People That I First Met/Talked To! .:. HiveFest9 Reflection Post

Finally... The time has come... After 10 days of my return from the #HiveFest9, standard getting-sick-after-trip, I could take my time, sit down in front of the computer, and write my HiveFest post! I did a couple of posts while I was on the "road", but those were more titbits... As I promised to myself (and others) that I will do my HF reflection post, here we are... Buckle your seatbelts as this will be a long ride... 😃

EDIT: The idea was to create ONE post, but this one has already grown a lot! I'm afraid that nobody would read it if I did it even longer... So, don't forget to come to the continuation post, where I will write about those people who were part of my (offline) Hive journey from before

As much as it looks awkward, I'm an introverted guy but on the other side, I like these HIVE meetups a lot! It became an addiction... 😃 Yes, I always stress a lot about things like long flights, big gatherings, speaking in front of others, weird food 😃, etc. Probably because of all that, I got sick after (or during) these events/meetups... But, that's my drug, that's me getting out of my comfort zone and doing things that are very uncomfortable for me...

photo by @ninaeatshere

photo by @louis88

Back to HiveFest! This was my 2nd HiveFest, after attending the first in Amsterdam 2022, but, this time, it was even more special to me! This time, I was one of the speakers at the event! I know that @liotes isn't some big coding app that people can't live without, but it is something special that united me with some other people, and not just that, it created a community around it... The idea at the beginning was a slow growth that could make a difference one day, and it does do that... Thanks to @liotes, I met some friends for the first time at this year's HiveFest!

photo by @bil.prag

Speaking of presentations, I will not write about them a lot as you have probably followed them on the official HiveFest YouTube account, Day1 and Day2, but rather talk about everything that happened around it!

People that I first met/talked to!

One of the reasons for attending these things is to meet some people for the first time... People that you maybe have contact with on a daily basis on the chain, or around it, but you never saw them IRL... I have met a couple of those at this HiveFest and I'm grateful that I did... They are some awesome peeps... Btw. When I say met, it means that I had a talk with them, most time knew them from the chain, and in the end, enjoyed their presence!

photo by @bil.prag

One of those people is @achim03 who is my "business partner" as we together run the @liotes project... We met on HIVE 4 years ago, firstly discussing in the comment sections of the posts, after chatting over Discord too, and in the end, we decided to run the LIOTES project together... Today, we have everyday contact over the Internet, but believe it or not, this year's HiveFest was the first time that we met in the real/offline world!!! Before the event, we had an idea to talk about the project and create some future plans about Liotes on HiveFest, but there wasn't enough time to do it... Too many Hivians around to talk with, and too many bonds to be created...

Speaking of people that I first met, this photo was taken at the "Opening drinks", and all 3 people in this image were people who attended their FIRST HiveFest, and whom I met for the first time! How curious is it?! The guy in the white t-shirt is @abbak7 and this was his first HiveFest... We had a few talks during the event about Hive and non-Hive topics too!

The guy on the right side of the photo is @seckorama, who is one of the moderators in the Ecency Discord, but also, more than just that!

my photo

As you can see in this photo, he is one of the OGs on the HIVE! 8 years here!!! On this HiveFest, he was representing Ecency and sharing some cool news about it on the HF stage! As I had many contacts with him on (and off) chain, I was really happy to hear that he would attend the event! We had a lot of talks during the first 2 days, but unfortunately, he had to leave the event earlier... We will continue the talks next time, I'm sure!!!

photo by @ninaeatshere

As I mentioned the Opening drinks, here is another great photo by Nina from that night! Here you can spot the girl right behind Nina (on the left with glasses), who I didn't know from before and unfortunately, didn't have enough time to talk to on this HiveFest... She is @akipponn, a very interesting girl, an awesome blogger, and an amazing person... Check her blog page!

my photo

When @forkyishere (the guy on the left in the photo) said that he would attend HiveFest, I got another big reason to NOT miss it!!! He is another great Hivian who is always there to help, to show you how to do something if you don't know, and he helped me a few times in the past! We had so many great talks and laughs during the event and I can say that it wouldn't be the same without him! He was everywhere, talking with everyone, trying to get the most possible from the event, before going back to far New Zealand!

the last.jpg
my photo

Speaking of New Zealand, and speaking about people who are always there to help, I have to mention @eturnerx (3rd guy on from the left, at the table in the back, looking away from the camera 😃) who also did this long journey to meet other Hivians! It was great to meet him and great to hang out with him on multiple occasions during the event...

I have to stay a bit on this photo as it is one of my favorites... I took it in my last minutes with the Hivians in Split... Right after, I said farewell and hit the road to the airport... I would like to mention a few more names here... On the left (his back), you can see @jza and @misslasvegas... As they were one of the "toughest ones" 😃, who stayed longer in Split, we had some extra time to exchange a few words! We exchanged a few words, but we will take our time the next time to chat more... I met also @honeydue (behind Nina at the table in the back) for the first time, and we talked briefly on a few occasions...

my photo

One of the surprises at the HiveFest was @kesilgonzalez! I mean, surprises me... I didn't know him from before, I had no idea what he was doing on HIVE, but when I noticed his flying around with the camera, I had to check out his blog! And what a pleasant surprise! He is doing some great videos, very refreshing and unique on HIVE! Don't want to spill the beans, you have to check it out by yourself... 🙂

photo by @ninaeatshere with @evelynchacin's phone 😃

Huh, I almost forgot... The problem with NOT taking your own photos, you can easily forget someone that you hang out and one of them is @mightyrocklee! I had so many talks with him during the whole event, but somehow, I have just 1-2 photos with him! We have to repeat the meetup and take more photos, buddy!

my photo

More people, more people... 😃 Btw, I'm still in the first "category", highlighting only the people that I met for the first time... This post will be a loooong one... sorry, not sorry... 😃 The person that I want to mention from this photo is sitting at the back, in the brown hoodie... He is @primersion and he came to the HiveFest on his bicycle!!! I met him on Hive when I was setting up the Hive-Engine node, as he has created a website that I use for monitoring my node! It was great to meet him in Split and have some tech (and non-tech) talks with him!

As a matter of fact, I arrived later to this meeting and that's why I managed to sneak in and take the photo while everyone was distracted and tired from the boat excursion... 😃 At the same table, but hidden by Mazin, was @etblink... We talked for the first time on that occasion, but we had another talk at the beer bar.... It was nice to meet you, Evan!!!

my photo

This was a moment when the presentation on Day 2 finished, and almost everyone was on the way to the coffee shop to buy coffee and pay with HBD! It was funny to see over 30-40 people swarming the small coffee shop... 🤣 I will use this photo to mention another person that I met for the first time and had a very nice talk... His name is @yozen, he is one of the developers who works for Peakd, and he is the guy on the right side, having a hoodie on his shoulder...

my photo

The star on this photo is @ninaeatshere, but I would like to use this photo to mention a family that made this HiveFest even more a family event... You can see at the back, one of the @thebombkids with a billiard stick, his father @buttcoins, and the other troublemaker on the other side... 😃 The one missing from this photo is the mother, @myinnervoice... I had a great talk with the whole family at the pool bar... It was great to meet you guys!

I have probably missed someone and I'm sorry for doing so... Oh, I can't forget @ervin-lemark and @dashpay... We had a few great talks about crypto, the past, and the future of it... It was great to meet you guys!

I will finish this post here as this got too serious... I mean, too long... 😃 Don't freak out if I didn't mention you in this one, it is because you are one of those...

People that I met before!

Don't forget to come back to the continuation post...

Thank you for your time,


Liotes Divider Blue.png

👉 Vote for Liotes HIVE Witness HERE 👈

Don't forget to follow, reblog, and browse my Hivepage to stay connected with all the great stuff!

You can also find me on Ecency .:. Twitter .:. LBRY

3.24416344 BEE

Yeiiih! Great and long post, love it!

I think your project is great, because it is consistent and committed to the community that follows it, that's part of what matters the most in Hive. So keep up the good work guys!

This has been a good recap and has helped me to see who I didn't really get a chance to talk to. There just isn't enough time hahaha.

It's funny how I managed to sneak into many of your photos, nina on the left, nina on the right, nina in the center, in the background and even as a star hahahaha.

This family you mention at the end are the best, I had so much fun that day with @thebombkids playing and chatting. I loved these creatures hahahaha.

Great to read you, we'll be watching for the continuation! 😌

0.00065402 BEE

Thanks for your kind words!!!

It's funny how I managed to sneak into many of your photos, nina on the left, nina on the right, nina in the center, in the background and even as a star hahahaha.

You were hiding from other photographs, and that's why I caught you in my photos... :P

See you at the next meetup!!

0.00000000 BEE

Instead of 'ninaeatshere' it should be 'ninaiseverywhere' hahaha. I love it. Not a bad person to be in every photo. :) And Hivefest posts can never be too long. Once this Hivefest posting is all over (guessing in a few weeks) then it will all come back just before the next one hahaha.

0.00000000 BEE

It was great meeting you at HiveFest too! I'm on my final flight home now. Hope to see you at the next one.

0.00047322 BEE

Wish u all da best for the last steps back :)

0.00000000 BEE

Safe travels, mate!!! See you next year! 💪

0.00000000 BEE

It is hard to put the whole hivefest into one post :D

0.00043287 BEE

I had an idea to do it, I tried to do it, but in the end... It was out of control and the list of people to be mentioned was still huge... 😃

I will TRY to create just ONE post more... 😃

0.00000156 BEE

kinda like my post from day 1 :) i had 370 photos and had to cut it down to 30-40. it was a bit of impossible task. i think i uploaded photos of over an hour :)

0.00023955 BEE

Finally 😉. It's a good experience and you going out on your comfort zone and meeting these great people!

0.00042068 BEE

Hehehe... Thanks!
It was a great HiveFest and I enjoyed all the meetups and fun! Can't wait for the next one... 😃

0.00000000 BEE

It was really nice meeting you too !INDEED

Until next time :)

Ps: steadily climbing up @liotes ranking, at no. 133 already

@tipu curate

0.00042042 BEE
0.00000000 BEE

See you at the next HiveFest! Or some other Hive meetup... 😉

0.00000000 BEE

I'm glad my back made a featured appearance on your blog. 😂

0.00042034 BEE

Hahahaha... As you can see, I suck at taking photos... As I "stole" already too many photos from others, I didn't want to "cross the line"... 😂

In any case, it was great to meet you! Until the next one!! 🍻

0.00044762 BEE

I'm just very glad that your back covered most of me hahaha. Is that what they mean when they say 'I got your back?' 😆

0.00000000 BEE


0.00000000 BEE

I think it must be a good feeling as they are not virtual charecters for you anymore 😉

0.00041984 BEE

They weren't virtual characters before, but I do understand what you wanted to say... To be honest, I know that many people think that all these upvotes, comments, and engagement are coming from bots and not real people...

These Hive meetups are a great way to prove them wrong! 💪

0.00000000 BEE

I continue to note with pleasure that this was a great Hive Fest according to all those who have posted about their experiences. I also thank you for putting faces to the names we see so much on the platform.

Many good vibes for the project @liotes. Greetings and I hope you are in better health.

0.00041976 BEE

Thank you very much! It was a very pleasant event indeed! I enjoyed it a lot and can't wait for the next one! 😃

0.00000000 BEE

That's the spirit!!💪

0.00023655 BEE

I haven't yet had the mindset to do the same... (too much work), but targeting for this weekend!

Quite a write up (and good wrap-up too) you did here. Great to meet you and @achim03 in person finally. Does really make a huge difference to finally put faces on accounts (even if sometimes we kind of know who we are).

SideNote: LBRY??! You still on that? LOL I have been there almost since the beginning... but then I gave some years ago. Still have my account somewhere... 🤣

0.00041972 BEE

I haven't yet had the mindset to do the same... (too much work), but targeting for this weekend!

Wooohooo... Can't wait to read your reflection... :) I wanted to do it earlier, but I got sick and the rest is history...
Btw. happy to hear that you had a good time at HF! I know that you had some high expectations before the event and I'm glad that you reached them... It was great to meet you and I hope that we will have chance to meet again... ;)

SideNote: LBRY??! You still on that? LOL I have been there almost since the beginning... but then I gave some years ago. Still have my account somewhere... 🤣

I suppose it just stayed there in the footer... but, maybe it's time to remove it from there... I liked the idea and everything around it, but in the end, it wasn't as decentralized as it should be... and suppose that's why it faded out... :(

0.00000836 BEE

I love this post! It can never be too long haha. Great recap! And yes! Definitely next time, we'll really talk hehe. :)

0.00041899 BEE

Thank you! 🙏
I'm glad that you liked the post! I know you are a big fan of these meetups, so I'm sure we will meet again... 😃

0.00018300 BEE

I am a big fan! I think Hivefest is one of the best, if not the best, meetup the crypto space has. It's what I look forward to each year haha. And I've been to two Anarchapulcos in the last 3 years. And although I loved it there too, it's just not completely the same. The feeling of community is bigger with Hivefest. But I did manage to convince some of the Hiveans to come to Anarchapulco in February, so hopefully, it'll bring things to a whole new level there.

And yes, we'll meet again!

0.00023855 BEE

Excelente post mi amigo! Fue genial volver a coincidir contigo. Las fotos dicen lo bien que la pasamos. Espero volver a verte pronto y a tu esposa también. Un abrazo!

0.00041840 BEE

Muchas gracias! Nos vemos en Graz! 😃

0.00000041 BEE

Thanks a lot for the mention. People were really surprised to learn that we hadn't met in real life before this hive fest, even after working almost 4 years together :-). Great post man! There were so many people to meet. With some distance, I have the feeling that it was just enough the scrap the surface but that we really didn't have time to learn to know people better. It's probably also because I had to leave early...

0.00041789 BEE

It was a pity that you had to leave early... The days after the "presentation days" were much more calmer and relaxed... You would like it!
Next time you have to make more free days to have the full experience... :)

0.00011215 BEE

Yeah - great shots from lovely people.

Can we have such an event every 3 month please

0.00041388 BEE


It would be great to have these at least every 3 months... :)

0.00000000 BEE

It was nice to see you in Split!

0.00037222 BEE

Something tells me that we will meet again at the next HF! :)

0.00000000 BEE

It sounds like a pretty good meetup if you got to talk to so many people. Were there a lot of shops around the area that let you use HBD to pay?

0.00035932 BEE

Unfortunately, there was only that one coffee shop that was accepting HBD... Because of that, we swarmed the place... lol...

0.00000000 BEE

Nice one, hopefully we meet again on another HiveFest.

0.00035863 BEE

I'm sure we will! It was nice to meet you! 🍻

0.00000000 BEE

Great post! Enjoyed reading this!

0.00035768 BEE

@ph1102, @relf87(4/5) sent you LUV. | tools | discord | community | HiveWiki | <>< daily

Made with LUV by crrdlx

0.00000000 BEE

Happy to hear that! I hope I will prepare the other part soon...

0.00958083 BEE

What an amazing time, it must have been great to meet your business partner in person for the first time!

0.00035727 BEE

It was great! Not just meeting him, but also all the other Hivians! I would strongly suggest attending meetups like that, if you have them in your area... ;)

0.00000000 BEE

🎉 Upvoted 🎉
👏 Keep Up the good work on Hive ♦️ 👏
❤️ @mysteriousroad suggested sagarkothari88 to upvote your post ❤️

0.00024005 BEE

Thanks for your curation, @mysteriousroad! Appreciate the support!

0.00000000 BEE

@ph1102! @ervin-lemark Totally agrees with your content! so I just sent 1 IDD to your account on behalf of @ervin-lemark.

Indeed Logo

0.00000000 BEE

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0.00000000 BEE