Loving someone who obviously hates you or does not care about you in anyway is one of the most hardest things to do and it is something you will rarely find anywhere. We are most times defined by what is being given to us. Good person turned bad and vice versa. We let ourselves, our thoughts, our decisions be manipulated by other’s actions (which is not easy to overlook most times). I will only love those who love me because that’s the right thing to do. If you hate me, I will hate you right back especially if I did nothing to you in the first place.

A lot of people today no longer believe in genuine love because to them, it’s only a facade. People only say these words but their actions say the complete opposite. The moment we see that someone hates us or speaks ill of us, we are most times naturally inclined to giving them the same energy. You know, fire for fire, yeah? Well, guess what? When you fight fire with fire, everyone gets burned. Just like it’s hard for you to just keep wishing someone well who wishes for your downfall, so it is for me.

I don’t know how to love as much as it can heal the world, but I wish to try. I believe 100% in the fact that love is the only thing that can change us now and keep the world from burning down. I’m not here to convince you if you believe otherwise (my actions and my words are not even in sync). I’m here to remind myself to not just say what I believe is true but act it and let people see the truth in action. Lately, I have gotten a lot of pointers reminding me not to just say things but to prove them by my actions.

The world is such a big place when you try to consider everyone and everything and it makes me think it is impossible to show genuine love and care for people. Well, no one asked me to show love to the whole world, what I need to do is just love the person beside me. That way, I can always make at least one person believe that love is real and for me, that is more than enough. I can’t heal the world all at once but I can make someone believe in themselves to be better and someone can in turn make me see the need to be a better version of me and that’s how we heal the world, little by little.

The one thing I’m striving hard to do to make this world a better place is to love people more intentionally and not just as it comes to me. If I want to love people as it comes to me, I might end up just loving only myself and maybe a few family and friends because people offend me every now and then and I offend them too. Loving them intentionally means that, no matter what they do to me, it won’t change the fact that they need my help for something and I’m in the place to help and I won’t withhold it from them. I will still be there to support them, pray for them and encourage them as much as I can.

If there is one thing I have come to learn, especially for someone like me, I don’t want to give people in a measure they give to me. I want to give to them in a measure that I believe is what I’m worth. That way, loving them intentionally becomes something bearable even when they have done all the horrible things to me. If it is what I deserve, it only means the next person deserves that and maybe even more. I have failed in showing genuine love for people because I most times let the actions of others define mine.

So, I’m going to give it another try and see how it goes. All the good things I want from others, I will try my best to give to others instead and not even expect them to give to me back. I mean, they might never be able to give it back because I will make sure of that, hehe. I want the reward to only come from God, if it so pleases him. I’m a work in progress and I might fail at some point to prove my point but that’s how I will learn to do better and that’s fine.

This is my response to the thoughfuldailyprompt. Thanks for reading through. ❤️

Images used are mine

1.01544817 BEE

Yes, all things been good love has always been the greatest of all gift to man kind. I pray we continue sharing genuine love regardless of some that will not reciprocate same gesture, we won't stop, thank you for sharing this wonderful piece. Happy Sunday

0E-8 BEE

Thanks for your contribution, Chizzy. You’ve said it all. Others shouldn’t make us do less of ourselves.

I’m glad you enjoyed reading through. ❤️

0E-8 BEE

0E-8 BEE

Thank you. 🥰

0E-8 BEE

This just made me remember what happened between me and my course mates some days ago. Once you show me you don't love me, I automatically switch off my own love button for you. I hope I learn to live people not just because they love me

0E-8 BEE

My dear, people will make you become less of yourself if you want to follow them with what the give to you.
It’s not going to be easy to love them regardless of what they do to you, but trust God that he knows best and since he says we should love them regardless, it means there is more blessing for us there. 🥰

Thanks for your input, Meya. ❤️

0E-8 BEE

Like!!! It takes a conscious effort for one to love others regardless of whether they hate you or not.
As long as it's a commandment from God, then it's definitely the right thing to do

0E-8 BEE

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0E-8 BEE

Yay!!! Thanks for the update, Buzzy. 🥰

0E-8 BEE

Awesome job @hopestylist! Your daily posts on Hive are helping to grow the community. Keep it up!

0E-8 BEE

@bipolar95 come out of Hope's body because which one is all this matching energy for energy? Fire for fire??? If it was Merit now I will understand but not you now Hope..
God abeg o 😂🤲🏿.

On a more serious note, treating people exactly how we want ro be treated is one sure way to creating an harmony. In the same vein, like you rightly said, treating people how thdy treat us could save us from avoidable traumas and transferred aggression.

0E-8 BEE