreciéndoles un menú variado y sorpresivo parece volverse nuestro deber, también para nosotras mismas, queremos variedad a veces.
Salir con amigas y pasar el rato es la vitamina del alma.
Un abrazo de gusto por leerte.
Changes are sometimes good, they allow us to appreciate the wonders of life and the good things it offers us.
Keeping our readers motivated by offering them a varied and surprising menu seems to become our duty, also for ourselves, we want variety sometimes.
Going out with friends and hanging out is the vitamin of the soul.
A hug for reading you.
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Me suele pasar que camino entre el aburrimiento y el estrés, no encuentro el término medio, jeje. Supongo que a todos nos pasa, son periodos normales de altos y bajos, al menos es algo que detecto en mí cuando llega esta época del año. Es como si el invierno empezase a pesar y necesitase algo más de movimiento. Además vengo de un tiempo prolongado de estar pendiente de muchas cosas y debo descansar un poco. Mil gracias por tus palabras de apoyo siempre. Abrazotes. ❤️
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