PowerUp 💪 October - My HiveFest⁹ Experience 😍 Part 1/2

(this is the #31 giveaway enabled post - check the giveaway details below)

This 💓 post has a 💎 GIVEAWAY

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PowerUp Day 💪 Delegation Giveaway

🚨🧨💥 Engagement is Required ❗❗

😍 Three words for my HiveFest⁹ experience!

Where And When? 😎

It was a truly amazing, rewarding, recharging, unique and priceless experience. I can say, I regret nothing of the amount of NZ dollars I have put into this trip, and yes it was quite expensive for a family like mine, but because I was for a long time buffering for it, financially possible. So, in my view, this is a totally plannable thing for ANY Hive person who would love one day to attend one of these.

And again, the reward? You can't even imagine it long-term!

I will make a few points about it further below, but before doing that I will get to the juicy highlights and experiences I had and my feedback towards those.

To start this journey, I needed to pick a great picture for this post... and because I am not a great photographer, guess what... yep, it's someone else's picture! 😎 - but an awesome one in my view!

(by @bil.prag on this post)

And for me, it says it all, we all are Hive!

And if you wish to get into more experiences (not just mine), please check the HiveFest Community posts or my reblogged ones (I did a few of the ones I caught, but there are tons of them). In general, there are already soooo many experiences and details from everyone, that obviously I was not going to do a retrospective of what happened. Instead, you can get to that on other's posts and check it out for yourself. I am going to focus on my experience.

🧐 Right, starting from the beginning... 😏

This was me in the Park with the family 2 weeks before HiveFest, thinking I would get my hat in time (which by the way, spoiler alert, I didn't, but more on that later). This version I am wearing was the first one, and the best result in the front I got.

Around this time, I was getting super excited about going out and all my thoughts were around wrapping work as much as possible... hence my "not so happy expression" on that day. The sun was not helping too... but that's irrelevant.

I had prepared most, in terms of how I was going to #giveaway my other two hats, but I didn't have a clue of what to expect, hence why I changed things a bit (more below) later on.

Either way, I was motivated as HELL to get off work, have a 35-hour journey to Split, and enjoy the most of it! My expectations from the organizing party were quite high, but that was not even 50% of my objective (meeting people!).

The day finally arrived, and I had made my way to the airport in Wellington. The day was super nice (as you can see above), and that helped with the nerves a bit. Leaving family behind is always a stressful thing when you are travelling across the planet...

The sky was blue and the way to Wellington Airport is like a 10-15 min drive (when not even less)... the runway is very short (not A380s here, but Boing 747's used to land here in the past), but doesn't pose any challenges for takeoffs!

Finally arrived at the airport, and to my best surprise, I see @gtg (Gandalf The Grey) on a fricking giant Eagle! This Wizard is an important piece of the puzzle in this trip... (and he might not even have known by then, but you were mate 😉, thanks).

Did you notice my narrative mood swap? Yep! Intended... the journey has started, NOW!

Forky, not Frodo... was ready to fly! All the magical rays shining on meeself... and I even received a blessing from an unknown future wizard...

(Onboard on Hive) - an MP3 sound of my 4 year old son saying this... before I left Wellington...

Working on making something on this...

We went through the magical conical nuances of taste, in preparation for the desires of teleportation conjurations into Split Shire! And suddenly, before dusk, the empowering force of moving a big eagle bird out of New Zealand, finally took place.

Let's GO!

And we (yes @gtg was coming along with, in his spiritual magical eagle) did magically appear in Sidney! 5-ish hours of hard work teleportation done... Super efficient, but I was drained... These special conjurations take a lot of energy, and I always got very good advice from another "top of the hearth" (not Middle Earth) friend, @detlev said once to me, that when you are in need, BEER will follow.

And there I did, followed the advice, recharged my mana, and solved most of my pakapaka (Maori noum for dryness in this case, but not sure if best suited)! Ready..ing... myself towards the next jump... I told @gtg to go ahead because this bird was way bigger than his eagle! 😜

And you can see @gtg taking off on the top left, disguised as a "real-life" eagle! Ahead of myself... Go go go! Not sure how, but some minutes after he was already in Europe! 😁 Moving towards HiveFest Shire...

I had then to recharge my mana and using the chambers of rejuvenation, did put some magical ingredients into play. They did an amazing work of restoring my health at least 69% fold 😏. The Elixir bar master was also very good... 😉

Fast forward... I was ready for the final jump. It was a dark split matter! Ready to enter a new world of wizardry and find members of the hive community... I was fricking eager!

I did manage to transverse the last portal safely, and the first hiveiens I encountered were a powerful triplet of @vsc.network people! One of those hiveiens (@geo52rey), did actually come on the same teleportation tunnel as meeself... @vaultec can confirm!

(Funny note about this "transportation tunnel", aka plane, was that it would make a similar noise as a 50cc scooter would do when you rev it repeatedly, furiously teasing someone. I have the sound recorded on my phone. It was very funny among the people on the plane, before it took off, while taxing through the airport)

In sum, they conjured IRL stuff against meeeself, and I was so blasted, that I took their verification chamber into the depths of Split. They offered free passage... so as an explorer, took it as a token of our friendship (more potion details later on). 🙏

😎 I was finally in Split, the ultimate Shire!


After my arrival, I was in need of an HIVE power rejuvenation elixir. That happens to be the Super GRIM drink (I would read CRIM, from @crimsonclad, but that's just me... 😜).


Me transforming into a new Hiveien... 🤩

Me spreading my ATX into double vision (a BEER in NZ)...

The Split Shire weather was magnificent...

Here, on a remote paradisiac beach, where the rejuvenating water was 25 Celcius, I found more hiveiens, @louis88, @rivalzzz, @masterswatch, an obscure hive dark side friend, and two mermaids pending being introduced to the Hive blockchain. 😎

The countdown for the first Split Shire meeting was impending... and the weather was sooo nice!

Finally at the drinks place to start meeting everyone else, and no one was paying attention (in the above picture) to @forkyishere but he (ME) was having a fricking realization... 😍@lordbutterfly to whom I shook hands and then forgot I had the next day 🤣😎 (the night was full of magic 😜)...

Also, notice @gtg trying to empower @akipponn with her Hive amulet! While @roelandp was powering up before the actual HIVE labelling would drive him crazy... 😅 (lots of hard work doing this... 🙏 tks for it, I surprisingly know why...)

🍺 BEER Night! - The first HiveFest day

This night was the night I met most of the #hive people I already knew on-chain... introductions night. I had a really PUMP evening on this day. To the surprise of everyone... NO PHOTOS! It was GOOD! REALLLLY GOOD... 😜 I can't spare more details, I just lived that moment in Split... 😎

Rest assured, the morale was amazing... I met probably 20% to 50% of people on the first day (more than 50%, I already knew already on-chain). And that was the amazing 😍 thing (and one of the objectives) to me. I can't name them all, but it doesn't matter, because they all know I really enjoyed meeting them (at least now 😏).

HiveFest 2024 - Split - Photos of the Opening Drinks in Paradiso Bar

You can find images to this day across many other posts (check above link for example)... 😜 - so, I am not going to repeat what's already on blockchain. Go find more posts on the #HiveFest community.

(by @louis88)

In this day, I did made an effort to touch base with almost everyone (all of you were A LOT). Sorry if I didn't have a longer chat with you or we did met in this day or later ones. Some people might have even got random handshakes, but I most of the time knew who they were (or now I do), so hopefully they knew the same (if not, no worries). It was all a respectful thing anyhow...

And all I wished for was to say "Hey, this is Forky, nice to meet you and thank you for all you do towards this community" 😎 - even if the handshake was quick and unnoticed... 🙃

🙇The first Conference, second HiveFest day...

New DAY! I remembered waking up early... 6 AM thing... JetLag was helping... probably! But I slept like a baby... and I was ready 💪 for the DAY! - Famous last words... 🤣

This day, we were meant to be on a new, what was to be known as "GreenHouse" (Greta might have been proud!) and have a nice amount of people presenting super interesting stuff.

First... I left the "dormitory" place and joined the unknown obscured friend, that was lingering around a magical bus stop, like me... 😎

I thought we could use these boats... but somehow he or I didn't want to go rouge the first (second) day... 😏 yet!

And here is an image of the wild life of Split people... that don't yet know the #Hive potential...

We both enjoyed the (rushed?) walk to the first (second) day of the conference.

We have then arrived the doors of Meštrović "GreenHouse!", the doors of the first Hive event! You can watch the YouTube Live Stream here.

The place was epic... HOT! 🔥 - literally... just check other posts. I mean, I am suspicious because I struggle with too warm places... like, above 24C and I am suffering... 22-ish is the right spot!

Sounds weird for a Portuguese that had 32C at some midnight nights in the past... but yep. Wife disagrees...

And before you knew it, both @arcange and @roelandp were doing their thing... Starting the magical stuff.

By the end of the day (actually even before that), most of us were actually outside of the "GreenHouse" that Greta would have found "green" 😁 - you can see some resistance... check other's posts and you will see what I mean.

Some examples from @louis88!
HiveFest 2024 - Split - Speaker & Hivians Photos Conference Day 1 in Gallery Meštrović - Part 1
HiveFest 2024 - Split - Speaker & Hivians Photos Conference Day 1 in Gallery Meštrović - Part 2
HiveFest 2024 - Split - Speaker & Hivians Photos Conference Day 1 in Gallery Meštrović - Part 3

I was one of them... sometimes or whenever possible... 😅 - it was HOT 🔥🔥🔥

The first conference day eventually came to an end. The food was OK (in these hot conditions and remotely from a proper kitchen, you can't wish for much more). I have enjoyed particularly the cheese and dried ham things... being Portuguese... the canapés were also great (especially the salmon-based ones, for me).

Drinks-wise, I think it was a good idea to avoid alcohol =) Especially under this heat day! Otherwise everyone would get drunk! The heat would definitely invite it... Maybe a "pool" would have been great? Next time! 😜 Cheaper also...

By the end of the day, we got some local refreshments... The comeback to European beer for me, was really insightful! 😇 - revealing what I have been learning in New Zealand.

Then we got into the Gala dinner... where my journey to come back to people (restarted) and meet you all kept being a great distraction. But at the same time, I couldn't miss the opportunity to deep dive into local residents (NZ). And I had some great chats with @eturnerx on my left (not seen in the above picture), and had the pleasure of having some #crypto talk stuff (like my old days since 2013) with @jza too.

On the same table, we had the Rally mate @ssekulji, to which was really nice to talk to (and another person I don't recall if your co-driver? forgive me for messing up that)! We also had the amazingly supporting and curious @basilmarples (great time with you mate) and @steevc that Man Himself!

The food was really nice and quite fancy! This one was a first to me.

And this one was 😋 delicious!

Overall, it was a very high-end dinner, with proper entertainment and drinks. I have enjoyed...

Soon after this... WAIT A MINUTE... 15 minute read post? Na na na... sorry everyone, we will have to split 🤣 this into two posts. It will either be somewhere between now and the next HPUD or on the next HPUD. Hope you don't hate me for the long suspense! It will be worth it...

😇 But before you go... lets get that 🎩 Giveaway 💪 done!

You might recall I wanted to give away two ATX hats during #HiveFest in the previous HPUD post, and that was the real honest idea. But then while attending to @hivefest, I realized the benefit would be better distributed among the people that didn't go and still support what I do.

So, after this post curation (also), I will be awarding two (2) of these (above) hats, to two distinct participants of the ATX pools (either and yes if you are on both pools you will have more chances).

Note that if you have two or more accounts in the pools, I will only count 1 address as valid a participant. I don't want for people to game the system, so I will only reveal the method of lottery when I award people.

All you need, is to participate in the pools!

(and you will be eligible... depending on the amounts in, it will slightly give you some extra benefit, but don't worry about it if you just want to participate)

Or you can find each pool with a single link for any action... like 👉 this 🙏

And as usual, any questions... let me know! I will always try to help you...

😊 Forkyou™ in the next one 😉

My 🖐️ motivation!

Have fun, play games, learn, and when possible, teach new things to newcomers, showing them how interesting this place can be.

🤝 Follow me on X

@forkyishere 😈 (@forykw dark side) is a character I created, which emerged from Crimsonclad imagination 🙏 while dwelling over the dark dungeons of Discord chat levels.

Follow for #news about the #HIVE #Blockchain, and other stuff. I sometimes get crazy with what happens around social media. I am following all HIVE users! No promises of behaviour. 😁

In addition, if you are looking for a nice place to either reach out, share or just have a great time, come along to @atexoras.pub gatherings. We welcome everyone on the blockchain.

👉 Vote for Witnesses

(⚡Vote) - Hive-Engine here - voting uses staked WORKERBEE
(⚡Vote) - HIVE here - voting uses staked HIVE

(✍Delegate) - 3Speak Network - You win 0.015% SPK tokens if you delegate LARYNX to other nodes, as opposed to only 0.010% from your powered LARYNX!

@forykw is running 😎 @atexoras.witness on all the above 💪

📰 Public Hive Engine Infrastructure

Any feedback/problems, feel free to contact me! My stuff is being monitored via UpTimeRobot where you can find their current status or just come along to the ATX Discord server.

😎 Looking for some #HIVE merch? (ASK ME) - I did try to setup something but I don't have the time for it anymore (for now). 😘


5.03720581 BEE

Oh boy, that was a looooong post! But worth it. And I'm so glad the trip went so well. Am still a bit sad I couldn't attend. Would have been a blast!!

And now I might even win my very own ATX cap 😆 That would be brilliant 👏🏼 👌🏼

Looking forward to the next one, mate 💪🏼

!BBH !DUO !hiqvote

0.10754945 BEE

You just got DUO from @caspermoeller89.
They have 1/1 DUO calls left.

Learn all about DUO here.
0.00000000 BEE

Be glad that you have one more person addicted to it! 😜

0.00000000 BEE

Wait... addicted to what exactly? (Just woke up, brain still working slow)

0.00000000 BEE

I just realized that you are the of 2 persons from NZ that I know (when you mentioned Maori languahlge ❤️) I am sorry that I we didn't talk though, I tried to "share" myself between HF and my family so this is totally my fault. You made such a loooog way, KUDOS for your devotion! Hope to meet you again some day.


0.00835649 BEE

It's all good, I wish we could do that week 2x more...

For example, camping somewhere with the entire people... while doing small walks to waterfalls or beaches!

In all this, I also did plan to not disrupt other's conversations. So sometimes it was hard to preempt a conversation. I should have tried harder, knowing how these things work.

I saw you though, and I know who you were... I still loved everything you did... and will never forget. 😉

The crazy part about all this is that time is so damn important. But forever valuable too (at any stage).

And yep! Wait for me in whatever second place is available. Will battle as hard as I can, to do it... 😎

0.00001463 BEE

The crazy part about all this is that time is so damn important. But forever valuable too (at any stage).

Absolutely! I hope that I will be able to come next time (finger crossed 🤞) and I need better timemanagement 😊😁



0.00000000 BEE

Greetings friend, I come from the hand of a very curious girl called @angeluxx who is helping me and vehemently dragged me here, a pleasure to participate thanks to my niece who lent me to make my first power up, still learning about this great world that is hive, I am a little lost but there I go

Excellent your participation in the Hive events I hope you can continue participating, best regards

0.00834471 BEE

disculpe se me olvido colocar la palabra ATX, bye, feliz dia

0.00000000 BEE


0.00000000 BEE


0.00000027 BEE

Hey @yusmelys, here is a little bit of BEER from @forykw for you. Enjoy it!

Do you want to win SOME BEER together with your friends and draw the BEERKING.

0.00000000 BEE

I voted for your witness, success

ahora si chao bye

0.00000000 BEE

Muito Obrigado... Conhecer as witnesses é importante. Faz as perguntas que quizeres!

Eu sou Portugues! Percebo espanhol bem... mas escrever vou dar muitos erros... ou vai ser portinhol !LOL

0.00000028 BEE

She's making me blush with pride! 😘

Tell her that she's doing great! Keep up that motivation to teach each other... and as usual, I will be here waiting for any questions. Helping as much as I am able to.

0.00000027 BEE


0.00000000 BEE

I have probably said this before, but I will say it again... Before the HiveFest, when I was in doubt about whether to go or not, when I was trying to find excuses NOT to go, whenever I read your post, I would get inspiration and motivational boost!!
So, in some way, you are one of the responsible people that I went to HiveFest this year and I was thrilled to meet you! See you next time!

I have picked this post on behalf of the @OurPick project! Check out our Reading Suggestions Posts!

Comment Footer.jpg
Please consider voting for our Liotes HIVE Witness. Thank you!

0.00818136 BEE


Not sure if you seen these cartoons 😜

0.00024865 BEE

I recognized the cartoon, but I didn't get the context... hahahahha 😃

0.00000000 BEE

I am glad you have such a great time, it definitely looks fantastic. You meeting and talking to people seems to have made some big changes in the ATX pool. The lord of the rings statues at the kiwi airports are great, brings back some good memories.

0.00801929 BEE

Where does Michael Phelps like to drink?
At dive bars.

Credit: reddit
@forykw, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of new.things

Farm LOLZ tokens when you Delegate Hive or Hive Tokens.
Click to delegate: 10 - 20 - 50 - 100 HP

0.00000000 BEE

You would love it mate! I can tell you...

It was absolutely worth it! Hope to see you and @consciouscat in the future, on one of these.

0.00004706 BEE

Participating in both pools, in ATX/BEER I am in 3rd place. ATX To the moon.

That hat is really awesome. !PIZZA 🍕

Waiting for the time to HPUD... ♦️🚀

FireShot Capture 025 - BeeSwap - Pools - beeswap.dcity.io.png

FireShot Capture 021 - BeeSwap - Pools - beeswap.dcity.io.png

FireShot Capture 024 - BeeSwap - Pools - beeswap.dcity.io.png

0.00414826 BEE

Nice! Thanks for the support... the Hat's will go! :D And I am super excited for giving them away this way and not over the #HiveFest (not that I wouldn't like to give to any of the attendees) but because the impact would have not been the same.


0.00003809 BEE

Nice read 😀 Thanks
I'm in the atx/hive pool already
Let's see if I put some into the beer pool as well.

0.00198340 BEE

A termite walks into a bar and asks
“Is the bar tender here?”

Credit: reddit
@forykw, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of dailyspam



0.00000000 BEE

You made my spam in many days, enjoyable. I think you would really enjoy coming to #hivefest too!

Consider it... looks like you never visited... so, consider it!
(unless you are using another major account)

0.00000000 BEE

It's amazing to read all these posts about HiveFest! It really looked like a blast for everyone :)

And this year, despite not being a participant myself, thanks to the many posts published I have been able to follow everything way more closer and it felt, even from the outside, like an awesome experience!



0.00167300 BEE

What's the difference between a well-dressed man and a tired dog?
The man wears an entire suit, the dog just pants.

Credit: reddit
@forykw, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of arc7icwolf

Farm LOLZ tokens when you Delegate Hive or Hive Tokens.
Click to delegate: 10 - 20 - 50 - 100 HP

0.00000000 BEE


And I can also acknowledge that experience because I recall other years, and looking at the posts this year, I also agree the "exposure" was way better!

0.00000000 BEE

Yeah, this year the coverage has been way better and it helped a lot us viewers "feel" what was going on!

And also reading so many enthusiastic posts has been very cool, giving many different point of views.


0.00418974 BEE

Hi @fo, it looks like you had a great time, beautiful photos, a great experience. One day I'll go to a hivefest.
How can I participate in the pool? I don't know how to do it. Could you teach me?

0.00166627 BEE
0.00000000 BEE

You can edit comments =) - friendly reminder

0.00000000 BEE

I always learn something from you, thanks, I didn't know.

Can I invite some Hive colleagues to participate in your raffle? Would you give me permission?

0.00000000 BEE

Yes, very easy... if you already have ATX tokens... which I know you have. All you need is to have SWAP.HIVE too. Then you can add liquidity here:


Example for the ATX:SWAP.HIVE pair, but any pair works the same way.

You can also remove liquidity at any time (and its instantaneous). But remember that on pools where there is bonus (like the one above), every time you remove liquidity, you loose the respective bonus associated with the amount you remove from the pool.

I have a triplet of posts explaining all these things... this is the first one:

0.00000036 BEE

Great, thanks, I'll look into what this is about.

0.00000000 BEE

The event looked amazing mate, glad you had a good time and got to meet a lot of hive people. Keep staking the ATX

0.00162204 BEE

I met as much as I could... had (or tried) to have fun as much as I could. And I think I can consider that "achieved". So I am happy... actually very very happy!

These types of vacations? sign me in! Do we have a subscription-based model? Yes, too!!!

FYI @hivefest

0.00000000 BEE

We have Adelaide fest every month, all are welcome.

0.00871657 BEE

I'm impressed that you made it all the way to Split. The dedication of Hivers is amazing. I can expect you feel it was worth it as these events are so inspiring. Such a great bunch of people.

Hope to see you again somewhere in the world for a !BEER.

0.00084776 BEE


0.00001601 BEE

Atexoras and ATX to the moon, Power Up ready! !PIZZA 🍕♦️🚀

FireShot Capture 030 - gr33nmaster - @gr33nm4ster - PeakD - peakd.com.png

All the ATX's NFTs on board

FireShot Capture 027 - @gr33nm4ster's NFT Collection - HiveLIST - www.hivelist.org.png

FireShot Capture 029 - @gr33nm4ster's NFT Collection - MemeHive - www.hiveme.me.png
Good luck @manclar @konchix @andrewmusic !

0.00083795 BEE

!BEER that!

0.00000000 BEE

Hey @gr33nm4ster, here is a little bit of BEER from @forykw for you. Enjoy it!

Do you want to win SOME BEER together with your friends and draw the BEERKING.

0.00000000 BEE

I love how detailed your blog is!

0.00083792 BEE

Hey, welcome to Hive! Curious, how did you find this Community?


0.00000000 BEE


another one for my collection...number 9

0.00083791 BEE


0.00000073 BEE

You reminded me I need to start working on creating one for 2024!

0.00000073 BEE


another one for my collection...number 9


0.00000000 BEE

You sure looked like you enjoyed yourself while representing ATX at Hivefest! The best of both worlds!

0.00083774 BEE

I think people barely understood it is a real token, but no worries for that. I had much better enjoyment from just living the moment.

0.00000000 BEE

It is clear that you enjoyed every moment at Hivefest, these events are worth it, they make me feel that we are on the right track and that what is to come will be even better, success, and of course I will participate in your contest once again.

0.00083625 BEE

It was very enjoyable indeed. Really recommend it, especially if people are going to take vacations in those spots.

0.00000000 BEE

First person i met in Split HiveFest 😃

Excellent post man. Waiting for part 2.

Would be great if those teleportation tunnels were a bit faster 😁

0.00083515 BEE

If you find them, please point them in my direction. Thanks!

0.00000238 BEE

Thanks for sharing your hivefest experience!

!discovery 40

0.00083491 BEE

@libertycrypto27, the HiQ Smart Bot has recognized your request (3/2) but the daily limit has been reached. Try again later.

In addition, @forykw gets !PIZZA from @hiq.redaktion.

For further questions, check out https://hiq-hive.com or join our Discord. And don't forget to vote HiQs fucking Witness! 😻

0.00000000 BEE

Part 2 will be fun to explain too...🤣

0.00000000 BEE

What incredible photos you share with us Forky, I would have really liked to go to HiveFest9, I lived the experience of HiveFest8 and without a doubt it is something I want to repeat. !PIZZA 🍕

This photorama is part of the video they made on the Hivefest Youtube channel.

0.00082169 BEE

Yeah, I was watching you remotely back then :D

0.00000000 BEE

Those photos are cool, and the food is strange. cool.

I'm going to participate in your giveaway again, but I still don't understand if I have to do the power up at any time or on October 1st, I don't understand the translator. Language stuff

0.00082043 BEE

on October 1st (which is on the #HPUD, Hive Power Up Day).

You would be able to check if you did by checking yourself at https://hivebuzz.me/@suisver (Power Up, tab).

(although, I have plans to change that in the future, and become, at any time, kind of thing... but not yet)

0.00000005 BEE

That proposal would be great, I'll be waiting. I've already made my power up. I'm reading the information to buy a forykw nft by watching the @angeluxx video, haha, I understand it easier

0.00066939 BEE

It's good to know you had an amazing time at the hivefest, even though it's expensive, everything seems great and it's always a pleasant experience to finally meet some of the people you've been seeing on the Blockchain.


0.00081771 BEE

Hoping to see you there one day! !PIMP

0.00000000 BEE

Great post my friend, you had such great time, 25° is not that cold for beach time... I need to catch up with the ATX token.

0.00080783 BEE

25C was the water! not the air...

Any questions, let me know... mostly trying to onboard people into #HIVE.

0.00002258 BEE

Also good for good swimming 😁.
Onboarding and retaining users is great task.

0.00000000 BEE

Greetings, formally participating in the ATX contest

0.00067039 BEE

You can make this comment at any time (before post-curation)! =) Only the power-up needs to be on the HPUD... =)


0.00000000 BEE

l like what the Elixir bar did in restoring your health, i enjoyed all the beautiful photos, especially that of the beer, continue to have a good time 🥰🙏

0.00000852 BEE

It did start the rounds of fun in that day... 😆

0.00000000 BEE

You are right, I know what lt can do, lt's great to have a day full of fun activities, continue to have a good time 🥰🙏

0.00837911 BEE


Posted using MemeHive

0.00000052 BEE

I went to the doctor the other day and he said you’ve got hypochondria.
I said oh god not that as well!

Credit: reddit
@forykw, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of holovision

Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.

0.00000000 BEE


0.00000000 BEE

@caspermoeller89, the HiQ Smart Bot has recognized your request (1/3) and will start the voting trail.

In addition, @forykw gets !PIMP from @hiq.redaktion.

For further questions, check out https://hiq-hive.com or join our Discord. And don't forget to vote HiQs fucking Witness! 😻

0.00000000 BEE

@forykw! @caspermoeller89 likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH to your account on behalf of @caspermoeller89. (1/20)

0.00000000 BEE


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@vickoly(1/5) tipped @forykw
forykw tipped zirochka
new.things tipped forykw
arc7icwolf tipped forykw (x2)
hiq.smartbot tipped libertycrypto27
gr33nm4ster tipped forykw (x3)

0.00000000 BEE

Hey @forykw, here is a little bit of BEER from @zirochka for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

0.00000000 BEE

Hey @forykw, here is a little bit of BEER from @steevc for you. Enjoy it!

Do you want to win SOME BEER together with your friends and draw the BEERKING.

0.00000000 BEE

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0.00000000 BEE

Congratulations @forykw! Your post has been a top performer on the Hive blockchain and you have been rewarded with this rare badge

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0.00000000 BEE


0.00000000 BEE


0.00000000 BEE

Hey @cositav, here is a little bit of BEER from @forykw for you. Enjoy it!

Did you know that

0.00000000 BEE

Congratulations @forykw! You received a personal badge!

https://images.hive.blog/70x70/https://hivebuzz.me/badges/pud.png?202410010140You powered-up at least 10 HIVE on Hive Power Up Day!
Wait until the end of Power Up Day to find out the size of your Power-Bee.
May the Hive Power be with you!

You can view your badges on your board and compare yourself to others in the Ranking

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0.00000000 BEE

@forykw! @vickoly likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH to your account on behalf of @vickoly. (1/5)

0.00000000 BEE

Congratulations @forykw! You received a personal badge!

https://images.hive.blog/70x70/https://hivebuzz.me/badges/pud.s5.png?202410020002You powered-up at least 1000 HP on Hive Power Up Day and got the biggest Power-Bee!
See you at the next Power Up day to see if you will repeat this feat.
May the Hive Power be with you!

You can view your badges on your board and compare yourself to others in the Ranking

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0.00000000 BEE

@forykw, you're rewarding 23 replies from this discussion thread.

0.00000000 BEE

Geeezzzzzz... did I overdone? Experimenting... will have to re'check/review.

0.00000000 BEE

Should this be considered the time for "now we are trying to figure out how much to upvote?"

0.00000000 BEE


0.00000000 BEE


0.00000000 BEE

Hey @angeluxx, here is a little bit of BEER from @forykw for you. Enjoy it!

We love your support by voting @detlev.witness on HIVE .

0.00000000 BEE