anthropology and art
Triage is one of the best skills for non tank positions because it heals them, this small heal could make the difference in a battle.…
Welcome to the Neoxian City weekly Welcome folks to your weekly installment of what's going down in the City of Neoxian. If you haven't already, come in…
Healing is one of the most important because it heals every round, this ability lengthens the life of your tank making it more difficult to reach our backline.…
Here we tell you about one of the strongest cards for position 1, due to its power to return damage to meele.…
PeakMonster is a page that does much more than just buying, renting cards, and other activities, however…
Here we tell you about one of the strongest cards in the entire Splinterlands universe, "Poison" with this ability you poison the enemy and make the battle very easy, learn all…
Here's everything about this great ability that causes a double hit to our cards..…
Exploration and Surveying: Players with PARCEL, TRACT, or REGION tokens will exchange them for…