My Actifit Report Card: December 4 2024
Tahání kabelů a odpoledne s Terezkou. Foto: Vánoční strom v areálu MŠ. _This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original…
Tahání kabelů a odpoledne s Terezkou. Foto: Vánoční strom v areálu MŠ. _This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original…
Today grandma came to give piano lessons and my brother came with her. Often times he's very bored, looking for things to do while mom finishes giving her lesson. But not bored…
Remember I told you about my friend who's always leaving his keys or something else at work? Well, he did it again. It's a new month but I guess he didn't do a new month's…
Hey Actifitters, Yesterday we were all back to our lazy ways, especially Le Chat. But after a busy day at work, we of course couldn't skip our long…
Dobrý večer, Good evening, dnešní vtip „Jak se ti vede za volantem?“ ptá se známý novopečeného majitele auta. „Jako když hraju šachy.“ „Jak to myslíš?“ „Jednou srazím pěšce…
Dobrý večer s Actifitem. Břevnovský klášter. Stokrát jsem šel okolo, až tentokrát jsem si všiml. _This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS).…
放假回家了,在家里刷«小红书»时看到一篇短视频,标题是「哆啦A梦出现在 Lalaport」,原来吉隆坡的 Lalaport 那里竟然办了个〖哆啦A梦展览〗。 哆啦A梦乃是我的童年回忆,小时候的我很喜欢很喜欢看任何关于哆啦A梦的漫画、动漫、还有电影,喜欢哆啦A梦八宝袋里面各种神器的工具。…
Today was December 3rd and it was Tuesday. The day started with the name of Allah. In the morning, when the call for Fajr was being given, I woke up at that time. I first…
It's another day of my daily activity today but there were only a few activities and things that I did today but I never expected that my wife and my adorable daughter will go…
Nejvíce bodů včera přinesla zámečnická práce. Na obrázku je nabídka stolních her od n. p. Chemoplast z poloviny osmdesátých let minulého století. _This report was published…
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