Reflections of a loner
Bueno primero lo primero soy nuevo por esta comunidad y llegué aquí porque me encontraba navegando a través de la Ecency waves,y viendo los comentarios de otras personas, vi un comentario de el usuario @alex-rourke que hablaba sobre un atardecer.
Este era el mensaje de @alex-rourke que mostraba este bonito atardecer,y yo le comenté que me parecía un atardecer nuclear, hermoso y radiactivo.
Well, first things first, I am new to this community and I came here because I was browsing through the Ecency waves, and looking at other people's comments, I saw a comment from the user @alex-rourke who talked about a sunset.
This was the message from @alex-rourke that showed this beautiful sunset, and I told him that it looked like a beautiful, radioactive nuclear sunset to me.
De verdad no conocía a este usuario y me llamó la atención ver quién era. Para mi sorpresa me encuentro que el amigo es un stakeholder importante en Hive, con buena cantidad de HP, y ademas es un músico que promueve una vida saludable.
Me llevé esa grata sorpresa porque al revisar sus publicaciones encontré una sobre un récipe de comida que me gustó mucho.
I really did not know this user and it caught my attention to see who he was. To my surprise I find that the friend is an important stakeholder in Hive, with a good amount of HP, and also he is a musician who promotes a healthy life.
I was pleasantly surprised because when reviewing his posts I found one about a food recipe that I really liked.
Una cosa llevó a la otra y resulta que comentando su publicación y viendo la gente con la que interactúa, descubrí que el tenia el badge de esta comunidad en la que yo me encuentro publicando.
Y esta breve explicación es para que ustedes sepan cómo llegué yo hasta aquí.
Pero este no es el tema del que voy a hablar.
El día de hoy vengo solamente a contar cómo me he sentido , porque anoche estuve dando una charla acerca de inteligencia artificial en hive , que es un tema que me apasiona.
Conversamos en la comunidad hispana, en un servidor de Discord estuve hablando cerca de 90 minutos, explicando cómo se usa la inteligencia artificial de manera correcta acá en HIVE y los abusos que hay actualmente de la misma también en HIVE.
Mostrando ambas caras de la moneda. La charla realmente fue muy interesante, le gustó a muchísima gente, estuvo lleno el Discord con 20 o 30 personas tal vez, durante 90 minutos, cosa que es bastante interesante, pues se nota que gustó él tema.
Pero lo que quiero decir con esto es que terminé agotado. Yo soy una persona que el tipo de contenido que hago en HIVE actualmente son vídeos.
One thing led to another and it turns out that by commenting on his post and seeing the people he interacts with, I discovered that he had the badge of this community in which I find myself posting.
And this brief explanation is so that you know how I got here.
But this is not the subject I am going to talk about.
Today I only come to tell you how I felt, because last night I was giving a talk about artificial intelligence at hive, which is a topic that I am passionate about.
We talked in the Hispanic community, on a Discord server I was speaking for about 90 minutes, explaining how artificial intelligence is used correctly here at HIVE and the abuses that it currently has at HIVE as well.
Showing both sides of the coin. The talk was really interesting, a lot of people liked it, the Discord was full with perhaps 20 or 30 people, for 90 minutes, which is quite interesting, because you can tell that he liked it
But what I mean by this is that I ended up exhausted. I am a person that the type of content that I currently do in HIVE are videos.
Yo soy escritor dedicado a hacer microrrelatos, y esto consume bastante a nivel intelectual y me deja agotado el hacer estos vídeos, porque son microrrelatos que son escritos para vídeos de 80 segundos o menos, en la iniciativa de 3shorts de 3speak y, por lo tanto, requieren un esfuerzo intelectual bastante importante.
No se trata solo de escribir el relato en la computadora, si no que después de escribirlo (lo cual es un proceso técnico y literario) me lleva a otro proceso que me desgasta que es el de hacer el vídeo, y transformar ese relato a un guion , para usarlo en un teleprompter en mi teléfono y poder hacer el vídeo, con todo lo que conlleva a nivel de edición y del maquetado de la publicación, que ustedes saben que lleva acá.
Entonces todos estos cuatro minutos de charla anterior es para ponerles en un contexto, que espero que de verdad no les aburra, pues mi intención no es esa, sino decirles que me sentí muy agotado.
Anoche tuve esas dos actividades, en realidad la habilidad de hacer un vídeo (que no fue un microrrelato, porque en esta ocasión fue un vídeo para participar en la iniciativa de un testigo, donde se hace la pregunta de ¿qué es Hive?, salgo yo explicando en 80 segundos o menos de 80 segundos qué es lo que es Hive, con mi propio estilo y mi manera de ser. Es un vídeo que fue realizado para el testigo de Hispa Pro).
Bueno el cuento es que terminé muy agotado por hacer este vídeo, que intelectualmente, requiere de un esfuerzo importante para mi, pues aparte de los microrrelatos este tipo de vídeos es un trabajo que requiere de ciertas habilidades muy especificas ya que no todo el mundo es youtuber, o asiduo Vlogger.
Ni qué decir de colocarle lo que son los subtítulos, aprovecho de compartirles el vídeo para que lo miren, pues a pesar de que está español, le coloco siempre subtítulos. En caso de que alguien en esta comunidad quiera ir a ver lo que este viejo loco hace =).
I am a writer dedicated to making short stories, and this is quite consuming on an intellectual level and making these videos exhausts me, because they are short stories that are written for videos of 80 seconds or less, in the initiative of 3shorts from 3speak and, therefore, , require quite an important intellectual effort.
It is not just about writing the story on the computer, but after writing it (which is a technical and literary process) it leads me to another process that wears me out, which is making the video, and transforming that story into a script, to use it in a teleprompter on my phone and be able to make the video, with all that it entails at the level of editing and the layout of the publication, which you know it has
So all these four minutes of talk above is to put you in a context, which I hope will not really bore you, because my intention is not that, but to tell you that I felt very exhausted.
Last night I had these two activities, actually the ability to make a video (which was not a micro-story, because this time it was a video to participate in the initiative of a witness, where the question is asked: what is Hive?, I go out me explaining in 80 seconds or less than 80 seconds what Hive is, with my own style and my way of being. It is a video that was made for the witness of Hispa Pro).
Well the story is that I ended up very exhausted by making this video, which intellectually requires a significant effort for me, because apart from short stories, this type of video is a job that requires certain very specific skills since not everyone is youtuber, or regular Vlogger.
Not to mention putting what the subtitles are, I take advantage of sharing the video so that you can watch it, because despite the fact that it is in Spanish, I always put subtitles on it. In case anyone in this community wants to go see what this crazy old man is up to =).
Para mí es muy importante recibir él feedback de cada uno de ustedes así que sería muy muy grato recibir sus comentarios y su feedback.
El punto que me trae hasta aquí es que me he sentido muy cansado.
Hoy me desperté sin saber en realidad qué tipo de contenido iba a hacer, y me encuentro con todo lo que pasó.
Me encuentro la publicación de @alex-rourke,luego de empezar mi actividad diaria, porque este mes aparte de todas las tareas he sido elegido como curador invitado de Ecency (muchas gracias @ecency por esta oportunidad).
Y luego de terminar mis actividades de curación en el día de hoy, me decidí a navegar un poco al azar por waves , por que me gusta mucho y me encontré con esta comunidad.
Estaba realmente muy cansado, porque hoy también al amanecer tuve un par de sueños: soñé con un militar que es un capitán de navío de la fuerza armada de acá, de este país, un hombre que no conocía, pero que se me hacía muy familiar , pues yo tuve un jefe que físicamente era parecido al personaje que vi en el sueño.
Este militar estaba como con una actitud muy positiva hacia mí en el sueño, invitándome a que participara o a que hiciera cosas y esto en militares del país de donde yo soy es bastante poco común, porque suelen tener una actitud bien distante y dura con los civiles.
For me it is very important to receive feedback from each one of you, so I would be very pleased to receive your comments and feedback.
The point that brings me here is that I have felt very tired.
Today I woke up not really knowing what kind of content I was going to do, and I find everything that happened.
I come across @alex-rourke's post, after starting my daily activity, because this month apart from all the tasks I have been chosen as a guest curator of Ecency (thank you very much @ecency for this opportunity).
And after finishing my curation activities today, I decided to do a little random browsing through waves , because I really like it and I came across this community.
I was really very tired, because today at dawn I also had a couple of dreams: I dreamed of a soldier who is a ship captain of the armed forces here, of this country, a man I did not know, but who seemed very familiar to me. Well, I had a boss who was physically similar to the character I saw in the dream.
This soldier was like with a very positive attitude towards me in the dream, inviting me to participate or to do things and this in the military of the country where I am from is quite unusual, because they tend to have a very distant and harsh attitude towards civilians.
Me llamó la atención, yo sé esto porque trabajé con militares. Soy civil, pero trabajé con ellos muchos años de mi vida.
Por otro lado también tuve un sueño lujurioso: en esta parte de mi sueño todo cambió y sé convirtió en un sueño lujurioso, con una colega de Hive y la verdad no quiero mencionar su nombre porque me da mucha vergüenza de lo que ella pueda pensar de mí.
Yo no suelo tener este tipo de sueños, yo soy un hombre como cualquiera de los hombres que hay en el mundo y que están acá en Hive, con sus sentimientos, sus emociones y no estoy exento de tener deseos lujuriosos y calenturientos ha ha ha, pero me avergüenza que esta colega se entere de esto, porque para mí la opinión de ella resulta muy importante, y no me gustaría que se dañara las interacciones que tenemos actualmente, que son muy agradables.
Vine a contarles esto porque creo que de esto se trata esta comunidad: de mostrar diariamente los pensamientos y las reflexiones que uno tenga.
It caught my attention, I know this because I worked with the military. I am a civilian, but I worked with them for many years of my life.
On the other hand, I also had a lustful dream: in this part of my dream everything changed and it became a lustful dream, with a colleague from Hive and I really don't want to mention her name because I'm very ashamed of what she might think of my.
I don't usually have these kinds of dreams, I am a man like any of the men in the world and who are here in Hive, with their feelings, their emotions and I am not exempt from having lustful and horny desires ha ha ha, but I am ashamed that this colleague finds out about this, because her opinion is very important to me, and I do not I would like to see the interactions we currently have, which are very pleasant, damaged.
She came to tell you this because I believe that this is what this community is about: showing daily thoughts and reflections that one has.
Actualmente me siento confundido, porque no sé cual es el mensaje que trata de darme la vida con estos sueños, supongo que serán emociones, que yacen en mi subconsciente.
Soy alguien que le encanta u le apasiona la psicología, pero no sé qué pueda significar este tipo de sueños, asi que vine a contárselos, a preguntarles a ustedes qué significado tienen para ustedes este tipo de mensajes, o qué mensajes pueden interpretar ustedes de esto que me está dando la vida.
Suelo ser una persona que deja guiarse por lo que le indica la vida. Y la vida me indicó que hoy debía publicar por aquí, a pesar de que estoy desgastado intelectualmente.
Me sentí animado a hacer esta publicación que evidentemente es larga.
Yo en mis 55 años de edad he aprendido que la mejor alternativa es resolver lo que nos plantea la vida en el momento y si la vida me planteó a mí escribir esto en este momento, entonces lo considero correcto porque asi es que necesitan ocurrir los hechos.
Hay que dejarse llevar por el camino que nos indica la vida.
Si has llegado hasta este punto de la publicación, te agradezco mucho por leer las tonterías que tengo que decir y los pensamientos que tengo.
Ten la seguridad de que voy a responder tu mensaje e interactuar contigo apenas mi tiempo me lo permita.
Muchas gracias y un gran abrazo para todos los miembros de esta interesante comunidad.
Currently I feel confused, because I do not know what is the message that life is trying to give me with these dreams, I suppose they are emotions that lie in my subconscious.
I am someone who loves and is passionate about psychology, but I don't know what these types of dreams could mean, so I came to tell you about them, to ask you what meaning these types of messages have for you, or what messages you can interpret from this. that life is giving me
I am usually a person who lets himself be guided by what life tells him. And life told me that today I should post here, even though I'm intellectually worn out.
I felt encouraged to make this post, which is obviously long.
In my 55 years of age I have learned that the best alternative is to solve what life presents us at the moment and if life proposed me to write this at this moment, then I consider it correct because that is how events need to occur. .
We must let ourselves be carried away by the path that life indicates to us.
If you've made it this far in the post, thank you very much for reading the nonsense I have to say and the thoughts I have.
Rest assured that I will respond to your message and interact with you as soon as my time allows.
Thank you very much and a big hug for all the members of this interesting community.
This is my black cat "manclar", this hive name account is to honor his dead (it happened years ago).
The divisor is made by @albiro2050, if you want one made in your style, visit him and he will gladly take care of your commission.
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you are welcome. 😀
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Pues te voy a decir que me lo he leído enterito. No tengo ni idea de lo que pueden significar esos sueños, pero me gusta esa filosofía de ir tomando lo que la vida nos va proporcionando.
En cuanto al tema del agotamiento, te entiendo porque así termino yo casi todos los días. Y eso es señal de que tenemos que descansar.
Cuídate, amigo. 🤗
Que esta es nueva y seguro te gusta jajaja, que me mola mucho ponerte las palomas :)
El estoicismo es encantador, me ayuda muchísimo a atravesar la vida. Y mira que me he puesto a analizar la vida, y he sacado esa conclusión, que ella misma nos indica por donde seguir, con quien juntarnos o que debemos hacer. Créeme es muy sorprendente , pero funciona, es como magia o que se yo mi amiga.
Ahorita son casi las 4 pm por aqui, y apenas estoy calentando mi almuerzo : unas calabazas hervidas (me encantan), con vainitas (son una especie de granos que no se si conocen en España), arroz , limon, ketchup y el super aderezo picante que yo hago.
Y luego me voy a descansar, te hare una pregunta pro discord de una duda que tengo y luego a ver series y reposar. Que debo prepararme para hacer unos mega videos, que ya han salido un par de iniciativas de terror y no puedo dejarlas pasar. =)
Gracias mi amiga, un abrazo cu cu cu cu (como hacen los palomos ja ja ja ja) (que me molaaaaaa)
@manclar, @palomap3(2/10) sent LUV. | connect | community | HiveWiki | NFT | <>< daily
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(no space) to get help on Hive. InfoWe appreciate you taking the time, to either use #ThoughtfulDailyPost, or otherwise help this Community grow. So...
Thank you!!
I would say this is one of those examples of a "Happy Accident"... I am a true believer in that old mindset that everything happens for a reason. I am reminded of my days of doing college courses online. I would always find the coolest things when I was looking for something else. In this case... and as your title so wonderfully describes, This was indeed an example of "Journey Through Connections". This was a very well-written post, and I would love to see you create a video, that re-visits this moment in time. We have @@alex-rourke to thank at this particular moment; had you not looked at his content. You wouldn't perhaps have seen our Thoughtful Daily Post Community... and we would have not been able to meet each other, share some good vibes, or share our vision of thoughtfulness and positive energy! Thank you for visiting our community, and of course... for sharing such a unique story! Hope to see more from you soon!

You are definitely right, coincidences/causalities led me to stumble on this trip to this community. And of course I am very happy for her, because it is something that happens rarely in life, but when it does it is very satisfying. Meeting people with whom you know you can share ideas, really exchange moments and sit down to talk, is something unique and very special, not to mention the satisfying feeling and emotion you have when you win in this regard.
Surely later I will create a video, although my native language is Spanish, and I am not very skilled in English, what I do guarantee is that it will have subtitles, because I am always kind enough to add English subtitles to any of my videos.
Grateful to be able to read you wes, for me reading you is the first joy of this day, Friday, and the necessary motivation to make today's video, because motivated by this episode, I am going to record the short story for today, which will to deal with "unexpected encounters" =D.
I must tell you that I am a fiction and horror writer, they are my favorite genres, and I specialize in short stories, I have written more than 7 thousand.
A pleasure, I will always be hanging around this community, and commenting at least once a week, because my tasks as curator of ecency, and doing life with different communities and projects in live programs on Discord, consume a lot of my time.
But they're going to count on me here, of course.
It is a great pleasure to interact with you, it is impressive, pleasant, enriching and fun, thank you very much!
To finish, and leave you my vibe, I share with you this Bee Gees song, which gives me the vibe that I want to transmit to you.
Have a nice Friday!
$PIZZA slices delivered:
@nupulse(5/15) tipped @manclar
Hey! thank you so much for featuring me in part of your story. It was actually a sunrise I got to see very early in the morning. It's quite unbelievable to start the day in a meditative state in oneness with nature. It sets the tone for the rest of the day. I had a good two hours of productive work before I even got my first phone call.
For me it is really a pleasure, when I find connections with hivers as interesting as you my friend, dedicated to that beautiful world of music, sharing and supporting such brilliant talents, believe me that for me it is a delight, it is like eating a sweet that I like it a lot ha ha ha, and I enjoy it.
Start connected with Mother Earth, touch the trees, feel the wind, nature, water, animals, everything. That is beautiful and fills us with energy brother.
That's life, that's the greatness of Hive, and being able to meet such interesting people.